- Itching, morning
- Itching,morning in bed
- Itching,morning on rising
- Itching,morning on waking
- Itching, evening
- Itching,evening amelioration
- Itching,evening in bed
- Itching, night
- Itching,batghing amelioration
- Itching,biting
- Itching,biting after perspiration
- Itching,burning
- Itching,night burning
- Itching,burning as from nettles
- Itching during chill
- Itching after coition
- Itching in cold air
- Itching,cold air amelioration
- Itching,crawling
- Itching from despair
- Itching,drunkards
- Itching after eating
- Itching without eruption
- Itching after exertion
- Itching during fever
- Itching,heat of stove amlelioration
- Itching during jaundice
- Itching,jerking
- Itching,lying amelioration
- Itching after eating meat
- Itching during menses
- Itching,mental exertion
- Itching before nausea
- Itching,must scratch until he vomits
- Itching,old people
- Itching when overheated
- Itching when pain ceases
- Painful parts itching
- Itching in paralyzed parts
- Itching,parts lain on
- Itching,perspiration aggravation
- Itching,perspiring parts
- Itching,must scratch until it bleeds
- Itching,must scratch until it is raw
- Itching,scratching aggravation
- Itching,scratching amelioration
- Itching changing place on scratching
- Itching unchanged by scratching
- Itching during sleep
- Itching on going to sleep
- Itching,smarting
- Itching in spots
- Itching,liver spots
- Itching,spots which perspire
- Itching in the spring
- Itching,onth of march
- Itching,stinging
- Itching after suppressed eruptions
- Itching,tearing
- Itching,tickling
- Itching,tickling after scratching
- Itching,undressing aggravation
- Violent itching
- Voluptuous itching
- Itching,not relieved until he vomits
- Itching,waling in open air
- Wandering itching
- Itching on becoming warm
- Itching on becoming warm in bed
- Itching,wool aggravation