Cactus grandiflorus.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Anger from contradiction31
Answer, aversion to answer31
Anxiety of conscience,as if guilty of a crime31
Anxiety on waking32
Aversion to company22
Consolation aggravation21
Is intolerant of contradiction31
Cheerful delirium31
Delirium during sleep32
Delirium,after sleep amelioration32
Delirium on falling asleep31
Delirium on waking31
Delusion that has incurable disease31
Delusion of being double31
Delusion,is being injured31
Dullness,sluggishness,difficulty of thinking and comprehending21
Lascivious fancies32
Fear of death32
Fear of evil31
Fear something will happen31
Fear of disease of heart31
Fear of misfortune31
Fear of suffocation in the night31
Fear on waking32
Forgetful of words while speaking31
Frightened easily on waking32
Irresolution in his projects31
Irritability,consolation aggravation32
Weakness of memory for words31
Restlessness, night31
Restlessness while sitting31
Sadness,mental depression22
Sadness during menses31
Sensitive to music31
Sensitive to noise31
Shrieking with the pain33
Always behind hand32
Slowness in work31
Incoherent speech31
Incoherent speech on waking31
Starting from fright32
Starting from sleep32
Impulse to do strange things21
Indisposed to talk,desire to be silent,taciturn31
Talk of others aggravation32
Talking in sleep32
Unconsciousness during fever32
Wepping,tearful mood22
Weeping,consolation aggravation31
Weeping before menses32
Weeping during menses31
Difficulty in expressing ideas when writing31
Vertigo during anxiety22
Vertigo,deep breath aggravation22
Vertigo on exercising22
Vertigo on exertion21
Vertigo on deep inspiration22
Vertigo during menses31
Vertigo on raising head21
Vertigo on rising from bed32
Vertigo on stooping22
Vertigo on turning in bed32
Head congestion,hyperaemia23
Head congestion from coffee32
Head congestion during menses31
Head congestion from mental exertion33
Head congestion where perspiration fails in ague33
Head congestion from sun exposure32
Vertex constriction31
Empty or hollow head sensation21
Enlarged head sensation21
Head fullness23
Head fullness from mental exertion33
Head heat23
Head heat with coldness of body32
Head heat with cold extremities32
Head heat with cold feet32
Head heat from mental exertion33
Head heat with redness of face31
Head heaviness22
Head heaviness from strong light31
Head heaviness while lying on back31
Head heaviness,lying on side amelioration31
Head heaviness,pressure amelioration33
Head heaviness from talking31
Occiput heaviness31
Occiput heaviness,lying on back aggravation31
Occiput heaviness,lying on side amelioration31
Head sides heaviness32
Temples heaviness31
Headache in general22
Headache comes and goes with the sun31
Headache,morning,increasing during day31
Headache at 11 p.m.33
Headache,bending head backward amelioration32
Headache during the chill33
Headache on coughing31
Headache,pains compel one to cry out31
Headache from delayed dinner31
Headache after excitement of the emotions32
Headache,exertion of body,etc....32
Headache if hunger is not appeased at once31
Headache during the heat31
Headache during a deep inspiration32
Headache from light31
Headache,while lying amelioration32
Headache,while lying on side amelioration31
Headache,maddening pains31
Headache during menses31
Headache from motion31
Headache from music31
Nervous headache32
Headache from noise32
Periodic headache32
Headache every other day31
Headache,external pressure amelioration31
Headache from raising head31
Rheumatic headache31
Headache from straining eyes32
Headache while talking31
Headache,violent pains33
Headache while lying on back31
Forehead pain21
Forehead left side pain31
Forehead pain during menses31
Forehead pain from noise31
Forehead pain in a room31
Occiput pain21
Occiput pain,bending pain backward amelioration31
Occiput pain,exercise amelioration31
Occiput pain,lying on back of head31
Occiput pain,lying on side of head amelioration31
Occiput pain,mental labor amelioration31
Occiput pain,motion of head31
One side headache22
Right side headache32
Right side periodic headache32
Sides headache,daytime31
Sides headache,morning on rising31
Sides headache,forenoon31
Sides headache,night31
Sides headache,bright light31
Sides headache from noise31
Sides pulsating headache32
Sides headache on raising head31
Sides headache,sound of talking31
Right temple pain31
Temples pain,morning31
Temples pain,night31
Temples pain,getting dinner too late32
Temples pain after exertion31
Temples pain on motion31
Temples pain,noise aggravation31
Temples pain from attending opera31
Temples paroxysmal pain31
Temples pain,pressure amelioration32
Temples pain from wine32
Headache,vertex pain23
Vertex pain from noise32
Vertex pain,pressure amelioration32
Bursting headache21
Bursting headache,night31
Bursting headache while coughing31
Temples bursting pain31
Pain as if top of head would come off21
Drawing headache on moving head31
Occiput drawing pain21
Occiput drawing pain,bending head backward amelioration31
Occiput drawing pain,motion of head32
Temples drawing pain21
Temples drawing pain every two days31
Pressing headache,evening31
Pressing headache from mental exertion32
Pressing headache,pressure amelioration32
Pressing headache as if in a vice32
Forehead pressing pain21
Forehead pressing pain,in house aggravation31
Forehead pressing pain,light aggravation31
Forehead pressing pain,noise aggravation31
Occiput pressing pain21
Occiput pressing pain,mental or physical exercise amelioration31
Head side pressing pain22
Vertex pressing pain23
Vertex pressing pain,noise aggravation32
Vertex pressing pain,pressure amelioration33
Vertex pressing pain from hearing talking32
Forehead tearing pain21
Forehead perspiration22
Forehead cold perspiration32
Head pulsating,beating,throbbing22
Head pulsating in the night32
Head pulsating during menses31
Forehead pulsating during menses31
Temples pulsating21
Temples pulsating,night32
Eye ecchymosis23
Eye arthritic inflammation (gouty and rheumatic)31
Canthi burning pain31
Eye protrusion22
Blurred vision21
Dark spots31
Red color before the eyes22
Red circles31
Dim vision22
Dim vision,distant objects32
Recurrent dim vision31
Loss of vision (blindness)21
Weak vision21
Ear discharges after measles32
Ear discharges sequelae32
Ear inflammation22
Inside ear inflammation32
Noises in ear23
Buzzing in ear22
Ringing in ear23
Roaring in ear21
Singing in ear21
Ear pain21
Ear pulsation22
Right ear pulsation31
Acute hearing21
Hearing acute to music32
Hearing acute to voices and talking31
Impaired hearing22
Coryza with discharge (fluent)31
Coryza without discharge (dry)32
Nose excoriating discharge31
Nose inside dryness22
Nose inside dryness,night31
Epistaxis with amenorrhoea32
Epistaxis,suppressed menses32
Nose obstruction21
Nostrils rawness31
Bloated face22
Face coldness22
Face congestion22
Bluish face22
Bluish face during chill32
Bluish face during headache31
Bluish face,heart trouble32
Bluish lips32
Cyanotic face22
Pale face22
Red face21
Red face during headache32
Red face during vertigo32
Anxious expression22
Distressed expression33
Suffering expression33
Face heat flashes32
Face pain (aching,prosopalgia,etc)21
Face right side pain32
Face pain,excitement31
Face pain,exertion aggravation32
Face pain from fasting32
Face inflammatory pain31
Face pain,light aggravation32
Face pain,lying amelioration32
Face pain,motion aggravation32
Face pain from music32
Face periodical pain32
Face pain,pulsating32
Face pain,wine aggravation32
Face cold perspiration33
Face swelling22
Face oedematous swelling32
Purple tongue32
White tongue31
Tongue dryness31
Breath offensive odor31
Breath offensive odor,morning31
Tongue prickling31
Tongue tip prickling31
Scarping palate21
Difficult speech31
Acrid taste21
Soapy taste31
Wanting taste,loss of taste31
Wanting tastelessness of food32
Teeth sordes22
Teeth brown sordes32
Choking,throat constricting23
Choking,clothing aggravation32
Choking compelling to swallow31
Oesophagus shoking33
Sensation of lump rising in throat31
Throat mucus21
Oesophagus stricture22
Constant disposition to swallow21
Difficult swallowing32
Must drink in order to swallow32
Impeded swallowing31
Must drink at every mouthful to wash down the food32
Impossible swallowing,constriction of oesophagus31
Neck clothing aggravation22
Carotids pulsation22
Larynx itching21
Tickling in larynx31
Low voice32
Arrested respiration22
Asthmatic respiration22
Spasmodic asthma32
Deep respiration22
Desire to breathe deeply33
Difficult respiration23
Difficult respiration, 1 p.m.31
Difficult respiration, 6 to 9 p.m.31
Difficult respiration during night31
Difficult respiration, 11 p.m.31
Difficult respiration,open air amelioration32
Difficult respiration on ascending32
Difficult respiration during pain in heart32
Difficult respiration with heat32
Difficult respiration while lying31
Difficult respiration while lying with the head low33
Difficult respiration,lying on the back amelioration33
Difficult resp.lying on back,with shoulders elevated amelioration33
Difficult respiration,lying impossible32
Difficult respiration during menses31
Difficult respiration from mucus in the trachea32
Difficult respiration during palpitation32
Difficult respiration,periodic attacks33
Difficult respiration,rheumatism of heart32
Difficult respiration,walking32
Impeded,obstructed respiration22
Impeded respiration,constriction of chest33
Impeded respiration,stitches in heart32
Respiration jerking22
Night and day rattling33
Rattling,lying aggravation33
Cough, night21
Dry cough21
Dry cough from tickling in larynx31
Cough,itching in larynx31
Cough,lying in bed aggravation31
Cough during menses31
Paroxysmal cough,forenoon31
Persistent cough21
Rattling cough22
Spasmodic cough22
Stertorous cough21
Stertorous cough,night31
Cough from tickling in larynx31
Bloody expectoration,spitting of blood22
Spitting of dark blood32
Spitting of streaked blood32
Copious expectoration23
Gelatinous expectoration22
Mucous expectoration22
Bloody mucous expectoration31
Expectoration like starch21
Thick expectoration22
Viscid expectoration22
Yellow expectoration22
Heart affections33
Mammae sensitive to cold air31
Aneurism of the heart23
Angina pectoris23
Anxiety in chest22
Region of heart anxiety32
Chest catarrh23
Sensation as if heart had ceased32
Chest coldness at seat of pain32
Congestion (heperaemia of chest)23
Chest constriction,tension,tightness23
Chest constriction as from a band33
Chest constriction preventing talking32
Chest lower part constriction33
Sternum constriction on motion33
Heart constriction33
Heart constriction,grasping sensation33
Dilatation of heart23
Fatty degeneration of heart23
Chest fluttering22
Chest fullness22
Chest haemorrhage23
Hepatization of lungs22
Hypertrophy of heart23
Bronchial tubes inflammation (bronchitis)22
Diaphragm inflammation31
Heart inflammation32
Heart inflammation,lying on side impossible32
Endocardium inflammation32
Endocardium rheumatic inflammation32
Pericardium inflammation32
Lungs inflammation32
Lung inflammation,must lie on the back32
Mammae inflammation32
Pleura inflammation32
Chest itching21
Chest itching,evening31
Chest itching as from fleas31
Chest murmurs23
Chest oppression23
Oppression on ascending31
Oppression during fever31
Oppression while lying31
Oppression,lying on left side32
Oppression while walking31
Heart oppression33
Heart oppression,evening31
Chest pain23
Chest pain,ascending31
Chest pain,lying on back amelioration32
Chest rheumatic pain32
Chest pain while sitting31
Chest pain while walking31
Chest wandering pain32
Axilla pain21
Mammae pain21
Chest right side pain31
Chest left side pain31
Chest side pain while walking31
Lower chest left side pain32
Behind sternum pain32
Heart pain23
Heart pain,lying on the back amelioration32
Heart pain during menses32
Heart rheumatic pain32
Heart pain,walking32
Heart pain extending to left hand32
Chest aching pain21
Chest aching pain,ascending aggravation31
Chest aching pain,walking32
Heart aching pain32
Chest crampy pain22
Chest cutting (sudden sharp pain)22
Heart cutting pain32
Heart cutting pain on motion32
Axilla drawing pain31
Chest left side drawing pain31
Chest sides drawing pain extending to shoulder joint31
Chest griping pain22
Behid sternum griping pain32
Griping pain in heart31
Chest pressing pain,sitting31
Chest right side pressing pain31
Chest sides pressing pain,walking31
Heart pressing pain33
Heart sore bruised pain32
Chest stitching pain22
Chest stitching pain,coughing31
Sternum stitching pain31
Heart stitching pain32
Heart palpitation23
Heart palpitation,evening31
Heart palpitation,night32
Heart palpitation,night in bed31
Heart palpitation,anxiety32
Heart palpitation on ascending steps32
Heart palpitation after excitement32
Heart palpitation after sudden excitement32
Heart palpitation,exertion33
Heart palpitation,mental exertion32
Heart palpitation,unusual exertion32
Heart palpitation after fright31
Heart palpitation while lying32
Heart palpitation while lying on back32
Heart palpitation,lying on left side33
Heart palpitation before menses32
Heart palpitation during menses32
Heart palpitation,suppressed menses32
Heart palpitation,motion31
Heart palpitation,beginning to move31
Heart palpitation on rising from a seat32
Heart palpitation,sitting up amelioration32
Heart palpitation while standing31
Heart palpitation,stooping31
Heart palpitation from unrequited affections32
Heart palpitation while walking32
Diaphragm paralysis21
Incipient phthisis pulmonalis31
Chest pulsation22
Chest pulsation,morning32
As if something were turning over chest21
As if something were turning around heart22
Sensation of whirling about heart22
Diminished appetite22
Wanting appetite22
Aversion to food22
Aversion to meat22
Stomach constriction21
Emptiness,weak feeling,faintness,hungry feeling21
Acrid eructations21
Empty eructations after dinner31
Sour eructations21
Stomach heaviness,weight,oppression22
Stomach heaviness after eating32
Stomach inflammation22
Stomach pain22
Stomach pain after eating31
Stomach burning pain21
Stomach pressing pain as from a weight31
Stomach pulsation22
Stomach pulsation with cough31
Stomach pulsation after dinner31
Stomach pulsation after eating31
Stomach sinking21
Sensation of stone in stomach21
Thirst during heat31
Thirst after heat31
Thirst during perspiration31
Thirst for small quantities31
Thirst,often for small quantities31
Stomach trembling21
Vomiting during headache32
Vomiting during heat31
Vomiting when perspiration fails32
Blood vomiting23
Food vomiting22
Mucus vomiting21
Sour vomiting21
Abdomen constriction22
Abdomen constriction during menses31
Hypochondria constriction33
Hypochondria constriction as if bandage32
Inguinal region constriction31
Inguinal region constriction extending around pelvis32
Abdomen distension21
Abdomen heat21
Abdomen heat during fever31
Abdomen flashes of heat32
Inflammation (peritonitis,enteritis,etc.)22
Abdomen itching,evening31
Abdomen itching,evening while undressing31
Abdomen aching,dull pain21
Abdomen aching during diarrhoea (colic)31
Abdomen aching during menses31
Abdomen aching before stool31
Abdomen violent aching31
Hypogastrium aching dull pain22
Liver aching,dull pain22
Abdomen burning pain21
Abdomen cramping,griping pain21
Abdomen cutting pain21
Hypogastrium cutting pain21
Umbilicus cutting pain21
Umbilical region cutting pain31
Umbilical reg.cutting pain after stool31
Abdomen dragging pain in low fever32
Abdomen drawing pain before stool31
Inguinal region drawing pain21
Abdomen sore,bruised pain,tenderness21
Liver stitching pain22
Abdomen tearing pain22
Abdomen twisting pain21
Abdomen pulsation21
Rumblings in the bowels21
Abdomen rumbling before stool31
Constipation,difficult stool32
Constipation,ineffectual urging and straining32
Rectum constriction,contraction,closure22
Bilious diarrhoea31
Rectum dragging,heaviness,weight22
Rectum fistula21
Haemorrhage from anus23
External haemorrhoids31
Large haemorrhoids32
Anus itching21
Rectum pain21
Rectum pain after stool31
Rectum pressing pain21
Rectum sticking pain21
Rectum stitching pain21
Rectum tenesmus21
Rectum prickling21
Rectum prickling during stool31
Sensation of swelling of anus31
Weight and as if a plug were wedged between the pubis and coccyx22
Perineum weight31
Bilious stool21
Black stool21
Copious stool21
Dry stool21
Frequent stool21
Hard stool21
Slimy mucous stool21
Mushy stool21
Pasty stool21
Soft stool21
Watery stool22
Watery stool,morning31
Watery dirty stool32
Bladder calculi21
Bladder constriction22
Bladder neck constriction22
Bladder inflammation21
Bladder pain22
Bladder neck pain21
Bladder paralysis22
Retention of urine22
Retention of urine from clots in the bladder31
Retention of urine from enlarged prostate32
Bladder neck spasm21
Urging to urinate (morbid desire)22
Urging to urinate,day and night31
Constant urging to urinate22
Frequent urging to urinate22
Ineffectual urging to urinate22
Urging to urinate after urination21
Dribbling urination (by drops)22
Dribbling urination day and night during menses31
Frequent urination22
Frequent urination, night32
Involuntary urination21
Night involuntary urination (incontinence in bed)31
Involuntary urination toward morning31
Involuntary urination, 5 a.m.31
Involuntary urination during menses31
Must wait for urine to start22
Must press a long time before urination can begin32
Unsatisfactory urination21
Kidneys inflammation21
Kidneys sore bruised pain22
Suppression of urine22
Suppression of urine with fever32
Prostate gland enlargement21
Prostate gland heaviness21
Prostate gland inflammation21
Irritation in prostate gland21
Prostate gland pain21
Prostate gland pressing pain21
Prostate gland stitching pain during urination31
Urethra haemorrhage22
Urethra haemorrhage,clotted blood31
Urethra inflammation22
Urethra irritation21
Urethra burning pain21
Urethra burning pain during urination31
Albuminous urine during pregnancy31
Bloody urine23
Bloody urine,clots32
Burning or hot urine21
Cloudy urine22
Red urine22
Light yellow urine21
Copious urine (increased)22
Copious urine,night32
Scanty urine21
Red sediment in urine21
Brick-dust red sand in urine32
Troublesome erections,evening31
Painful erections,night32
Ovaries constriction21
Uterus constriction21
Uterus constriction like a band31
Vagina constriction23
Vagina constriction from touch33
Uterus os spasmodic contractions during labor21
Uterus contractions21
Uterus contractions during menses33
Female desire increased22
Uterus inflammation22
Copious leucorrhoea21
Menses,daytime only21
Pitch-like black menses32
Copious menses21
Dark menses22
Frequent menses,too early,too soon22
Menses cease while lying22
Painful menses,dysmenorrhoea23
Pitch-like menses22
Scanty menses22
Tenacious menses21
Thick menses22
Vicarious menses21
Coagulated metrorrhagia31
Metrorrhagia,motion aggravation31
Ovaries pain22
Ovaries pain extending to thighs32
Uterus pain21
Uterus pain,evening31
Uterus pain,ii p.m.32
Uterus maddening pain32
Uterus pain during menses33
Uterus pain during menses compels her to cry out32
Uterus pain,periodically,same time each day31
Uterus pain,pulsating32
Uterus pain extending downward32
Uterus pain extending down the thighs31
Uterus pain extending to stomach31
Ovaries constricting,contracting pain22
Uterus constricting,contracting pain21
Uterus constricting pain during menses33
Vagina constricting pain23
Uterus cramping pain22
Uterus cramping pain, 11 p.m.32
Uterus cramping pain,compelling her to double up32
Uterus cramping pain during menses33
Uterus cramping pain extending to stomach31
Suppressed and wanting labor pains31
Uterus pinching pain21
Uterus pressing pain21
Ovaries pulsating22
Uterus pulsating22
Vaginismus during coition31
Vaginismus preventing coition33
Back coldness (including chill)23
Cervical region pain21
Left scapula pain32
Under left scapula pain32
Lumbar region rheumatic pain31
Lumbar spine pain31
Spine pain21
Spinal irritation,dorsal region31
Dorsal region stitching,shooting pain32
Cervical region weakness32
Extremities coldness22
Hands coldness32
Hands coldness,blue hands32
Hands coldness during chill31
Hands icy coldness32
Fingers coldness,chill32
Foot coldness32
Foot coldness during headache31
Foot coldness with hot head32
Foot icy coldness31
Shoulder constriction32
Upper limbs cramps31
Left upper limb cramp31
Sole cramps31
Hand blueness32
Fingers blueness31
Elbow eruption31
Elbow herpes31
Ankle eruption31
Ankle dry eruption31
Ankle herpes31
Maleolus eruption32
Extremities formication21
Upper limbs formication31
Upper limbs heaviness31
Lower limbs heaviness,tired limbs31
Leg heaviness,tired leg31
Lower limbs itching31
Lower limbs itching while undressing31
Leg itching31
Leg itching,undressing aggravation31
Calf itching31
Calf itching while undressing31
Itching over tibia31
Ankle itching31
Upper limb numbness32
Left upper limb numbness33
Left upper limb numbness from lying on it31
Left upper limb numbness in heart disease33
Hand numbness31
Left hand numbness31
Fingers one-sided numbness31
Leg numbness31
Foot numbness31
Extremties pain21
Limbs pain, evening31
Extremities rheumatic pain32
Limbs pain,warmth amelioration31
Joints rheumatic pain32
Upper limbs pain22
Left upper limbs pain with heart symptoms33
Upper limbs pain with palpitation32
Upper limbs rheumatic pain32
Upper limbs wandering pain31
Shoulder pain32
Shoulder rheumatic pain32
Shoulder wandering pain31
Upper arm pain31
Upper arm pain,heart affections31
Elbow wandering pain31
Fingers pain31
Lower limbs pain21
Lower limbs rheumatic pain31
Hip rheumatic pain31
Hip pain extending to feet31
Thigh pain32
Knee pain31
Knee pain, night31
Knee pain, motion31
Knee rheumatic pain31
Patella pain31
Leg rheumatic pain32
Calf pain32
Ankle pain31
Ankle rheumatic pain31
Sole pain31
Sole pain while walking31
Upper limbs aching32
Upper limbs drawing pain31
Fingers drawing pain31
Knee drawing pain31
Ankles drawing pain31
Sole drawing pain31
Sole cramp-like drawing31
Toes drawing pain31
Gluteal region pressing31
Fourth finger stitching pain31
Extremities tearing pain21
Extremities tearing pain,twitching31
Joints tearing pain31
Upper limbs tearing pain22
Upper limb tearing,morning on waking31
Upper limb bones tearing pain31
Upper limb joints tearing pain31
Shoulder tearing pain31
Right shoulder tearing pain31
Elbow tearing pain31
Forearm tearing pain31
Forearm tearing,morning on walking31
Fingers tearing pain31
Left upper limb paralysis31
Extremities clammy perspiration32
Extremities cold perspiration32
Leg restlessness31
Extremites stiffness,morning31
Joints stiffness31
Extremities dropsical swelling32
Upper limbs oedematous swelling31
Hand swelling32
Left hand swelling,with heart symptoms32
Hand swelling,endocarditis32
Oedematous hand swelling32
Lower limbs dropsical swelling32
Leg swelling32
Ankle swelling32
Ankle rheumatic swelling31
Foot swelling32
Foot oedematous swelling32
Left hand tingling31
Finger tips tingling31
Upper limbs weakness31
Leg weakness32
Deep sleep21
Deep sleep during heat31
Disturbed sleep21
Sleep disturbed by dreams31
Interrupted sleep21
Restless sleep22
Sleepiness, morning31
Sleepiness,morning on rising31
Sleeplessness, evening31
Sleeplessness before midnight31
Sleeplessness from activity of mind,thoughts31
Amorous dreams21
Dreams of falling22
Frightful dreams21
Unremembered dreams21
Coldness in general21
Coldness, forenoon23
Coldness at 10 a.m.31
Coldness, 10:30 a.m.31
Coldness at 11 a.m.33
Coldness, 11 a.m. and 11 p.m.33
Coldness, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.32
Coldness at 1 p.m.32
Coldness at 10 p.m.31
Coldness at 11 p.m.33
Coldness, night21
Coldness before midnight31
Coldness at midnight31
Coldness beginning in back31
Chill after exposure21
Chill to the heat of sun32
Chill periodicity regular and distinct23
Chill clock-like periodicity31
Pernicious chill22
Quotidian chill23
Coldness shaking,shivering,rigors22
Coldness shaking with heat of head32
Coldness during stool31
Coldness not ameliorated in a warm room nor by a warm stove31
Heat in general23
Heat, forenoon21
Heat, 1 p.m.31
Heat, night21
Burning heat21
Burning heat, night33
Cerebro-spinal fever21
Chill absent,fever without chill21
Chill absent, forenoon31
Chill absent, 11 a.m.31
Chill absent, 11 p.m.31
Dry heat21
Inflammatory fever22
Intense heat21
Intense heat with stupefaction and unconsciousness32
Intermittent fever with long-lasting heat31
Long lasting heat22
Heat,perspiration absent23
Chill followed by heat21
Chill followed by heat then sweat31
Chill then sweat without intervening heat31
Fever in heat of sun22
Perspiration in general21
Profuse perspiration21
Profuse perspiration,night31
Skin coldness22
Discharging,moist eruption31
Dry eruption32
Dry herpetic eruption31
Moist herpetic eruption31
Scaly herpetic eruption31
Scaly eruption31
Itching,evening amelioration31
Itching,undressing aggravation31
11 a.m.31
11 p.m.32
Open air aggravation31
Open air amelioration32
Congestion of blood23
Congestion of blood,internally33
Constriction as if caged with wires twisted tighter and tighter33
Constriction, internally33
Constriction of orifices33
Convulsive movements21
Cyanosis in infants32
External dropsy22
Physical exertion aggravation22
Faintness during palpitation31
Periodical faintness31
Coffee aggravation32
Full feeling, internally31
Flushes of heat22
Lack of vital heat21
Heaviness, externally21
From hunger22
Inflammations, internally32
Nerves inflammation32
Jar,stepping aggravation22
Lying on back amelioration31
Lying on left side aggravation32
At beginning of menses32
Motion aggravation22
At beginning of motion aggravation31
Continued motion amelioration32
Pressing pain,internally31
Pain as from load32
Stitching pain,internally32
Tearing pain,externally31
Complaints return at the same hour32
Pressure aggravation21
Pressure amelioration31
Pulsation externally22
Hard pulse32
Imperceptible pulse32
Irregular pulse32
Rising aggravation21
Sensitiveness to pain32
Aggravated while sitting21
Standing aggravation21
Touch aggravation22
On waking21
Walking aggravation22
Beginning of walking aggravation32
While walking fast aggravation32
While walking slowly amelioration31
Weakness during menses31