Dioscorea villosa.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Aversion to company21
Confusion of mind21
Conversation aggravation21
Fear in a crowd31
Fear of people31
Indolence,aversion to work21
Irritability, evening31
Loathing for speaking31
Dread of men21
Calls things by wrong names32
Mistakes in speaking31
Mistakes in writing31
Opposite words,putting right for left or vice versa32
Says plums when he means pears31
Wants of quiet31
Restlessness, afternoon31
Restlessness, evening31
Restlessness, night31
Restlessness after midnight32
Restlessness,walking amelioration31
Sadness from emission31
Aversion to women22
Vertigo while eating21
Tendency to fall backwards31
Swaying toward right21
Head coldness,chilliness,etc21
Head coldness,morning31
Head constriction21
Head constriction,band or hoop31
Head constriction after eating31
Falling of head backward21
Falling sideways of head31
Falling of head sideways while walking31
Head fullness22
Head heat21
Head heat,morning31
Head heat,afternoon31
Head heaviness21
Sensation of head numbness21
Headache in general22
Headache at 5 a.m.31
Headache at 4 p.m.31
Headache at 9 p.m.31
Headache at 10 p.m.31
Headache at 11 p.m.31
Headache at 5 a.m.31
Headache with coryza31
Headache on coughing31
Headache after dinner31
Headache after eating31
Headache while lying31
Headache on rubbing31
Headache extending to forehead31
Forehead right side pain31
Forehead pain,morning31
Forehead pain,afternoon31
Forehead pain,pressure31
Forehead pain extending to nose31
Headache forehead extending to occiput31
Forehead pain extending to temples31
Above eyes headache31
Above eyes pain,morning31
Above eyes pain at 1 p.m.31
Above eyes pain at 6 p.m.31
Above eyes pain,motion amelioration31
Above eyes pain extending to occiput31
Above eyes pain extending to temples31
Occiput pain21
Occiput pain,morning31
Occiput pain,forenoon31
Occiput pain,afternoon31
Occiput pain,evening31
Occiput pain after eating31
Occiput pain,pressure aggravation31
Occiput pain,pressure amelioration31
Occiput pain extending to forehead31
Occiput pain extending to shoulders31
Occiput sides pain,morning31
Occiput sides pain,forenoon31
Headache,occiput and forehead pain21
One side headache21
Both sides headache31
Sides headache,morning31
Sides headache,evening31
Temples pain21
Temples pain,morning31
Temples pain,forenoon31
Temples pain at noon31
Temples pain,afternoon31
Temples pain,evening31
Temples pain after dinner31
Temples pain after eating31
Temples pain,pressure amelioration31
Temples pain from stooping31
Temples pain from walking31
Headache,temples and forehead pain21
Headache,vertex pain21
Headache,vertex and forehead pain21
Boring headache,morning31
Forehead boring pain21
Forehead boring pain,morning31
Temples boring pain21
Bursting headache21
Bursting headache,morning31
Bursting headache while coughing31
Occiput cramping pain31
Forehead cutting pain31
Temples cutting pain31
Headache,dull pain22
Pressing headache,evening31
Pressing headache,pressure amelioration31
Forehead pressing backward pain31
Head side pressing pain21
Head sides pressing pain like a band tied around31
Temples pressing pain21
Temples pressing pain,evening31
Temples pressing pain,pressure amelioration31
Temples pressing pain as if in vice31
Forehead perspiration,morning31
Forehead perspiration at 8 a.m.31
Agglutinated eye,morning32
Desire to close eyes21
Heat in eye,evening31
Heat in eye,evening,as if hot air streamed out31
Eye,sensation of steaming out31
Eye itching,morning31
Eye itching,evening31
Inner canthus itching,evening31
Left eye lachrymation31
Lacrymation in open air31
Eye pain,2 p.m.31
Eye pain,evening31
Eye pain extending to occiput31
Between the eyes pain31
Eye aching pain21
Eye aching pain,evening31
Outer canthus aching pain31
Eye burning,smarting,biting pain21
Eye burning pain,morning31
Eye burning pain,forenoon31
Eye burning pain,evening31
Inner canthus burning pain31
Eye pain as from foreign body,forenoon31
Eye sore,bruised pain,tender eye21
Eye sore pain,morning31
Eye sore pain,afternoon31
Eye sore pain,evening31
Eye sore pain,night31
Lids sore,bruised pain31
Eye stitching pain21
Right eye stitching pain31
Eye stitching pain extending to occiput31
Eye redness,morning31
Burning tears31
Weak eye21
Weak eye,morning31
Eyes yelowness22
Noises in ear21
Noises in ear,morning31
Noises in ear,afternoon31
Noises in ear,4 p.m.31
Noises in ear during headache31
Buzzing in ear21
Buzzing with headache31
Ringing in ear21
Ringing,4 p.m.31
Ringing during headache31
Ear pain21
Ear pain,8 a.m.31
Ear pain, 11 a.m.31
Ear pain,afternoon31
Ear pain,evening31
Ear pain, 9 p.m.31
Ear pain on blowing nose31
Ear pain during cough31
Pain above the ear21
Pain above ear,evening31
Pain behind ear21
Pain behind ear,morning31
Pain in front of ear21
Ear aching pain,5 p.m.31
Aching pain in front of ear31
Aching pain before ear,3 p.m.31
Pressing pain in front of ear31
Stitching pain behind the ear31
Sensation of stopped ear21
Stopped ear,8 p.m.31
Increased ear-wax31
Nose watery discharge31
Nose inside dryness21
Left epistaxis31
Epistaxis,bright blood31
Nose obstruction21
Nose inside sore bruised pain31
Clenched jaw21
Lips dryness31
Excoriated corners of mouth31
Parotid gland pain31
Parotid gland pain,afternoon31
Parotid gland pain,10 p.m.31
Lower jaw stiffness31
Biting tongue31
Clammy mouth22
Brown tongue31
Yellowish-brown tongue31
White tongue31
Yellow tongue31
White yellow tongue31
Mouth dryness,morning32
Sensation of mouth dryness31
Sensation of mouth dryness,morning with mouth coated with mucus31
Mouth dryness,thirstless31
Tongue dryness31
Mouth mucus,morning31
Tongue biting pain31
Mouth burning,raw and smarting pain21
Mouth pain as if burnt21
Mouth as if burnt,morning31
Tongue pain as if burnt31
Mouth sore pain21
Mouth sore pain,morning31
Gums sore pain31
Tongue sides sore pain31
Tongue sides near tip sore pain31
Tongue tip sore pain31
Gums upper inner side swelling31
Bitter taste31
Bitter taste,morning31
Bitter taste,morning on waking31
Insipid taste31
Pappy taste31
Sweetish taste31
Molars pain31
Upper teeth pain31
Right upper molar pain31
Right teeth pain31
Toothache in a filled tooth31
Choking,throat constricting21
Throat dryness21
Throat pain on swallowing31
Throat burning pain21
Tonsils burning pain31
Sore throat21
Sore throat,morning31
Sore throat,afternoon31
Sore throat,evening31
Difficult swallowing31
Throat swelling21
Larynx constriction31
Irritation in air passages21
Irritation in air passages,evening31
Larynx irritation31
Tickling in larynx31
Arrested respiration,afternoon31
Arrested respiration, 4 p.m.31
Difficult respiration, 8 a.m.31
Pains take away the breath31
Slow respiration22
Cough, 8 a.m.31
Cough, forenoon21
Cough,forenoon on waking31
Cough, 2 p.m.31
Cough, 6:30 p.m.31
Cough, 8 p.m.31
Cough, 9 p.m.31
Cough, 10 p.m.31
Deep cough21
Deep cough,morning31
Dry cough21
Dry cough,morning31
Hacking cough21
Cough from irritation in air passages21
Cough from irritation in air passages,evening31
Cough from fauces irritation31
Cough from irritation in larynx31
Cough from irritation in lungs31
Cough from irritation in lungs, 8 p.m.31
Persistent cough21
Bronchia tickling on coughing31
Cough from tickling in larynx31
Bloody expectoration,spitting of blood21
Copious expectoration21
Frothy expectoration21
Frothy expectoration,morning31
Frothy expectoration, 8 a.m.31
Angina pectoris22
Chest constriction,tension,tightness21
Chest itching21
Chest pain, evening31
Axilla pain21
Chest side pain, evening31
Heart pain,lying on left side aggravation31
Region of heart pain31
Reg.of heart pain,morning31
Reg.of heart acute pain31
Axilla aching pain31
Chest cutting (sudden sharp pain)22
Axilla cutting pain31
Region of heart cutting pain32
Reg.of heart cutting pain interrupting breathing32
Axilla sore,bruised pain31
Heart stitching pain31
Heart stitching pain,evening31
Heart palpitation22
Heart palpitation on waking suddenly31
Increased appetite,hunger in general21
Wanting appetite,morning31
Aversion to food21
Stomach distention21
Stomach distention,evening31
Stomach distention after eating31
Emptiness,weak feeling,faintness,hungry feeling21
Stomach emptiness,morning31
Stomach emptiness,night31
Stomach emptiness after stool31
Eructations ameliorate22
Ineffectual eructations,evening31
Acrid eructations21
Bitter eructations22
Bitter eructations,evening31
Eructations like spoiled eggs21
Empty eructations22
Empty eructations,morning31
Empty eructations,7 a.m.31
Empty eructations,afternoon31
Empty eructations, 5 p.m.31
Empty eructations,evening31
Empty eructations,night31
Empty eructations, 7 p.m.31
Sour eructations22
Sour eructations,evening31
Sour eructations after eating31
Waterbrash during pregnancy31
Stomach fullness,evening31
Stomach heaviness,morning31
Loathing of food21
Nausea,morning on rising31
Nausea, 5 a.m.31
Nausea after breakfast31
Nausea after eating31
Nausea,swallowing saliva31
Stomach pain22
Stomach pain,morning31
Stomach pain,evening31
Stomach pain after eating31
Stomach pain,after eating amelioration31
Stomach pain,eructations amelioration32
Stomach pain,on motion amelioration31
Stomach pain during pregnancy31
Stomach pain,pressure amelioration31
Stomach radiating pain31
Stomach pain,sitting erect amelioration31
Stomach pain during stool31
Stomach pain,stooping31
Stomach pain,stretching amelioration31
Stomach pain,walking amelioration31
Stomach burning pain22
Stomach burning pain,morning32
Stomach burning pain,evening31
Stomach burning pain after eating31
Stomach cramping griping constricting pain22
Stomach cramping pain after going to bed31
Stomach cramping pain,motion amelioration31
Stomach cramping pain,pressure amelioration31
Stomach cutting pain23
Stomach cutting pain,morning31
Stomach cutting pain,pressure amelioration31
Stomach cutting pain while sitting31
Stomach cutting pain on stooping31
Stomach sore,bruised,beaten pain21
Stomach sore pain,morning31
Stomach sore pain,evening31
Stomach sore pain on coughing31
Stomach tearing pain21
Stomach pulsation while lying on back32
Stomach sinking21
Sinking after stool31
Sensation of stone in stomach21
Stomach twisting21
Stomach uneasiness21
Vomiting during diarrhoea31
Vomiting during pregnancy31
Anxiety in abdomen after stool31
Abdomen emptiness,noon31
Abdomen emptiness,dinner amelioration31
Abdomen flatulence22
Flatulence after eating31
Abdomen fullness,morning31
Abdomen fullness,evening31
Abdomen fullness during constipation31
Abdomen heat21
Abdomen heaviness as from a load,etc21
Abdomen heaviness,morning31
Abdomen heaviness,afternoon31
Inguinal region heaviness31
Abdomen aching,dull pain22
Abdomen aching,morning32
Abdomen aching,morning in bed31
Abdomen aching,morning on waking31
Abdomen aching,forenoon31
Abdomen aching, 9 a.m.31
Abdomen aching,afternoon31
Abdomen aching, 1 p.m.31
Abdomen aching,evening31
Abdomen aching in bed31
Abdomen aching pain on going to bed31
Abdomen aching,on bending backward amelioration32
Abdomen pain on bending double31
Abdomen aching during diarrhoea (colic)33
Abdomen aching while lying31
Abdomen aching,lying amelioration31
Abdomen paroxysmal aching32
Abdomen aching,pressure amelioration31
Abdomen aching radiating31
Abdomen aching while sitting31
Abdomen aching during stool31
Abdomen aching after stool31
Abdomen aching,after stool amelioration31
Abdomen aching,stretching out amelioration31
Abdomen aching,walking amelioration31
Abdomen aching,shift suddenly to distant parts33
Abdomen aching extending to distant parts32
Hypochondria aching dull pain22
Hypochondria aching,morning31
Hypochondria aching,3 p.m.31
Hypochondria aching,evening31
Hypochondria aching in bed31
Hypochondria aching from motion31
Hypochondria aching extending backward31
Hypogastrium aching dull pain22
Hypogastrium aching,morning31
Hypogastrium aching,afternoon31
Hypogastrium aching,urination amelioration31
Iliac region aching dull pain21
Iliac region left side aching31
Iliac region aching,evening31
Iliac region aching,night31
Inguinal region aching dull pain21
Inguinal left side then right aching31
Inguinal region aching extending down leg31
Inguinal region aching extending to testicles32
Liver aching,dull pain21
Liver aching,colic,gall-stone32
Liver aching,lying on right side31
Umbilicus aching dull pain22
Umbilicus aching,morning32
Umbilicus aching,pressure amelioration31
Aching pain radiating from umbilicus32
Reg.of umbilicus aching dull pain23
Reg.of umbilicus aching,morning31
Reg.of umbilicus aching,noon31
Reg.of umbilicus violent aching32
Abdomen burning pain21
Hypochondria burning pain,morning31
Region of umbilicus burning pain31
Abdomen cramping,griping pain23
Abdomen cramping pain,morning33
Abdomen cramping pain,forenoon33
Abdomen cramping pain in bed31
Abdomen cramping pain,bending backward amelioration31
Hypochondria cramping,griping pain21
Hypochondria abdomen cramping pain,evening31
Hypogastrium cramping,griping pain22
Hypogastrium cramping pain,morning31
Region of umbilicus cramping pain23
Abdomen cutting pain23
Abdomen cutting pain,morning32
Abdomen cutting pain,evening32
Abdomen cutting pain while walking32
Hypochondria cutting pain21
Inguinal reg.cutting pain,evening31
Liver cutting pain22
Umbilicus cutting pain21
Umbilical region cutting pain33
Umbilical reg.cutting pain while walking31
Hypochondria pressing pain21
Abdomen sides pressing pain21
Region of umbilicus pressing pain22
Abdomen sore,bruised pain,tenderness22
Abdomen sore pain,morning31
Hypochondria sore pain,morning31
Inguinal region sore,bruised pain,tenderness21
Inguinal left side sore pain31
Inguinal reg.sore pain,evening31
Inguinal reg.sore pain in bed31
Liver tearing pain22
Abdomen twisting pain22
Hypochondria twisting pain,evening21
Left hypochondrium twisting pain31
Hypochondria twisting pain,evening31
Rumblings in the bowels23
Abdomen rumbling,morning31
Abdomen rumbling, 7 a.m.31
Complaints of spleen22
Abdomen weakness after stool31
Constipation alternating with diarrhoea31
Constipation,ineffectual urging and straining31
Diarrhoea,morning,driving out of bed31
Diarrhoea,in open air amelioration31
Diarrhoea,after eating amelioration32
Diarrhoea,lying aggravtion32
Diarrhoea,motion amelioration32
Diarrhoea,rising up from bed amelioration31
Diarrhoea,rubbing amelioration31
Diarrhoea,sitting aggravation31
Diarrhoea,wine amelioration31
Flatus during diarrhea32
Hot flatus31
Offensive flatus32
Haemorrhage from anus21
Haemorrhoids,morning aggravation33
Bluish haemorrhoids31
Chronic haemorrhoids31
External haemorrhoids31
Large haemorrhoids32
Anus itching21
Anus itching,forenoon31
Rectum moisture22
Rectum moisture,evening31
Rectum pain21
Rectum pain,morning31
Rectum pain,evening31
Rectum pain after stool31
Rectum burnng pain,noon31
Rectum burning pain, 2 p.m.31
Rectum burning pain after flatus31
Rectum burning pain before stool31
Rectum burning pain during stool31
Rectum cutting pain during stool31
Rectum pressing downward,outward,etc,pain31
Rectum soreness21
Rectum tenesmus21
Rectum tenesmus during dysentery31
Rectum tenesmus during stool31
Rectum tenesmus after stool31
Rectum prolapsus21
Sensation of rectum prolapsus31
Urging to stool21
Urging to stool,midnightg31
Pressing to stool during breakfast31
Urging to stool during dinner31
Frequent urging to stool31
Urging to stool during stool31
Urging to stool after stool31
Albuminous stool22
Bilious stool21
Black stool21
Copious stool21
Dry stool21
Hard stool21
Hot stool21
Knotty,nodular,lumpy stool21
Slimy mucous stool21
Mucous jelly-like stool31
Mucous slimy transparent stool31
Mucous white stool31
Stool,offensive odor31
Pasty stool21
Soft stool21
Thin liquid stool21
Thin liquid fecal stool31
Watery stool21
Watery stool,morning31
White stool21
Yellow stool21
Fecal yellow stool31
Retention of urine21
Constant urging to urinate22
Frequent urging to urinate22
Kidneys pain22
Kidneys pain extending to testes31
Ureters right side pain22
Ureters pain extending to penis and testes32
Ureters pain extending into urethra and seminal cords31
Ureters cutting pain22
Urethra spasmodic stricture32
Male genitals coldness22
Male genitals coldness,evening32
Penis coldness21
Scrotum coldness21
Troublesome erections,night32
Wanting erections,impotency21
Male genitalia flaccidity22
Spermatic cords pain extending to testes31
Testes pain21
Left testis pain31
Testes pain,afternoon31
Spermatic cord cramping pain extending to testes31
Scrotum perspiration22
Scrotum perspiration,strong smelling32
Relaxed scrotum22
Nightly seminal emissions23
Seminal emissions without dreams33
Seminal emissions without erections33
Seminal emissions without excitement of fancy31
Unconscious seminal emissions32
Diminished sexual passion22
Increased sexual passion32
Painful menses,dysmenorrhoea22
False labor pains32
Back coldness (including chill)21
Scapulae coldness31
Sacral region heaviness31
Back itching21
Scapulae itching31
Between scapulae itching31
Between scapulae itching,evening31
Back pain21
Back pain,morning31
Back pain, noon31
Back pain,bending backward aggravation31
Back pain before chill32
Back pain on motion31
Back pain,motion amelioration31
Back pain,pulling aggravation31
Back pain when stooping31
Back pain when turning31
Back pain while walking31
Cervical region pain21
Cervical region pain,evening31
Cervical pain extending to shoulders31
Cervical reg.pain extending upward31
Dorsal region pain21
Lumbar region pain21
Lumbar reg.pain,morning31
Lumbar region pain,evening31
Lumbar region pain,motion amelioration31
Lumbar region pain,pulling aggravation31
Lumbar region pain, stooping31
Lumbar pain,turning in bed almost impossible31
Lumbar pain extending to hips and legs in afternoon31
Lumbar pain extending down the legs31
Sacral region pain22
Sacral reg.pain before stool32
Sacro-iliac junction pain21
Coccyx pain21
Spine pain21
Spine pain,bending backward31
Back aching pain21
Back right side aching pain31
Back aching pain,morning31
Back aching, noon31
Back aching pain before chill32
Cervical region aching pain21
Cervical reg.aching extending to head and shoulders31
Lumbar region aching pain21
Lumbar reg.aching, morning32
Lumbar reg.aching,afternoon31
Lumbar reg.aching,evening31
Lumbar reg.aching when stooping31
Lumbar reg. aching,walking31
Lumbo-sacral region aching pain21
Dorsal region burning pain31
Lumbar burning pain after 5 p.m.31
Lumbar cramp-like pain,evening31
Scapulae cutting pain31
Cervical region drawing pain31
Lumbar drawing pain,morning31
Sacral region drawing pain32
Back lameness22
Back lameness,morning31
Lumbar region lameness31
Lumbar lameness,morning31
Lumbar lameness,motion amelioration31
Lumbar lameness,pulling aggravation31
Lumbar lameness,stooping31
Lumbar lameness,turning in bed almost impossible31
Soreness in scapulae,bruised,beaten31
Lumbar soreness,morning31
Spine soreness,spinal irritation32
Spinal irritation,cervical region31
Lumbar region stitching,shooting pain31
Coccyx stitching,shooting pain31
Scapulae tearing pain31
Back stiffness, evening31
Back weakness,morning31
Lumbar region weakness31
Brittle finger nails22
Leg coldness31
Cracking in elbow31
Extremities cramps22
Upper limbs cramps31
Hand cramps31
Hand cramps, afternoon31
Hand cramps, 3 p.m.31
Fingers cramps during parturition33
Knee cramps31
Knee cramps, morning31
Knee cramps, afternoon 3 p.m.31
Leg cramps31
Leg cramps,night in bed31
Toes flexor tendons cramps31
Periosteum felon31
Run-around felon31
Lower limbs heaviness,tired limbs31
Extremeities itching21
Upper limbs itching31
Upper limbs itching, evening31
Shoulder itching31
Wrist itching31
Hand itching31
Palm itching31
Palm itching, evening31
Lower limbs itching31
Lower limbs itching on becoming cold31
Lower limbs itching,stinging31
Lower limbs itching while undressing31
Lower limbs itching while walking31
Hip itching31
Hip itching,morning,becoming cool aggravation31
Hip stinging itching31
Thigh itching31
Thigh itching, 5 p.m.31
Thigh itching,becoming chilly31
Leg itching when cold31
Leg itching,undressing aggravation31
Ankle itching31
Ankle itching while walking31
Foot itching31
Shoulder lameness31
Elbow lameness31
Elbow lameness, morning31
Wrist lameness31
Hip lameness31
Hip lameness,afternoon , 2 p.m.31
Hip lameness while walking31
Knee lameness31
Knee lameness, morning31
Ankles lameness31
Ankles lameness, morning31
Knee difficult motion31
Left limbs numbness31
Upper limb numbness31
Elbow numbness31
Forearm numbness31
Hand numbness31
Left hand numbness31
Hand numbness, 7 a.m.31
Hand numbness extending to arm31
Fingers numbness31
Fingers numbness, morning31
Fourth finger numbness31
Left fourth finger31
Leg numbness31
Right leg numbness31
Left leg numbness31
Leg numbness,morning31
Leg numbness,evening while sitting31
Foot numbness31
Foot numbness,morning31
Extremties pain21
Joints pain31
Joints pain, morning31
Joints pain, night31
Joints pain after walking31
Upper limbs pain21
Upper limb pain, morning31
Upper limbs pain, 3 a.m.31
Upper limbs pain extending to back31
Shoulder pain31
Shoulder pain, morning31
Shoulder pain, forenoon31
Shoulder pain, afternoon31
Shoulder pain, 7 p.m.31
Shoulder pain,motion amelioration31
Shoulder pain extending to back31
Upper arm pain, 3 p.m.31
Elbow pain31
Elbow pain, morning31
Lbow pain, 6 a.m.31
Elbow pain, forenoon31
Elbow pain, 4 p.m.31
Elbow pain, evening31
Elbow pain, 7 p.m.31
Elbow pain alternates with pain in knees31
Elbow pain after going to bed31
Forearm pain31
Forearm pain, morning31
Wrist pain31
Left wrist pain31
Wrist pain, morning31
Wrist pain, evening31
Hand pain31
Hand pain, morning31
Hand pain, forenoon31
Hand pain, evening31
Hand pain, night31
Hand pain on closing hand31
Hand pain,motion amelioration31
Fingers pain32
Bones of finger pain31
Fourth finger pain31
Thumb pain31
Thumb pain, evening31
Thumb joints pain31
Lower limbs pain,lying amelioration32
Right sciatica32
Sciatica,lying amelioration32
Sciatica,motion aggravation32
Sciatica,sitting aggravation31
Lower limbs pain extending downward31
Hip pain31
Hip pain, morning31
Hip pain, evening31
Hip pain extending in front of leg31
Thigh pain31
Thigh pain, morning31
Thigh pain, evening31
Thigh paralytic pain31
Thigh pain while walking31
Middle of posterior part of thigh pain31
Posterior part of thigh pain31
Knee pain31
Knee pain, morning31
Knee pain, forenoon31
Knee pain, noon31
Knee pain, afternoon31
Knee pain, evening31
Knee pain, night31
Knee pain alternating with pain in elbow31
Knee pain on ascending stairs31
Knee pain,motion amelioration31
Knee pain after stool31
Knee pain on walking31
Knee pain,continued walking amelioration31
Knee wandering pain31
Knee wandering pain from one to the other31
Knee pain,warm bed31
Knee pain extending up legs31
Hollow of knee pain31
Leg pain31
Leg pain, morning31
Leg pain,elevating feet amelioration31
Leg pain,motion amelioration31
Leg pain while sitting31
Leg bones pain31
Ankle pain31
Ankle pain, morning31
Ankle pain,afternoon31
Ankle pain, evening31
Ankle pain,motion amelioration31
Ankle inner side pain31
Foot pain31
Foot pain, morning31
Foot pain,motion amelioration31
Sole pain31
Sole pain, morning31
Heel pain31
First toe pain31
Fourth toe pain31
Upper limbs aching31
Upper limbs aching extending into forearm31
Shoulder aching31
Shoulder aching, afternoon31
Shoulder aching, 1 p.m.31
Elbow aching31
Elbow aching alternating with pain in knees31
Elbow aching extending to forearm31
Forearm aching31
Forearm aching, evening31
Wrist aching31
Hand aching31
Hand aching, morning31
Hand aching, night31
Hand aching,exercise amelioration31
Fingers aching31
First finger aching, evening31
Thumb aching, 9 p.m.31
Hip aching31
Hip aching, evening31
Knee aching31
Knee aching, morning31
Knee aching, noon31
Knee aching, afternoon31
Knee aching, evening31
Knee aching,motion amelioration31
Leg aching31
Leg aching,motion amelioration31
Ankles aching31
Foot aching31
Foot aching,exercise amelioration31
Sole aching31
Sole aching, morning31
Toes aching31
Fifth toe aching31
Fifth toe boring pain31
Shoulder burning pain31
Shoulder burning pain,evening31
Sole cutting pain31
Toes cutting pain31
Shoulder drawing pain31
Shoulder drawing, morning31
Shoulder drawing extending to back of chest31
Elbow drawing pain31
Forearm drawing pain31
Wrist drawing pain31
Hand drawing pain31
Hand drawing, morning31
Fingers drawing pain31
Knee drawing pain31
Knee drawing,morning31
Knee drawing,afternoon31
Calf drawing31
Ankles drawing pain31
Foot drawing pain31
Sore bruised upper limbs while walking31
Sore bruised second finger31
Sore bruised knee,evening31
Sore bruised knee while walking31
Sore bruised fourth toe31
Sprained wrist31
Sprained hand31
Forearm stitching pain31
Hand stitching pain31
Fingers stitching pain31
Fingers stitching pain,morning31
Fingers stitching pain, 7 a.m.31
Second finger stitching pain31
Ankle stitching pain31
Outer malleolus stitching pain31
Fingers tearing pain31
Hip tearing pain31
Knee tearing pain31
Toes tearing pain31
Second finger pulsation31
Thigh shocks31
Elbow stiffness,morning31
Wrist stiffness31
Hand stiffness31
Fingers stiffness31
Knee stiffness31
Ankle stiffness31
Ankle stiffness,exercise amlioration31
Foot stiffness31
Toes stiffness31
Toes stiffness,morning31
Elbow swelling31
Fingers tingling,morning31
Hand trembling31
Knee trembling31
Knee trembling while walking31
Leg trembling31
Knee twisting sensation31
Shoulder twitching31
Upper limbs weakness31
Elbow weakness31
Hand weakness31
Hand weakness,morning31
Hand weakness,evening31
Knee weakness32
Knee weakness,morning32
Knee weakness,evening31
Knee weakness on ascending stairs31
Knee weakness while walking31
Knee weakness,walking amelioration31
Leg weakness31
Leg weakness,morning31
Leg weakness,motion amelioration31
Ankle weakness31
Falling asleep,afternoon31
Restless sleep21
Sleepiness, afternoon31
Sleepiness, 5 p.m.31
Sleepiness after dinner31
Sleeplessness after 2 a.m.31
Sleeplessness from activity of mind,thoughts31
Early waking31
Amorous dreams22
Anxious dreams21
Frightful dreams21
Coldness in general21
Coldness, morning21
Coldness, 1 to 2 a.m.31
Coldness at 5 a.m.31
Coldness at 7 a.m.31
Coldness at 8 a.m.31
Coldness, forenoon after stool31
Coldness, evening21
Coldness in bed21
Coldness after stool31
Coldness not ameliorated in a warm room nor by a warm stove31
Perspiration in general21
Perspiration, night21
Skin coldness22
Skin sticking21
Open air amelioration32
Ascending aggravation21
Constriction, internally31
After eating amelioration31
Faintness, 7 a.m.31
Faintness,forenoon on standing erect31
Faintness, afternoon31
Faintness, 3 a.m.31
Faintness in bed31
Faintness,while lying amelioration31
Faintness from sitting up31
Faintness during stool31
Faintness after stool31
Faintness from odor of stool31
Faintness on waking31
Tea aggravation31
After lying amelioration31
Lying in bed aggravation31
Lying on painful side aggravation31
Lying on painless side amelioration31
Motion amelioration32
Bones pain31
Boring pain31
Burning pain,internally32
Cutting pain,internally33
Pressing pain,externally31
Pressing pain,internally31
Radiating pain31
Stitching pain,externally32
Stitching pain,internally31
Stitching pain downward31
Stitching pain upward31
Tearing pain,internally31
Twisting pain32
Wandering pain32
Pressure amelioration31
Prickling internally31
Relaxation of muscles22
Rubbing ameliorates31
Standing amelioration31
Trembling externally21
Uncovering aggravation21
While walking amelioration32
Weakness,morning on rising31
Weakness, 8 a.m.31
Weakness after stool31
Weakness on waking31