- Coldness in general
- Coldness, daytime
- Coldness, morning
- Coldness, forenoon
- Coldness, afternoon
- Coldness, evening
- Coldness, night
- Affected parts coldness
- Coldness in the open air
- Coldness, abuse of alcohol
- Coldness alternating with sweat
- Coldness after anger
- Annual chill
- Anticipating coldness
- Chill caused by anxiety
- Chill,abuse of arsenic
- Ascending coldness
- Autumnal coldness
- Chill, bathing
- Coldness in bed
- Coldness beginning in and extending from abdomen
- Changing coldness type
- Chilliness
- Coldness, cold damp weather
- Coldness from coughing
- Creeping
- Coldness,a cold day in summer
- Coldness descending
- Chill during diarrhoea
- Chill, disordered stomach
- Chill,drinking aggravation
- Chill while eating
- Chill after epilepsy
- Chill after excitement
- Chill after exertion
- Chill after exposure
- External coldness
- Chill from fright
- Chill from grief
- Chill without subsequent heat
- Chill,desire to be held down
- Icy coldness of the body
- Internal coldness
- Chill while lying
- Chill before menses
- Chill after mental exertion
- Chill during motion
- Chill with pain
- Chill periodicity regular and distinct
- Pernicious chill
- Chill with perspiration
- Postponing coldness
- Predominating chill
- Quartan chill
- Quotidian chill
- Coldness on rising up
- Chill from bad news
- Chill, sewer gas
- Coldness shaking,shivering,rigors
- One-sided coldness
- Single part coldness
- Sitting, amelioration of coldness
- Coldness during sleep
- Coldness in spring
- Coldness before stool
- Coldness,stormy weather
- Coldness in summer
- Coldness, sunshine amelioration
- Coldness, swallowing aggravation
- Tertian chill
- Thinking of the chill,aggravation
- Coldness,touch aggravation
- Trembling and shivering
- Coldness on uncovering or undressing
- Upper part of body coldness
- Coldness before urination
- Coldness after vexation
- Violent chill with delirium
- Chill on waking
- Chill while walking
- Coldness,warm room aggravation
- As if cold water were dashed over him
- As if wind were blowing cold upon the body
- Chill while writing