- Head heaviness,morning
- Head heaviness,morning on rising
- Head heaviness,morning,after rising amelioration
- Head heaviness,morning on waking
- Head heaviness,afternoon
- Head heaviness at 4 p.m.
- Head heaviness,evening
- Head heaviness,night
- Head heaviness,night on waking
- Head heaviness in cold air
- Head heaviness in open air
- Head heaviness,in open air amelioration
- Head heaviness alternating with clearness of mind
- Head heaviness on ascending
- Head heaviness with pain in back and limbs
- Head heaviness with drowsiness and pain in back
- Head heaviness while lying in bed
- Head heaviness after beer
- Head heaviness,bending head back amelioration
- Head heaviness on bending forward
- Head heaviness as if too full of blood
- Head heaviness after breakfast
- Head heaviness from candle-light
- Head heaviness during chill
- Head heaviness after chill
- Head heaviness,strong coffee amelioration
- Head heaviness after taking cold
- Head heaviness,cold amelioration
- Head heaviness on coughing
- Head heaviness,daily
- Head heaviness,darkness aggravation
- Head heaviness,darkness amelioration
- Head heaviness on descending
- Head heaviness after dinner
- Head heaviness,dinner amelioration
- Head heaviness as if had been drinking
- Head heaviness,dull
- Head heaviness while eating
- Head heaviness after eating
- Head heaviness,epistaxis amelioration
- Head heaviness on becoming erect
- Head heaviness on exercise
- Head heaviness on exertion of eyes
- Head falls backward
- Head heaviness,as if brain would fall down
- As if brain would fall forward
- As if head would fall forward
- As if head would fall to one side
- Head heaviness from heat
- Head heaviness from heat of sun
- Head heaviness during the heat
- Head heaviness after the heat
- Head heaviness on holding head erect
- Head heaviness,desires to lean on something
- Head heaviness from strong light
- Head heaviness,looking steadily aggravation
- Head heaviness,looking steadily amelioration
- Head heaviness while looking sideways
- Head heaviness while lying
- Head heaviness,while lying amelioration
- Head heaviness while lying on back
- Head heaviness,while lying head high amelioration
- Head heaviness as if had been lying head too low
- Head heaviness while lying on side
- Head heaviness,lying on side amelioration
- Head heaviness while lying on right side
- Head heaviness before menses
- Head heaviness during menses
- Head heaviness after menses
- Head heaviness,menstrual colic
- Head heaviness from mental exertion
- Head heaviness from motion
- Head heaviness,motion amelioration
- Head heaviness on motion of eyes
- Head heaviness from motion of head
- Head painful heaviness
- Head heaviness during perspiration
- As if brain were pressed forward
- Head heaviness,brain feels compressed
- Like a weight on brain
- Like a weight on head
- Head heaviness,pressure amelioration
- Head heaviness on raising head
- Head heaviness,on raising head amelioration
- Head heaviness while reading
- Head heaviness while riding
- Head heaviness on rising
- Head heaviness,on rising amelioration
- Head heaviness on rising from stooping
- Head heaviness while sewing
- Head heaviness,shaking head amelioration
- Head heaviness after a siesta
- Head heaviness while siiting
- Head heaviness,while sitting amelioration
- Head heaviness while sitting bent over
- Head heaviness while sitting erect
- Head heaviness,sleep amelioration
- Head heaviness,smoking aggravation
- Head heaviness on sneezing
- Head heaviness on standing
- Head heaviness after stool
- Head heaviness on stooping
- Head heaviness,on stooping amelioration
- Head heaviness,swallowing aggravation
- Head heaviness from talking
- Head heaviness,thinking of it aggravation
- Head heaviness,profuse urination amelioration
- Head heaviness after vexation
- Head heaviness on waking
- Head heaviness while walking
- Head heaviness,while walking amelioration
- Head heaviness,walking in open air amelioration
- Head heaviness after walking in open air
- Head heaviness,warm room
- Head heaviness,washing amelioration
- Head heaviness,wrinkling forehead amelioration
- Head heaviness while writing
- Forehead heaviness
- Forehead heaviness,morning
- Forehead heaviness,morning on waking
- Forehead heaviness,forenoon
- Forehead heaviness at noon
- Forehead heaviness,afternoon
- Forehead heaviness at 4 p.m.
- Forehead heaviness,evening
- Forehead heaviness;evening during menses
- Forehead heaviness,in open air amelioration
- Forehead heaviness,as if all would come out
- Forehead heaviness after eating
- Forehead heaviness,heat of sun
- Forehead heaviness during menses
- Forehead heaviness,mental exertion
- Forehead heaviness on motion
- Forehead heaviness while standing
- Forehead heaviness as if stone lay there
- Forehead heaviness when stooping
- Forehead heaviness on waking
- Forehead heaviness while walking
- As if a weight pressed forward in forehead,must hold head upright
- As if a weight sank down in forehead
- Forehead heaviness while writing
- Forehead heaviness,frontal sinuses
- Occiput heaviness
- Occiput heaviness,morning
- Occiput heaviness,morning during menses
- Occiput heaviness,forenoon
- Occiput heaviness,afternoon
- Occiput heaviness,evening
- Occiput heaviness,night
- As if occiput could not be raised from pillow,night
- Occiput heaviness,night,lying on back
- Occiput heaviness,bending head forward
- Occiput heaviness during chill
- Occiput heaviness draws eyes togetther
- Occiput heaviness,heat of sun
- Occiput heaviness,as if full of lead
- Occiput heaviness after lying down
- Occiput heaviness,lying on back aggravation
- Occiput heaviness,lying on side amelioration
- Occiput heaviness,motion aggravation
- Occiput heaviness,difficult to raise
- Pain in occiput like a weight,must raise head with hands
- Occiput heaviness on rising
- Occiput heaviness,as if head would sink backward
- Occiput heaviness while sitting bent
- At every step a jolt as if a weight were on occiput
- Occiput heaviness,swallowing aggravation
- Occiput heaviness on waking
- Occiput heaviness while walking
- Occiput heaviness extending downward
- Occiput heaviness extending down arms
- Occiput heaviness extending from ear to ear
- Occiput heaviness extending into nape
- Occiput heaviness extending to shoulders
- Head sides heaviness
- Head right side heaviness
- Temples heaviness
- As if a weight hung at both temples