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Eye and vision
Ear and hearing
Nose and smell
Mouth and taste
Throat and external throat
Larynx and trachea,voice
Rectum and stool
Urinary organs
Genitalia - male
Genitalia - female
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Bad sleep
Chill during sleep
Comatose sleep
Convulsion during sleep
Deep sleep
Disturbed sleep
Sleepp during heat,in intermittent
Heavy sleep
Interrupted sleep
Oppressive sleep
Sleep during perspiration
Prolonged sleep
Restless sleep
Semi-conscious sleep
Short sleep
Unrefreshing sleep
Absurd dreams
Dreams about accidents
Amorous dreams
Dreams about anger
Dreams about animals
Dream:another personn lying in bed with him
Anxious dreams
Dreams of being arrested
Dreams about seeing autopsies
Dreams while awake
Dreams of being at a banquet
Dreams about battles
Dreams about black forms
Dreams about beasts
Dreams that he was blind
Dreams: body embalmed
Dreams: chased by bulls
Dreams about burials
Dreams of business
Busy dreams
Dreams that someone called
Dreams of carousing
Dreams about cats
Dreams of being in cellar,and walls falling in
Dreams of changing places often
Dreams: chased and had to run backwards
Dreams: child had been beaten
Dreams about churches
Clairvoyant dreams
Dreams of climbing a step
Dreams about coffins
Comical dreams
Confused dreams
Dreams: continuation of former ideas
Dreams continued after waking
Crazy dreams
Dreams about crimes
Dreams about cruelty
Dreams that he would be crushed
Dreams of cutting
Dreams of dancing
Dreams about danger
Dreams about darkness
Dreams of the deads
Dreams of death
Defamatory dreams
Dreams about devils
Dreams about difficulties
Dreams about disppointments
Dreams about disaster
Disconnected dreams
Dreams about disease
Disgusting dreams
Dreams about distant acquaintances
Dreams about dogs
Dreams about dragons
Dreams of drinking
Dreams of drowning
Dreams about duels
Dreams of having ears cut off
Dreams about earthquake
Dreams of eating
Dreams of becoming emaciated
Dreams about embarrassment
Dreams of being encircled tightly
Dreams about enemies
Dreams about previous events
Dreams of excelling in mental work
Exciting dreams
Dreams of making great exertion
Exhausting dreams
Dreams about explosion
Dreams: face covered with pustules
Dreams of falling
Dreams of rubbish falling on her while lying in a strange house
Fantastic dreams
Dreams of farming
Dreams of feasting
Dreams about fights
Dreams about fire
Dreams af fishing
Dreams that he had a fit
Dreams fixed upon one subject
Dreams of fleeing
Dreams of floating
Dreams about flowers
Dreams of flying
Dreams of a forest
Dreams of freezing
Dreams of old friends
Frightful dreams
Dreams about fruit
Dreams about funerals
Dreams about ghosts,spectres
Dreams about giants
Dreams that he is a girl
Dreams about graves or tombs
Grotesque dreams
Dreams of being obliged to dress hair in compagny
Dreams about high places
Historic dreams
Dreams about horses
Dreams about household affairs
Dreams about humiliation
Dreams of being hung
Dreams about hunger
Dreams of hunting
Hurried dreams
Dreams about illuminations
Dreams that he is among indians
Dreams about injuries
Dreams about insults
Dreams that his character is one of intrigue
Dreams full of invention
Dreams about journey
Dreams of jumping
Dreams about knives
Dreams of laughing
Dreams about lightning
Dreams that he was a lion
Loathsome dreams
Long dreams
Dreams: lost as in a forest
Ludicrous dreams
Many dreams
Dreams about men
Dreams before menses
Dreams,mental exertion
Dreams about mice
Dreams affecting the mind
Dreams of misfortune
Dreams about money
Dreams about monsters
Dreams of walking in mud
Dreams of driving mule
Dreams about murders
Dreams about music
Dreams about mutilation
Dreams about nakedness
Dreams about nausea
Dreams of people
Dreams of pins
Pleasant dreams
Poetic dreams
Dreams that he has taken poison
Dreams of praying
Dreams about preaching
Dreams of being pregnant
Dreams of being taken a prisoner
Prophetic dreams
Dreams of being pursued
Dreams of quarrels
Dreams of being soaked in rain
Dreams about threats of rape
Dreams about rapide transit from place to place
Dreams about rats
Dreams recalling things long forgotten
Dreams of remorse
Repeating dreams
Dreams about riots
Dreams of roaming over fields
Dreams about robbers
Romantic dreams
Sad dreams
Shameful dreams
Dreams of shooting
Dreams about skeletons
Dreams of smelling sulphur,tinder
Dreams of smoking
Dreams about snakes
Dreams about snow
Dreams of soiling himself
Dreams about soldiers
Dreams about spiders
Dreams of spinning
Dreams of being stabbed
Dreams of stars falling
Dreams of stealing fruit
Dreams of stone lying on him
Dreams about stool
Dreams about storms
Dreams of being strangled
Dreams that he was struck by lightning
Dreams of being stung by an insect
Dreams of suffocation
Dreams of suicide
Dreams of being very tall
Dreams of breaking teeth off
Dreams of being accused of theft
Dreams of being thirsty
Dreams of threats
Dreams of living in tombs
Dreams seem true on waking
Unpleasant dreams
Unremembered dreams
Dreams of unsuccessfull efforts to do various things
Dreams of urinating
Dreams about vermin
Dreams of vertigo
Vexatious dreams
Dreams of violence
Visionary dreams
Vivid dreams
Dreams of walking
Dreams about warts
Dreams about water
Dreams of wedding
Dreams of weeping
Dreams of being let down into wells
Wild dreams
Dreams about broken windows
Dreams of creeping worms
Dreams of being wounded
Dreams of writing