- Dry cough,daytime
- Dry cough,daytime,lying down amelioration
- Dry cough,daytime,before menses
- Dry cough,day and night
- Dry cough in the daytime,loose at night
- Dry cough,morning
- Dry cough in the early morning
- Dry cough morning,loose in afternoon
- Dry cough morning,loose in evening
- Dry cough,morning before menses
- Dry cough,morning,suppressed menses
- Dry cough,morning after rising
- Dry cough,morning on waking
- Dry cough,forenoon
- Dry cough, 11 a.m.
- Dry cough,noon
- Dry cough,afternoon
- Dry cough,afternoon on entering warm room
- Dry cough,afternoon while walking
- Dry cough, 1 p.m.
- Dry cough, 3 p.m.
- Dry cough, 4 p.m.
- Dry cough, 5 p.m.
- Dry cough,evening
- Dry cough,evening on entering warm room
- Dry cough,evening,inspiration aggravation
- Dry cough in evening,loose in morning
- Dry cough,evening on lying down
- Dry cough,evening,lying amelioration
- Dry cough,evening until midnight
- Dry cough,evening and night,can neither sleep nor lie down
- Dry cough,evening on going to sleep
- Dry cough,evening from smoking
- Dry cough, 6 p.m.
- Dry cough, 7 p.m.
- Dry cough,night
- Dry cough,night on falling asleep
- Cough,night,first dry,followed by profuse salty expectoration with..
- Dry cough,night,inspiration aggravation
- Dry cough in night,loose by day
- Dry cough,night,lying aggravation
- Dry cough,night while lying on right side only
- Dry cough,night,motion aggravation
- Dry cough,night,sitting up amelioration
- Dry cough,night,smoking amelioration
- Dry cough,sunset to sunrise
- Dry cough,night on waking from sleep
- Dry cough, midnight
- Dry cough, midnight until daybreak
- Dry cough,midnight,lying on back
- Dry cough,midnight,lying on side amelioration
- Dry cough before midnight
- Dry cough before midnight during sleep
- Dry cough, 10:30 p.m.
- Dry cough after midnight
- Dry cough,loose after midnight
- Dry cough, 1 to 2 a.m.
- Dry cough, 2 a.m.
- Dry cough, 3 a.m.
- Dry cough until 4 a.m.
- Dry cough from cold air
- Dry cough,dry cold air
- Dry cough,open air
- Dry cough,open air amelioration
- Dry cough,going from warm room to open air
- Dry cough with dischrage of blood
- Dry cough ends in raising black blood
- Dry cough with sudden loss of breath
- Dry cough,loss of breath before chill
- Dry cough,loss of breath during chill
- Dry cough,loss of breath after chill
- Chronic dry cough in pining boys
- Chronic dry cough in scrofulous children
- Almost constant dry cough
- Dry cough from throat constriction
- Dry cough during coryza
- Dry cough during coryza,evening
- Dry cough,damp weather
- Dry cough after dinner
- Dry cough,dinner amelioration
- Dry cough after drinking
- Dry cough after drinking,loose after eating
- Dry cough,drinking amelioration
- Dry cough from cold drinks
- Dry cough as from dyspnoea,day and night
- Dry cough from eating
- Dry cough from eating,night
- Dry cough,eating amelioration
- Dry cough in emaciated boys
- Dry cough from violent exertion
- Dry cough,expectoration only in morning
- Dry cough,hawking later copious green sputum
- Dry cough after every expiration,with flush of heat and sweat
- Dry cough during fever
- Dry cough before intermittent fever
- Dry cough,flatus,discharge up and down amel.,must sit up also
- Dry cough after gonorrhoea suppressed
- Dry cough on inspiration
- Dry cough on deep inspiration
- Dry cough on inspiration in sleep
- Dry cough,irritation in larynx
- Dry cough while lying
- Dry cough,lying amelioration
- Dry cough while lying on back
- Dry cough,lying on back,midnight
- Dry cough,lying on back amelioration
- Dry cough,lying on side amelioration
- Dry cough,lying on right side aggravation
- Dry cough,lying on left side aggravation
- Dry cough after measles
- Dry cough before menses
- Dry cough before menses,morning
- Dry cough during menses
- Dry cough during menses with profuse sweat
- Dry cough from suppressed menses
- Dry cough on motion
- Dry cough,motion amelioration
- Dry cough on reading aloud
- Dry cough on rising
- Dry cough,heat of room aggravation
- Dry cough from scraping in larynx
- Dry cough while sitting
- Dry cough,sitting amelioration
- Dry cough during sleep
- Dry cough after every sleep
- Dry cough disturbing sleep
- Dry cough from inhaling smoke
- Dry cough from smoking
- Dry cough and sneezing
- Spasmodic dry cough exhausting especially in children,agg.night.....
- Dry cough as if from stomach
- Dry cough on talking
- Dry cough from change of temperature
- Dry cough from tickling in larynx
- Dry cough on waking
- Dry cough while walking
- Dry cough from sharp cold air while walking
- Dry cough on entering a warm room