- Abrupt
- Absent-minded
- Absorbed,buried in thought
- Abstraction of mind
- Abusive
- Fruitless activity
- Admonition aggravation
- Affectation
- Affectionate
- Averse to amusement
- Anger,irascibility
- Anguish
- Answers abruptly,shortly,curtly
- Antagonism with herself
- Complaints from anticipation
- Plays antics
- Anxiety
- Aphasia
- Ardent
- Asks for nothing
- Assumes strange attitudes
- Audacity
- Avarice
- Aversion to be approached
- Ailments from bad news
- Barking
- Talks about battles
- Aversion to bed (shuns)
- Begging,entreating
- Bellowing
- Benevolence
- Biting
- Aversion to everything that is black and sombre
- Pretended blindness
- Cannot look at blood or a knife
- Desire to break things
- Brooding
- Aversion to business
- Busy
- Capriciousness
- Carefulness
- Full of cares
- Desires to be carried
- Cautious
- Censorious,critical
- Chaotic
- Chases imaginary objects
- Cheerful,gay,happy
- Childish behavior
- Aversion to children
- Clairvoyance
- Clinging to persons or furniture
- Closing eyes amelioration
- Aversion to red,yellow,green and black colors
- Aversion to company
- Complaining
- Difficult concentration
- Confiding
- Confusion of mind
- Conscientious about trifles
- Consolation aggravation
- Contemptuous
- Disposition to contradict
- Contrary
- Conversation aggravation
- Counting continually
- Courageous
- Cowardice
- Crawling on floor
- Croaking
- Cruelty
- Cursing
- Desires to cut others
- Dancing
- Darkness aggravation
- Pretended deafness
- Desires death
- Deceitful
- Feels as if he could do great deeds
- Defiant
- Delirium
- Delusions,imaginations,hallucinations,illusions
- Desires more than she needs
- Despair
- Destructiveness
- Dictatorial
- Disconcerted
- Discontented,displeased,dissatisfied
- Discouraged
- Disgust
- Disobedience
- Averse to being disturbed
- Doubtful of recorery
- As if in a dream
- After drinking
- Dullness,sluggishness,difficulty of thinking and comprehending
- Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences
- Refuses to eat
- Eccentricity
- Ecstasy
- Egotism
- Ailments after being embarrassed
- Embraces his companions
- Ennui
- Envy
- Attempts to escape
- Estranged from her family
- Excitement,excitable
- Mental symptoms physical exercise
- Mental exertion aggravation
- Exhilaration
- Extravagance
- Fanaticism
- Absorbed in fancies
- Fastidious
- Fear
- Feces passed on the floor
- Feigning sick
- Wants to fight
- Wants to set things on fire
- Desires flattery
- Foolish behavior
- Forgetful
- Forsaken feeling
- Forsakes his own children
- Complaints from fright
- Frivolous
- Disposed to frown
- Wraps up in fur in summer
- Makes gestures
- Giggling
- Godless,want of religious feeling
- Aversion to going out
- Gossiping
- Grief
- Grimaces
- Groping as if in the dark
- Growling like dog
- Grunting
- Hatred
- Haughty
- Heedless
- Feeling of helplessness
- Desire to hide
- High places aggravation
- High-spirited
- Desires to go home
- Effects of wounded honor
- Hopeful
- Horrible things,sad stories affect her profoundly
- Hurry
- Hydrophobia
- Hypocrisy
- Hysteria
- Abundant ideas and clearness of mind
- Idiocy
- Imbecility
- Impatience
- Impertinence
- Impetuous
- Impulse to run
- Impulsive
- Inciting the others
- Inconsolable
- Inconstancy
- Indifference,apathy
- Indignation
- Indiscretion
- Indolence,aversion to work
- Industrious
- Fears to be left alone lest he should injure himself
- Inquisitive
- Insanity,madness
- Insolent
- Introspection
- Irresolution
- Irritability
- Jealousy
- Jesting
- Ailments from excessive joy
- Jumping
- Kicks
- Desire to kill
- Desires to be killed
- Kisses everyone
- Kleptomania
- Knefling and praying
- Lamenting,bemoaning,wailing
- Lasciviousness,lustful
- Laughing
- Lewdness
- Libertinism
- Never speaks the truth,does not know what she is saying
- Desire for light
- Loathing
- Longing for good opinion of others
- Cannot bear to be looked at
- Loquacity
- Ailments from disappointed love
- Things seem ludicrous
- Desires to be magnetized
- Malicious
- Mania,madness
- Mania-a-potu
- Manual work,fine work
- The idea of marriage seemed unendurable
- Meddlesome
- Meditation
- Active memory
- Weakness of memory
- Dread of men
- Mental symptoms alternating with physical symptoms
- Mildness
- Mirth,hilarity,liveliness
- Misanthropy
- Mischievous
- Mistakes in calculating
- Moaning,groaning
- Mocking
- Monomania
- Agreeable mood
- Moonlight
- Want of moral feeling
- Morose
- Ailments after mortification
- Mutilating his body
- Muttering
- Wants to be naked
- Narrating her symptoms aggravation
- Objects seem new
- Nymphomania
- Obstinate
- Occupation amelioration
- Easily offended
- Persists in nothing
- Nocturnal piety
- Pities herself
- Making many plans
- Playful
- Pleasure
- Positiveness
- Love of power
- Praying
- Precocity
- Presomptuous
- Prophesying
- Prostation of mind
- Desires to pull ones hair
- Quarrelsome
- Speaks continually in questions
- Quick to act
- Quiet disposition
- Rage,fury
- Rashness
- Averse to reading
- Does not recognize his relatives
- Refuses to take the medicine
- Religious affections
- Remorse
- Ailments after reproaches
- Repulsive mood
- Reserved
- Cannot rest when things are not in proper place
- Reveals secrets
- Reverence for those around him
- Mania to ridicule
- Averse to riding in a carriage
- Rocking amelioration
- Rolling on the floor
- Roving about naked
- Rudeness
- Runs about
- Sadness,mental depression
- Ailments from scorn
- Scratches with hands
- Searching on the floor
- Secretive
- Selfishness
- Acute senses
- Sensitive,oversensitive
- Sentimental
- Serious
- Mental symptoms from sexual excesses
- Shameless
- Shining objects aggravation
- Shrieking
- Sighing
- Singing
- Inclination to sit
- Incorrect judje of size
- Disposition to slander
- Slowness
- Foolish smiling
- Somnambulism
- Spits in faces of people
- Averse to being spoken to
- Squanders money
- Starting,startled
- Impulse to do strange things
- Striking
- Stupefaction
- Never succeds
- Will not receive suggestions
- Suicidal disposition
- Sulky
- Superstitious
- Affections after pleasant surprises
- Suspicious
- Sympathetic
- Desires to talk to someone
- Tears things
- Theorizing
- Aversion to thinking
- Desagreeable thoughts
- Threatening
- Throws things away
- Before thunderstorm (mind)
- Fritters away his time
- Timidity
- Torments everyone with his complaints
- Torpor
- Impelled to touch things
- Aversion to being touched
- Tranquility
- Desire to travel
- Trifles seem important
- Unconsciousness
- Lacks will power to undertake anything
- Unfeeling
- Feels unfortunate
- Unfriendly humor
- Unobserving
- Everything seems unreal
- Unsympathetic
- Untruthful
- Objects seem unworthy
- Veneration
- Makes verses
- Violent,vehement
- Vivacious
- Walking rapidly from anxiety
- Desires to wander
- Washing always her hands
- Wearisome
- Weary of life
- Wepping,tearful mood
- Says he is well,when very sick
- Whistling
- Wicked disposition
- Wild sensation in head
- Wildness
- Contradiction of will
- Witty
- Aversion to women
- Aversion to mental work
- Aversion to writing
- Everything seems wrong