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Eye and vision
Ear and hearing
Nose and smell
Mouth and taste
Throat and external throat
Larynx and trachea,voice
Rectum and stool
Urinary organs
Genitalia - male
Genitalia - female
Ear and hearing
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Abscess behind ear
Adhesions in middle ear
Agglutination of auricle to head
Sensation of air in ear
Bald spot above ear
Blowing sensation in ear
Sensation of board before ear
Boring fingers in ear
Sensation as if breath came from ear
Calcareous deposit on tympanum
Ear threatened with caries
Eustacian tube catarrh
Ear complaints,child
Ear coldness
Constriction of ear
Ear contraction
Sensation of dilatation of meatus
Ear discharges
Blue ear
Sensation of distension in ear
Ear dryness
Ear eruption
Ear exostosis
Ear formication
Ear freezing easily
Sensation of ear fullness
Ear fungus excrescences
Ear heat
Sensation of ear hollowness
Ear inflammation
Itching in ear
Hard lumps behind ear
Lupus on the ear lobe
Moisture behind the ears
Copper-colored nodes on ears
Noises in ear
Noises as from distant bagpipe in ear
Sounds as from bat in ear
Sounds beating (distant),on rising amelioration
Bell of a clock in ear
Bells in ear
Blowing in ear
Bubbling in ear
Buzzing in ear
Cannonading in ear
Noises like a spitting cat in ear
Chirping in ear
Clashing in ear
Clucking in ear
Cracking noise in ear
Crackling in ear
Crashing in ear
Creaking in ear
Croaking like frogs while sitting
Sounds of cymbals and drums
Din when stepping hard
Drumming in ear
Like an explosion in ear
Fluttering sounds in ear
Noises like gong while lying
Sound of guns in ear
Gurgling in ears as of air bubbles
Sounds of hammering in ear
Hissing in ear
Noises of blowing a horn in ear
Humming in ear
Sound of machinery in ear
Sound of mice in ear
Sound of mill
He seems to ear music
Sounds of nails driven into a board at a distance
Sound of rain
Reports in ear
Reverberating sound (includes echoes and re-echoes)
Ringing in ear
Roaring in ear
Rolling sound in ear
Rumbling in ear
Rushing noise in ear
Rustling in ear
Shrieking noise on blowing nose
Singing in ear
Snapping in ear
Squashing in ear on swallowing
Squeaking in ear
Swashing in ear
Noise like steam escaping
Thundering in ear
Ticking sound in ear
Tinkling in ear
Din like trumpets
Twanging like a harp string
Warbling of birds
Noise as if water were in ear
Whirling noise
Whispering in ear
Whistling in ear
Whizzing in ear
Sound of wind in ear
Ear numbness
Ear odor
Ear meatus seems open
Ear pain
Ear pain in cold air
Pain about the ear
Pain above the ear
Antitragus pain
Pain behind ear
Pain below the ear
Ear concha pain
Pain in front of ear
Pain inside the ear (meatus)
Ear lobule pain
Tragus pain
Ear aching pain
Ear biting pain
Ear pain as from blow
Boring pain in ear
Ear burning pain
Ear burrowing pain
Ear bursting sensation
Cramp in ear
Cutting pain in ear
Ear digging pain
Drawing pain in ear
Pain as if foreign body in ear
Ear gnawing pain
Ear griping pain
Ear jerking pain
Ear lacerating pain
Ear lancinating pain
Ear piercing pain
Pinching pain in ear
Ear pressing out pain as if something must be thorn from within
Ear pressing pain
Ear pricking pain
Ear screwing pain
Ear soreness
Ear spasmodic pain
Stitching pain in ear
Tearing pain in ear
Ear twinging pain
Ear ulcerative pain
Ear perspiration
Ear polypus
Puffing in ears from pulsation of temporal arteries
Ear pulsation
Ear quivering
Sense of ear retraction
As of something rolling to and fro in ear on shaking head
Rough epidermis in ears
Rush of blood to right ear
Ear scratching sensation
Increased sensibility of ear
Ear shocks on swallowing
Sensation of stopped ear
Strokes,blows in ears
Middle ear suppuration
Ear surging
Ear swelling
Ear tension
Ear tingling
Trembling in ears after sad news
Hard tubercle behind right ear
Ear cystic tumors
Ear twitching
Ear ulceration
Wart-like growth behind ear,inflamed and ulcerated
Sensation of water in ear
Black ear-wax
Ear sensitive to wind
Sensation of worms in ear
Acute hearing
Sounds seem distant
Hearing illusions
Impaired hearing
Lost hearing