- As if air was forcing through stomach
- Sensation as if something alive in stomach
- Stomach anxiety
- Hunger,but knows not for what,or refuses things when offered
- Changeable appetite
- Constant appetite
- Diminished appetite
- Appetite,easy satiety
- Appetite with inability to eat
- Gnawing appetite
- Increased appetite,hunger in general
- Insatiable appetite
- Ravenous,canine,excessive appetite
- Appetite without relish
- Wanting appetite
- Apprehension in stomach
- Aversion to acids
- Aversion to alcoholic stimulants
- Aversion to ale
- Aversion to apples
- Aversion to bananas
- Aversion to beer
- Aversion to brandy
- Aversion to bread
- Aversion to breakfast
- Aversion to butter
- Aversion to cereals
- Aversion to cheese
- Aversion to chocolate
- Aversion to coffee
- Aversion to dinner
- Aversion to drinks
- Aversion to eggs
- Aversion to everything
- Aversion to farinaceous food
- Aversion to fats and rich food
- Aversion to fish
- Aversion to flour
- Aversion to food
- Aversion to fruit
- Aversion to garlic
- Aversion to gruel
- Aversion to herring
- Aversion to meat
- Aversion to milk
- Aversion to onions
- Aversion to oysters
- Aversion to pickles
- Aversion to plums
- Aversion to pork
- Aversion to potatoes
- Aversion to puddings
- Aversion to salt food
- Aversion to sauerkraut
- Aversion to solid food
- Aversion to soup
- Aversion to sweets
- Aversion to tea
- Aversion to tobacco
- Aversion to veal
- Aversion to vegetables
- Aversion to water
- Aversion to wine
- As if stomach were balanced up and down
- Sensation of ball in stomach
- Sensation of blows in pit of stomach
- Stomach bubbling
- Stomach cancer
- Clothing disturbs the stomach
- Stomach coldness
- Stomach constriction
- Stomach contraction
- Stomach crawling
- Stomach croaking like frogs
- Stomach death-like sensation
- Desires alcoholic drinks
- Desires almonds
- Desires apples
- Desires aromatic drinks
- Desires ashes
- Desires bacon
- Desires bananas
- Desires bitter drinks
- Desires bitter food
- Desires bread
- Desires butter
- Desires charcoal
- Desires cheese
- Desires cherries
- Desires chocolate
- Desires cider
- Desires cloves
- Desires coal
- Desires coffee
- Desires cold drinks
- Desires cold food
- Desires cucumbers
- Desires delicacies
- Desires dry food
- Desires eggs
- Desires farinaceous food
- Desires fat
- Desires fish
- Desires flour
- Desires fried food
- Desires fruit
- Desires herring
- Desires highly seasoned food
- Desires honey
- Desires ice
- Desires ice-cream
- Desirs indigestible things
- Desires indistinct things,knows not what
- Desires juicy things
- Desires lard
- Desires lemons
- Desires lemonade
- Desires lime,slate pencils,earth,chalk,clay,etc
- Desires liquid food
- Desires many things
- Desires meat
- Desires milk
- Desires mustard
- Desires nuts
- Dsires raw onions
- Desires oranges
- Desires oysters
- Desires pastry
- Desires pepper
- Desires pickles
- Desires plums
- Desires pork
- Desires potatoes
- Desires puddings
- Desires pungent things
- Desires clean rags
- Desires raw food
- Desires refreshing things
- Desires dry rice
- Desires salads
- Desires salt things
- Desires sand
- Desires sardines
- Desires sauerkraut
- Dessires smoked things
- Desires snow
- Desires snuff
- Desires soup
- Desires sour,acid things
- Desires starch
- Desires strange things
- Desires sweets
- Desires tea
- Desires tobacco
- Desires tonics
- Desires vegetables
- Desires vinegar
- Desires warm drinks
- Desordered stomach
- Stomach distention
- Emptiness,weak feeling,faintness,hungry feeling
- Epileptic aura,stomach
- Eructations
- Eructations after acids
- Eructations aggravate
- Eructations in open air
- Eructations alternating with hiccough
- Eructations ameliorate
- Eructations during apyrexia
- Eructations after beer
- Eructations after bread
- Eructations avant breakfast
- Eructations after eating butter
- Eructations after cabbage
- Eructations during chill
- Eructations after choking
- Eructations after coffee
- Constant eructations
- Convulsive eructations
- Eructations after coughing
- Difficult eructations
- Eructations before dinner
- Eructations after drinking
- Eructaions in drunkards
- Eructations while eating
- Eructations,excitement
- Eructations causing faintness
- Eructations after farinaceous food
- Eructations while fasting
- Eructations after fats
- Eructations during fever
- Eructations,headache
- Ineffectual and incomplete eructations
- Eructations,lying amelioration
- Eructations after meat
- Eructations before menses
- Eructations,mental exertion
- Eructations after milk
- Eructations on motion
- Eructations after oysters
- Painful eructations
- Paroxysmal eructations
- Eructations after peaches
- Periodical eructations
- Eructations after pork
- Eructations after potatoes
- Eructations from pressing on stomach
- Eructations after rich food
- Eructation when rising from lying
- Eructations after sardines
- Eructations with shooting pain
- Eructations while sitting
- Eructations after sleep
- Eructations while smoking
- Eructations after soup
- Eructations before stool
- Eructations on stooping
- Sudden eructations
- Eructations after supper
- Suppressed eructations
- Eructations when swallowing
- Eructations after sweets
- Eructations from tobacco
- Eructations during urination
- Eructations when vomiting
- Eructations on waking
- Eructations while walking
- Eructations after wine
- Acrid eructations
- Eructations tasting like almonds
- Eructations tasting of apples
- Bitter eructations
- Bloody eructations
- Burning eructations
- Eructations like spoiled eggs
- Empty eructations
- Fluid eructations
- Eructations,food regurgitation
- Eructations tasting like food
- Foul eructations
- Frothy eructations
- Eructations like garlic
- Greasy eructations
- Eructations like hiccough
- Hot eructations
- Eructations,large quantities of wind
- Eructations tasting like lime water
- Long continued eructations
- Loud eructations
- Eructations tasting of meat
- Eructations of milk
- Mouldy eructations
- Mucus eructations
- Eructations tasting of musk
- Nauseous eructations
- Eructations through nose
- Pungent eructations
- Putrid eructations
- Rancid eructations
- Salty eructations
- Eructations,sobbing
- Sour eructations
- Sweetish eructations
- Eructations tasting of rancid tallow
- Eructations of water
- Eructations,waterbrash
- Stomach fermentation
- Stomach flabbiness
- Stomach foreign body
- Stomach formication
- Sensation of stomach fullness
- Gagging
- Stomach gangrene
- Gout,stomach metastasis
- Stomach gurgling
- Sensation of stomach hanging down,relaxed
- Stomach hardness
- Heartburn
- Stomach heat flushes
- Stomach heaviness,weight,oppression
- Hiccough
- Stoamch horrible sensation,morning on waking in drunkards
- Stomach inactivity
- Indigestion
- Induration of the stomach walls
- Stomach inflammation
- Stomach irritation
- Stomach jerking
- Sensation of stomach jumping
- Loathing of food
- Sensation of lump in stomach
- Sensation of movement in stomach
- Pylorus feels too narrow
- Nausea
- Sensation of obstruction of pylorus
- Sensation as if stomach were open
- Stomach pain
- Stomach pain after acids
- Stomach pain extending to abdomen left side
- Stomach burning pain
- Stomach clawing pain
- Stomach corrosive pain
- Stomach cramping griping constricting pain
- Stomach cutting pain
- Stomach drawing pain
- Stomach gnawing pain
- Stomach lancinating pain
- Stomach pressing pain
- Stomach scraping pain
- Stomach sore,bruised,beaten pain
- Stomach stitching pain
- Stomach tearing pain
- Stomach ulcerative pain
- Perspiration on pit of stomach
- Stomach pulsation
- Relaxation of pylorus
- Retching
- Sense of stomach retraction
- Stomach sensitiveness to talking
- Stomach shock
- Stomach sinking
- Sensation of slaking slime
- Sensation of stone in stomach
- Summer,stomach
- Stomach tension
- Thirst
- Thirstless
- Stomach tickling
- Stomach tingling
- Stomach trembling
- Stomach turning
- Stomach twisting
- Stomach twitching
- Stomach ulcers
- Stomach uneasiness
- Vomiting
- Acrid vomiting
- Albuminous vomiting
- Bile vomiting
- Bitter vomiting
- Black vomiting
- Blood vomiting
- Brownish vomiting
- Chocolate colored vomiting
- Clear vomiting
- Vomiting like coffee grounds
- Dark vomiting
- Everything vomiting
- Fecal vomiting
- Filamentous vomiting
- Food vomiting
- Frothy vomiting
- Glairy vomiting
- Greasy vomiting
- Green vomiting
- Liquids vomiting
- Membrane vomiting
- Milk vomiting
- Milky vomiting
- Mucus vomiting
- Offensive smelling vomiting
- Rice water vomiting
- Salty vomiting
- Only solids vomiting
- Soup vomiting
- Sour vomiting
- Stringy vomiting
- Sweetish vomiting
- Tenacious vomiting
- Thick vomiting
- Water vomiting
- White vomiting
- Worms vomiting
- Yellow vomiting
- Stomach sensation as if full of water
- Stomach weak feeling after stool
- Unable to bear any wine