Mercurius iodatus flavus(proto-iodatus)


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Cheerful in open air31
Confusion of mind,morning on waking31
Confusion of mind,night on waking31
Confusion of mind on waking31
Confusion of mind,walking in open air amelioration31
Confusion of mind in a warm room31
Man in the room intending to perforate his throat with a gimlet31
Excitment ameliorates31
Mirth, afternoon31
Occupation amelioration21
Vertigo,morning on waking31
Vertigo,mental exertion21
Vertigo while reading21
Vertigo on rising on a seat31
Head congestion,hyperaemia21
Head constriction21
Head crusts or scabs32
Head eruption,itching,night aggravation31
Occiput heat31
Head heaviness21
Scalp itching22
Sensation of head numbness21
Sensation of occiput numbness31
Headache in general21
Headache on waking31
Headache,night in bed31
Headache,night on waking31
Headache,in open air amelioration31
Catarrhal headache31
Headache on descending31
Headache after dinner31
Headache after eating31
Headache,exertion of body amelioration31
Headache,mental exertion amelioration31
Headache,motion amelioration31
Headache from noise31
Headache with pain in neck31
Headache,external pressure aggravation31
Headache after a siesta31
Headache on turning body31
Headache while walking31
Headache,amel.while walking in open air31
Headache,work amelioration31
Brain pain,afternoon31
Brain pain from touch31
Forehead pain22
Forehead right side pain31
Forehead pain,night on waking31
Forehead pulsating pain31
Headache above the forehead31
Above right eye headache31
Forehead pain above root of nose32
Occiput pain,morning on rising31
Both sides headache31
Left side headache31
Sides headache on combing hair31
Sides headache,touch aggravation31
Temples pain21
Headache,left temple to right31
Temples pain,night31
Temples pulsating pain31
Headache,temples and forehead pain21
Headache,vertex pain22
Temples bursting pain31
Headache,pressing pain21
Pressing downward headache31
Forehead shooting pain21
Temples shooting pain21
Forehead sore bruised pain21
Occiput sore bruised pain21
Head sides sore bruised pain21
Head right side sore pain31
Stitching headache21
Stitching headache on descending31
Temples stitching pain21
Temples stitching pain,descending stairs31
Forehead pulsating22
Discoloration of iris21
Granular lids22
Eye syphilitic inflammation32
Conjunctiva and cornea pustular inflammation32
Cornea inflammation32
Iris inflammation31
Iris syphilitic inflammation32
Eye irritation21
Opacity of cornea22
Opacity of cornea,vitreous body32
Eye pain21
Eye pain,night31
Eye pain,rest aggravation31
Eye aching pain,night31
Eye boring pain21
Eye burning,smarting,biting pain21
Eye burning pain,afternoon31
Eye pressing pain,pressure,etc21
Paralysis of lids22
Paralysis of muscles of eyeball21
Eyeball internal recti paralysis31
Pulsation in eyes22
Pulsation in eyes,night32
Lids redness32
Divergent strabismus31
Swollen lids31
Cornea ulceration32
Cornea vascular ulceration31
Black motes31
Flashes vision21
Foggy vision while lying on left side31
Itching in ear21
Itching behind ear31
Itching behind ear,evening in bed31
Itching behind ear,night31
Ear pain22
Right ear pain31
Ear pain,morning31
Ear pain, night31
Ear pain on swallowing31
Ear pain,warmth of bed aggravation31
Ear pain extending outward31
Ear pain extending to throat32
Pain about the ear21
Pain behind ear21
Pain in front of ear21
Pain inside the ear (meatus)22
Aching pain in front of ear31
Boring pain in ear22
Boring pain in left ear31
Acute boring pain in ear31
Ear soreness21
Stitching pain in ear21
Stitching pain in left ear31
Ear pulsation21
Sensation of stopped ear21
Impaired hearing from becoming overheated31
Nose catarrh22
Nose catarrh of old age31
Nose catarrh extends to frontal sinuses31
Post nasal catarrh32
Coryza during diphteria32
Dilated nostrils on each inspiration32
Crusts,scabs inside nose32
Nose excoriating discharge32
Nose dry,hard discharge31
Nose offensive discharge31
Nose purulent discharge31
Nose thick discharge31
Yellow discharge from posterior nares31
Discharge from posterior nares31
Nose inside dryness22
Fan-like motion of nose wings31
Pain in nose22
Pain in nose root32
Pain in nose root with headcahe32
Nose aching pain21
Nose bones cutting pain31
Nose septum cutting pain31
Nose sore bruised pain in spots31
Nose septum sore bruised pain32
Nose septum right side sore bruised pain32
Nose root stitching pain31
Nose right side swelling32
Nose septum swelling32
Nose right wing swelling31
Lower lip epithelioma32
Lips dryness31
Enlarged submaxillary32
Face scurfy eruption21
Parotid gland induration32
Submaxillary gland induration32
Face pain (aching,prosopalgia,etc)21
Face pain,pressure aggravation31
Face pain,pulsating31
Face rheumatic pain31
Cheek pain31
Lower jaw ramus boring pain31
Face sore bruised pain22
Bones of face sore pain32
Lower jaw sore bruised pain31
Malar bones sore bruised pain31
Right malar bone sore pain32
Malar bones sore pain extending to forehead and side of head31
Face stinging pain21
Face stitching pain21
Face left side stitching pain31
Cheek bones pulsation31
Sensitive face bones32
Lower jaw stiffness32
Upper lip swelling31
Submaxillary glands swelling31
Lower jaw twitching31
Brown tongue32
Yellowish-brown tongue31
Tongue red edges32
Tongue red tip31
White tongue32
Cheesy white tongue31
Yellow tongue32
Tongue yellow base33
Bright yellow tongue31
Tongue yellow centre,edges red31
Dirty yellow tongue33
Mouth dryness21
Tongue dryness31
Mouth itching21
Palate covered with a false membrane31
Velum false membrane31
Breath metallic odor32
Breath offensive odor32
Tongue erect papillae21
Acrid saliva22
Fetid saliva32
Gums swelling32
Bad taste32
Bad taste,morning on awaking32
Constant inclination to clinch teeth together21
Sensation of teeth elongation22
Toothache,desire to bite teeth together during menses31
Toothache in a filled tooth31
Toothache after filling32
Toothache,pressure amelioration31
Drawing toothache21
Throat redness32
Pharynx redness32
Pharynx back part redness32
Tonsils redness32
Uvula redness32
Throat dryness21
Oesophagus dryness31
Elongated uvula21
Enlargement of tonsils21
Diposition to hawk22
Throat inflammation22
Throat right side inflammation32
Tonsils inflammation32
Uvula inflammation32
Sensation of lump or plug in throat22
Throat rigt side membrane32
Throat gray membrane31
Throat irregular membrane31
Throat loose membrane31
Throat scanty membrane31
Throat transparent membrane31
Throat white membrane31
Throat yellow membrane32
Pharynx posterior wall membrane31
Tonsils membrane31
Right tonsil membrane31
Uvula membrane31
Throat mucus22
Throat mucus,morning32
Throat mucus difficult to detach32
Mucus drawn from the posterior nares31
Throat tenacious mucus32
Throat pain21
Throat right side pain32
Throat pain,cold drinks amelioration31
Throat pain on swallowing32
Throat pain on empty swallowing32
Throat pain,warm drinks31
Tonsils pain32
Right tonsil pain32
Throat burning pain22
Throat burning pain on empty swallowing31
Sore throat22
Sore throat right side31
Tonsils suppuration22
Constant disposition to swallow21
Difficult swallowing31
Tonsils swelling32
Right tonsil swelling32
Throat ulcers22
Tonsils ulcers32
Right sided goitre31
External throat sides pain31
External throat side burning pain21
External throat right side burning pain31
External throat soreness21
Stiffness of neck sides21
Membranous croup32
Lost voice32
Impeded respiration,stitches in heart31
Hacking cough21
Loose cough21
Rattling cough21
Copious expectoration21
Greenish expectoration22
Yellow expectoration21
Mammae cancer32
Mammae cancer,epithelioma32
Chest red eruption31
Chest itching21
Chest oppression21
Chest pain21
Chest pain,pressure aggravation31
Chest sides pain21
Chest sides pain,pressure31
Heart pain21
Heart pain,yawning31
Region of heart pain31
Chest right side aching pain31
Chest sides aching pain,night in bed31
Chest sides boring pain31
Chest left side boring pain31
Chest stitching pain21
Chest right side stitching pain31
Chest side stitching pain,pressure31
Heart stitching pain31
Heart paroxysmal palpitation31
Hunger,but knows not for what,or refuses things when offered21
Diminished appetite21
Increased appetote vanishing at sight of food31
Wanting appetite at sight of food31
Aversion to food22
Stomach constriction21
Desires salt things21
Desires sour,acid things21
Emptiness,weak feeling,faintness,hungry feeling21
Empty eructations21
Stomach hardness21
Loathing of food21
Nausea during dinner31
Nausea on looking at food31
Nausea during pregnancy32
Nausea during stool31
Stomach pain21
Stomach burning pain21
Stomach cramping griping constricting pain21
Stomach cutting pain,morning31
Retching,hawking mucus from fauces32
Burning,vehement thirst31
Extreme thirst31
Vomiting during pregnancy31
Sensation as if diarrhea would come on21
Hard abdomen21
Abdomen itching21
Abdomen aching,dull pain21
Abdomen aching as if diarrhoea would come on31
Abdomen aching on waking31
Hypochondria aching dull pain21
Left hypochondrium aching31
Liver aching,dull pain21
Liver aching extending from right to left32
Reg.of umbilicus aching dull pain21
Region of umbilicus burning pain31
Abdomen cutting pain21
Abdomen cutting pain before stool31
Hypogastrium pressing pain21
Hypogastrium pressing pain,noon31
Reg.of umbilicus sore,bruised pain,tenderness32
Liver stitching pain21
Umbilicus stitching pain21
Rumblings in the bowels21
Swelling of the inguinal glands32
Tabes mesenterica21
Sensation as before a diarrhoea31
Rectum burning pain21
Rectum pressing pain21
Rectum soreness21
Rectum stitching pain21
Urging to stool21
Black stool21
Bloody stool22
Copious stool21
Frothy stool21
Green stool21
Hard stool21
Stool,offensive odor31
Scanty stool21
Small stool21
Soft stool21
Thin liquid stool21
Tough stool21
Brownish yellow stool31
Urination in bed while dreaming of urinating31
Paroxysmal urination21
Urethra mucous discharge21
Dark urine22
Red urine21
Dark red urine31
Copious urine (increased)21
Male genitalia dry scaly eruption31
Scrotum dry eruption32
Scrotum scaly eruption32
Penis stitching pain21
Male genitals perspiration21
Copious seminal discharge31
Seminal emissions without dreams31
Unconscious seminal emissions31
Prepuce swelling32
Penis ulcers22
Penis chancres32
Penis hard ulcer33
Uterus cancer22
Acid,excoriating leucorrhoea21
Leucorrhoea,little girls21
Purulent leucorrhoea22
Yellow leucorrhoea22
Female genitalia ulcers21
Cervical region heat31
Back itching21
Scapulae itching31
Cervical region numbness31
Scapulae pain31
Right scapula pain,pulsating31
Between scapulae pain,pulsating31
Back aching pain21
Back right side aching pain31
Scapulae aching pain31
Lumbar region aching pain21
Scapulae as if broken31
Scapulae cutting pain31
Cervical region soreness,bruised,beaten31
Cervical soreness,moving head31
Soreness in scapulae,bruised,beaten31
Soreness between scapulae,bruised,beaten31
Back stitching,shooting pain21
Scapulae stitching,shooting pain31
Between scapulae pulsating31
Under right scapula pulsating31
Cervical region stiffness31
Cervical stiffness during headache31
Lumbar region weakness31
Hand cramps31
Calf cramps in cholera33
Toes cramps, night in bed31
Between toes excoriation31
Heaviness,tired limbs21
Limbs heaviness,lying on left side31
Left upper limb heaviness31
Upper limb heaviness,playing piano aggravation31
Lower limbs heaviness,tired limbs32
Lower limbs heaviness as from fatigue31
Extremeities itching21
Upper limbs itching31
Upper limbs sticking itching31
Elbow itching31
Forearm itching31
Hand sticking itching31
Lower limbs itching31
Lower limbs itching, night31
Lower limbs itching in bed31
Lower limbs itching,stinging31
Nates itching,night in bed31
Knee itching31
Knee stinging itching31
Foot itching31
Foot itching in bed31
Back of foot itching,warmth of bed31
Outer side of foot itching31
Outer side of foot itching,stinging31
Sole of foot itching31
Firts toe itching31
Upper limbs lameness31
Right upper limb lameness31
Upper limbs lameness after writing32
Shoulder lameness32
Right shoulder lameness31
Shoulder lameness while writing31
Elbow lameness31
Forearm lameness31
Foot lameness31
Upper limb numbness31
Right upper limb numbness31
Upper limbs numbness while writing32
Hand numbness31
Fingers numbness31
Extremties pain21
Limbs pain, night32
Limbs pain,drives out of bed, night33
Extremities rheumatic pain31
Limb bones pain32
Upper limbs pain21
Right upper limb pain32
Upper limb pain, morning31
Upper limbs pain,morning on rising31
Upper limbs pain, evening31
Upper limbs pain, night31
Upper limbs pain,pressure aggravation31
Upper limbs rheumatic pain32
Upper limbs pain,rubbing aggravation31
Upper limbs pain while writing32
Shoulder pain31
Shoulder rheumatic pain31
Shoulder pain while writing32
Upper arm pain31
Elbow pain31
Elbow pain, night31
Bend of elbow pain31
Bend of elbow pain, morning31
Forearm pain31
Right forearm pain32
Forearm pulsating pain31
Forearm rheumatic pain31
Forearm pain while writing32
Wrist pain31
Wrist pain, morning31
Wrist pain,morning on twisting31
Wrist pain,morning on waking31
Wrist pain,twisting aggravation31
Hand pain32
Hand pain, night31
Hand pain in bed31
Hand rheumatic pain32
Hand pain while writing32
Back of hand pain31
Palm pain31
Palm pain,pulsating31
Tips of fingers pain31
Tips of fingers, evening31
First finger pain31
Thumb pain31
Left thumb pain31
Thumb pain,pulsating31
Lower limbs pain21
Lower limbs pain extending to foot31
Hip pain31
Hip rheumatic pain31
Thigh pain31
Thigh pain,motion amelioration31
Thigh pain,shaking limb31
Thigh pain,stretching and turning from side to side amelioration31
Outer side of thigh pain31
Knee pain31
Leg pain31
Foot pain31
Back of foot pain31
Sole pain31
Sole pain extending to first toe31
Heel pain31
Toes pain, night31
First toe pain31
Fourth toe pain31
Upper limbs aching31
Upper limbs aching while writing31
Shoulder aching31
Elbow aching31
Forearm aching32
Palm aching31
Lower limbs aching31
Hip aching31
Thigh aching31
Leg aching31
Back of foot aching31
Upper arm boring pain31
Right arm boring pain31
Thigh boring pain31
Leg boring pain31
Ankle anterior part boring pain31
Sole boring pain, night31
Shoulder cutting pain31
Thumb cutting pain31
Ankle cutting pain31
Forearm drawing pain31
Forearm bones drawing pain32
Left forearm bones drawing31
Lower limbs cramp-like drawing31
Lower limbs drawing,motion amelioration31
Elbow pinching pain31
Forearm posterior part pinching pain31
Knee pinching pain31
Sore,bruised extremities21
Sore bruised upper limbs31
Sore bruised right upper limb32
Sore bruised left upper limb31
Sore bruised upper limbs,night31
Sore bruised upper limbs,lying on affected side31
Sore bruised upper limbs,passive motion aggravation31
Sore bruised upper limbs on pressure32
Sore bruised upper limbs,rubbing32
Sore bruised upper limbs while writing32
Sore bruised shoulder31
Sore bruised right shoulder32
Sore bruised shoulder,night lying on side31
Sore bruised shoulder,waiting31
Sore bruised elbow31
Sore bruised elbow,night31
Sore bruised forearm31
Sore bruised righ forearm31
Sore bruised thigh31
Right shoulder stitching pain31
Upper arm stitching pain31
Bend of elbow stitching pain31
Bend of right elbow stitching pain31
Hand acute stitching pain31
Ulnar side of hand stitching pain31
Fourth finger stitching pain31
Fourth finger metacarpal joint stitching pain31
Thigh posterior face stitching pain31
Hollow of knee stitching pain31
Hip tearing pain31
Hip tearing,pressure amelioration32
Thigh tearing,motion amelioration31
Sensation of thumb paralysis31
Upper limbs pulsation31
Leg pulsation31
Shoulder stiffness32
Right shoulder stiffness32
Fingers stiffness31
Lower limbs tingling,prickling,asleep31
Leg tingling,prickling,asleep31
Foot tingling,prickling,asleep31
Toes tingling31
Ankle ulcers31
Extremities weakness21
Extremities weakness while lying on left side31
Upper limbs weakness31
Upper limbs weakness while writing31
Hand weakness31
Sleeplessness before midnight31
Sleeplessness until 1 a.m.31
Sleeplessness after midnight until 1 a.m.31
Early waking31
Amorous dreams21
Dreams about coffins21
Dreams of drowning21
Frightful dreams21
Dreams of urinating21
Trembling and shivering21
Corrosive discharging eruption31
Scabies eruption31
Dry scabies31
Syphilitic eruption33
Itching, night31
Skin indurated ulcer32
Cancerous affections22
Cold wet weather aggravation31
Faintness,while lying amelioration32
Sight of food aggravation31
Lying in bed aggravation32
Motion amelioration32
Bones pain31
Bones pain in the night32
Burning pain,internally32
Pressing pain,internally31
Crosswise symptoms,left lower and right upper32
Symptoms on the right side32
Glands swelling32
Glands bluish swelling31
Swollen sensation23
Cancerous ulcers31
On waking22
Warm room aggravation32
Weakness, 4 p.m.31
Weakness while sitting31