- Headache alternating from one side to the other
- One side headache alternating with pain in left arm
- Headache ceases on one side,becomes more vioent on the other
- One side headache from excessive use of coffee
- Headache behind the ears
- Headache behind the left ear
- Headache behind the ears in open air
- Headache behind the ears,motion
- One side headache in spots
- One side headache extending to eye
- One side headache extending to neck
- One side headache extending to neck and shoulders,neck stiff
- Headache from side to side through temples
- One side headache extending to waist
- Both sides headache
- Right side headache
- Headache,morning right side,evening left side
- Right side headache,evening in bed
- Right side headache,blurred vision before the attack
- Left side headache with dimness of left eye
- Right side headache as of a foreign body
- Right side headache,lying on painful side amelioration
- Right side headache,lying on right side aggravation
- Right side periodic headache
- Right side headache as of stroke of an anvil
- Headache,right side then left
- Right side headache on entering a warm room
- Left side headache
- Left side of head and face pain,extending to neck
- Left side headache,lying on right side amelioration
- Left side headache,lying on left side aggravation
- Headache,left side then right
- Sides headache,daytime
- Sides headache,morning
- Sides headache,morning in bed
- Sides headache,morning on rising
- Sides headache,morning,on rising amelioration
- Sides headache,morning on waking
- Sides headache,7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Sides headache,forenoon
- Sides headache at noon
- Sides headache,afternoon
- Sides headache,evening
- Sides headache,evening amelioration
- Sides headache,evening in bed
- Sides headache,night
- Sides headache,night amelioration
- Sides headache after midnight
- Sides headache in open air
- Sides headache,in open air amelioration
- Sides headache,appearing gradually
- Sides headache on ascending steps
- Sides headache in bed
- Sides headache,in bed amelioration
- Sides headache during breakfast
- Sides headache,bright light
- Sides headache,cold application amelioration
- Sides headache on combing hair
- Sides headache on coughing
- Sides headache after dinner
- Sides headache after eating
- Sides headache,after eating amelioration
- Sides headache as of foreign body
- Sides hammering headache
- Sides jarring headache
- Sides headache,leaning on the affected side
- Sides headache,looking intently
- Sides headache while lying
- Sides headache,lying amelioration
- Sides headache,lying on the painless side amelioration
- Sides headache,lying on the painful side amelioration
- Sides headache,lying on right side with hands over head amelioration
- Headache,side lain on
- Headache,side not lain on
- Sides headache before menses
- Sides headache during menses
- Sides headache after menses
- Sides headache,mental exertion
- Sides headache after milk
- Sides headache on motion
- Sides headache,motion amelioration
- Sides headache from noise
- Sides paroxysmal headache
- Sides periodic headache
- Sides headache on pressure
- Sides headache,pressure amelioration
- Sides pulsating headache
- Sides headache on raising head
- Sides headache while riding
- Sides headache after rising
- Sides headache,after rising amelioration
- Sides headache after rising from stooping
- Sides headache in a room
- Sides headache,room amelioration
- Sides headache,rubbing amelioration
- Sides headache,shaking the head
- Sides headache while sitting
- Sides headache,sitting amelioration
- Sides headache,sneezing aggravation
- Sides headache,sound of talking
- Sides headache,small spot
- Sides headache while standing
- Sides headache on stepping
- Sides headache during stool
- Sides headache,stooping aggravation
- Sides headache,stooping amelioration
- Sides headache,after supper amelioration
- Sides headache on talking
- Sides headache,touch aggravation
- Sides headache,touch amelioration
- Sides headache,turning eye outward
- Sides headache,turning eyes to affected side
- Sides headache while walking
- Sides headache,walking fast
- Sides headache while walking in open air
- Sides headache,walking in open air amelioration
- Sides wandering headache
- Sides headache,warm application amelioration
- Sides headache on entering warm room from open air
- Sides headache while writing
- Sides headache while writing with head inclined to left
- Sides headache extending to arm
- Sides headache extending backward
- Sides headache extending to brow
- Sides headache extending to ear
- Sides headache extending behind ear
- Sides headache extending to eye
- Sides headache extending to face
- Sides headache extending to forehead
- Sides forehead extending forward
- Sides headache extending to nape
- Sides headache extending to neck
- Sides headache extending to occiput
- Haedache extending from one side to the other
- Sides headache extending to scapula
- Sides headache extending to shoulders
- Sides headache extending to teeth
- Sides headache extending to temples
- Sides headache extending to waist