Crotalus horridus.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Disconnected answers32
Anxiety during fever31
Aversion to the members of family32
Aversion to certain persons31
Desire of company31
Confusion of mind22
Confusion of mind,morning31
Thoughts of death32
Delirium during convulsions32
Loquatious delirium32
Maniacal delirium31
Delirium,nonsense,with eyes open31
Delusions of animals32
Delusion,surrounded by enemies32
Delusion,sees images,phantoms32
Sees images,phantoms in the night31
Delusion that he is on a journey31
Thought he was pursued by enemies31
Dullness,sluggishness,difficulty of thinking and comprehending22
Attempts to escape22
Fear of people31
Fear of serious thoughts31
Indolence,aversion to work21
Insanity with coldness of skin31
Insanity in drunkards31
Puerperal insanity31
Weakness of memory22
Weakness of memory for dates31
Weakness of memory for proper names32
Weakness of memory for words31
Mistakes in calculating22
Mistakes in speaking31
Mistakes in spelling31
Misplacing words31
Mistakes in writing31
Using wrong words31
Anxious restlessness31
Sadness,mental depression22
Sadness during headache31
Vanishing of senses31
Sensitive to certain persons31
Sensitive to reading31
Confused speech31
Incoherent speech32
Starting during sleep31
Suicidal disposition21
Suicidal disposition,throwing himself from a height31
Wandering thoughts31
Incomplete unconsciousness31
Wepping,tearful mood22
Weeping while reading32
Vertigo during constipation21
Epileptic vertigo31
Tendency to fall21
Vertigo after fright21
Vertigo as if intoxicated21
Vertigo from lightning21
Vertigo,lying down is necessary31
Vertigo,while lying amelioration31
Vertigo from motion21
Vertigo with nausea21
Vertigo while sitting21
Vertigo with vomiting31
Vertigo,walking in the open air amelioration31
Balancing sensation in head on motion31
Bores head in pillow21
Cerebral hemorrhage22
Head congestion,hyperaemia21
Head congestion during constipation31
Head congestion during convulsions31
Head constriction21
Head constriction,band or hoop31
Head side constriction extending into orbits and teeth31
Dragging sensation in head21
Head vesicles31
Head fullness21
Head heat before menses32
Forehead heat31
Head heaviness22
Head heaviness before menses31
Head heaviness from mental exertion31
Forehead heaviness31
Occiput heaviness32
Inflammation of brain21
Scalp itching22
Motions,movements,etc.,in head21
Motions in head while ascending stairs31
Motions in head while walking31
Motions of head (shaking,nodding,waving,etc)21
Headache in general22
Headache,morning,on rising amelioration31
Headache on waking31
Headache on ascending steps31
Headache during the chill31
Headache,unable to collect one's senses31
Headache while constipated31
Headache during the heat32
Headache increasing and decreasing gradually31
Headache from any jar31
Headache,must lie down31
Headache from mental exertion31
Headache from motion32
Headache after sleep31
Headache on turning body in bed31
Headache with unconsciousness32
Headache,violent pains32
Headache extending to eyes32
Headache extending to teeth31
Forehead right side pain31
Forehead pain,morning31
Forehead pain,morning on waking32
Forehead pain,night31
Forehead pain at close of menses31
Forehead pain amel.while walking in open air31
Forehead pain extending to eyes32
Above eyes headache31
Occiput pain22
Occiput pulsatiing pain32
Occiput pain,extending down back31
One side headache21
Right side headache31
Left side headache31
Sides headache extending to eye31
Sides headache extending to teeth31
Temples pain21
Temples pain,evening31
Headache,vertex pain22
Vertex pain,afternoon31
Vertex pain,evening31
Drawing headache,evening31
Drawing headache after eating31
Head sides drawing pain extending to orbits31
Head sides drawing pain extending to teeth31
Vertex drawing pain21
Vertex drawing pain,evening31
Headache,dull pain21
Occiput dull pain32
Head sides pinching pain31
Temples pinching pain31
Right temple pinching pain31
Headache,pressing pain21
Over eyes pressing pain32
Forehead right side pressing pain31
Head side pressing pain21
Head left side pressing pain31
Vertex pressing pain21
Vertex pressing pain,daytime32
Occiput shooting pain extending down to spine and arms32
Sore headache,lying aggravation31
Occiput sore bruised pain21
Occiput sore pain on motion32
Head sides sore bruised pain21
Head sides sore pain extending to eyes31
Head sides sore pain extending to teeth31
Head sides stitching pain21
Head left side stitching pain31
Temples stitching pain21
Left temple stitching pain31
Head pulsating,beating,throbbing22
Head pulsating before menses32
Occiput pulsating22
Head shaking sensation21
Temples muscles twitching31
Bleeding from eyes23
Retinal haemorrhage32
Distorted eyes21
Eyes dryness21
Eye ecchymosis22
Eruption about the eyes21
Falling of lids21
Hyperaesthesia of the retina21
Eye inflammation after measles31
Conjunctiva inflammation31
Cornea inflammation32
Iris inflammation31
Retina inflammation31
Eye insensibility21
Lachrymation,damp weather31
Open lids31
Open eyes with delirium32
Half open eyes32
Eye pain22
Right eye pain31
Eye pain on motion of eyes31
Eye pain extending backward31
Eye boring pain22
Eye burning,smarting,biting pain22
Margins of lids burning pain31
Eye pressing pain when moving eyes31
Eye stitching pain21
Eye stitching pain,morning32
Eye stitching pain,evening32
Eye tearing pain22
Eye tearing pain,morning32
Eye tearing pain,evening31
Paralysis of upper lids31
Photophobia,artificial light32
Eye protrusion21
Pupils dilated (mydriase)31
Lids quivering31
Eye redness22
Canthi redness31
Sunken eye21
Swollen eye,morning32
Eye turned outward32
Eyes yelowness23
Black floating spots (muscae volitantes)32
Yellow color before the eyes22
Dim vision22
Dim vision,damp weather31
Various colored flames32
Loss of vision (blindness)21
Loss of vision,damp weather31
Loss of vision while reading31
Weak vision22
Abscess in ear meatus31
Ear discharges22
Ear blood discharges33
Ear bloody discharges32
Ear discharges after measles32
Ear offensive discharges31
Ear discharges after scarlet fever32
Ear discharges sequelae31
Ear yellow discharges32
Pustules behind ears31
Boils in ear meatus31
Ear as if frozen31
Sensation of ear fullness22
Ear heat21
Ear erysipelatous inflammation32
Itching in ear21
Itching in ear as if frozen31
Noises in ear with vertigo31
Bells in ear21
Ringing in ear21
Ear pain21
Pain behind ear22
Drawing pain in ear21
Drawing pain behind the ear31
Pressing pain behind ear32
Ear lobule soreness31
Sensation of stopped ear21
Sensation of stopped ear,right31
Hearing acute to noises31
Hearing illusions21
Impaired hearing21
Impaired hearing after scarlet fever32
Nose catarrh21
Nose coldness22
Nose tip coldness31
Coryza during diphteria31
Nose blood discharge31
Crusts high up in nose31
Bluish nose31
Bluish root of nose32
Nose redness in drunkards31
Nose tip redness32
Epistaxis,dark,black blood32
Epistaxis,dark,black and thin blood33
Epistaxis,fluid blood33
Epistaxis,pale blood31
Epistaxis from blowing the nose32
Epistaxis with whooping cough32
Epistaxis in diphteria32
Epistaxis during typhoid33
Persistent epistaxis32
Epistaxis with purpura hemorrhagica32
Heat in nose21
Nose heaviness22
Nose inflammation22
Nose tip inflammation31
Syphilitic ozaena31
Pain in nose22
Nose drawing pain21
Nose drawing pain,night32
Frequent sneezing31
Violent sneezing31
Nose swelling21
Nose tip swelling32
Nose varicose veins22
Bloated face22
Bloated face,morning31
Chlorotic face22
Clenched jaw21
Maxillary articulation cramp21
Black face21
Black face and blue spots31
Bluish face21
Bluish face during whooping cough31
Face bluish spots31
Bluish circles around eyes32
Bluish lips32
Brown face21
Face brown spots after parturition31
Greenish face21
Mottled face22
Pale face21
Red face22
Sallow face22
Face sickly color22
Yellow face22
Face distortion22
Drawn face21
Face eruption21
Chin eruption31
Face acne22
Face hard eruption21
Face papular eruption22
Papular eruption on chin32
Face pimples21
Chin pimples31
Nose septum vesicles31
Face erisipelas21
Face phlegmonous erysipelas32
Face recurrent erysipelas32
Anxious expression22
Besotted expression32
Sickly expression31
Face heat flashes31
Parotid gland inflammation32
Lips numbness32
Face pain (aching,prosopalgia,etc)21
Jaw pain31
Jaw sore bruised pain31
Face paralysis21
Lower jaw paralysis31
Face perspiration21
Face cold perspiration31
Lips quivering31
Lower jaw stiffness31
Lips stiffness31
Face swelling22
Face swelling,morning31
Face oedematous swelling32
Lower jaw swelling32
Lips swelling32
Parotid glands swelling32
Submaxillary glands swelling32
Face tingling21
Lips trembling31
Veins nets as if marbled face32
Lips distended veins32
Mouth bleeding23
Mouth bleeding,black blood32
Mouth continuous bleeding,does not coagulate31
Mouth oozing of blood31
Gums bleeding33
Gums easily bleeding33
Palate oozing,purpura32
Tongue cancer31
Cracked fissured tongue32
Gums redness31
Gums margins bright redness32
White gums32
Brown tongue32
Tongue brown centre32
Yellowish-brown tongue31
Red tongue32
Tongue red edges32
Tongue red tip31
Yellow tongue32
Mouth dryness22
Tongue centre dryness32
Enlarged tongue31
Froth,foam from mouth22
Gangrenous mouth22
Tongue inflammation33
Palate itching31
Mouth mucus,slime,etc22
Mouth viscid mucus32
Tongue numbness31
Breath musty odor32
Breath putrid odor32
Breath putrid odor,morning31
Breath sour odor31
Gums pain32
Mouth sore pain22
Tongue sore pain32
Protruded tongue23
Mouth purpura22
Bloody saliva32
Frothy saliva32
Smooth,shining,glazed,glistening,glossy tongue22
Difficult speech32
Wanting speech32
Wanting speech after apoplexy32
Wanting speech from paralysis of organs31
Sticky mouth,morning32
Stiff tongue22
Gums swelling32
Gums white swelling31
Tongue swelling33
Tongue swelling fills whole mouth31
Tongue swelling after sting of insects31
Sensation of tongue swelling31
Bitter taste32
Sour taste32
Wanting taste,loss of taste32
Tongue trembling22
Tongue trembling when protruding it31
Mouth ulcers21
Sensation of teeth elongation21
Teeth grinding22
Teeth grinding during sleep32
Looseness of teeth21
Toothache during eating31
Molars jerking pain31
Sore bruised toothache21
Stitching,stinging toothache21
Blood oozing in throat22
Blood oozing,tonsils32
Choking,throat constricting22
Choking on going to sleep32
Dark red throat32
Throat dryness22
Food lodges in the throat21
Throat gangrene23
Throat inflammation22
Throat left side inflammation32
Tonsils inflammation32
Sensation of lump or plug in throat22
Throat left side membrane31
Throat mucus22
Throat pain22
Throat left side pain32
Throat pain,cold air31
Throat pain on empty swallowing32
Throat rawness pain21
Sore throat21
Sore throat,left side32
Sore throat,night31
Sore throat on waking32
Throat tearing pain21
Throat tearing pain on inspiration of cold air31
Throat paleness21
Throat scraping21
Sensitive throat21
Throat sensitive to air31
Oesophagus spasms32
Constant disposition to swallow21
Can swallow fluids only,but solid food gags32
Difficult swallowing solids32
Impeded swallowing31
Can swallow liquids only,least food gags32
Impossible swallowing32
Impossible swallowing anything but liquids32
Throat swelling21
Neck clothing aggravation23
Larynx constriction during sleep32
Larynx dryness32
Larynx dryness spot31
Larynx inflammation22
Larynx irritation32
Larynx irritation,cold air31
Laryngismus stridulus21
Necrosis of cartilages of larynx21
Oedema glottidis22
Larynx pain on touch31
Larynx pain extending to teeth31
Larynx soreness31
Larynx sore pain from touching32
Larynx paralysis22
Larynx sensitive to air cold31
Larynx sensitive to touch31
Tickling in larynx32
Tickling in or from throat-pit31
Larynx ulceration21
Weak voice32
Accelerated respiration21
Anxious respiration22
Asthmatic respiration22
Difficult respiration22
Difficult respiration,evening in bed31
Difficult respiration,constriction of larynx33
Difficult respiration after sleep32
Irregular respiration22
Respiration jerking21
Slow respiration21
Cough, dry cold air31
Cough,deep breathing31
Choking cough21
Dry cough21
Dry cough,dry cold air31
Dry cough on talking31
Cough from larynx dryness31
Cough from dry spot in larynx31
Cough from irritation in larynx31
Nervous cough21
Cough from pressure on larynx31
Cough as if from salt and pepper in larynx31
Cough as if from dry spot in larynx21
Suffocative cough21
Cough on talking21
Cough from tickling in larynx31
Cough from tickling in throat-pit31
Cough on waking21
Whooping cough22
Bloody expectoration,spitting of blood23
Spitting of streaked blood31
Difficult expectoration21
Axilla abscess22
Lung abscess32
Mammae abscess32
Heart affections32
Chest symptoms alternating with skin symptoms31
Chest constriction,tension,tightness21
Chest spots32
Chest mottled spots33
Chest dropsy22
Fatty degeneration of heart21
Gangrene of lungs21
Chest haemorrhage21
Mammae induration32
Lungs inflammation31
Suppressed milk31
Chest murmurs22
Pulmonary oedema21
Pulmonary oedema in drunkards31
Chest oppression22
Chest pain21
Chest pain,ascending31
Chest pain,sneezing31
Chest middle pain21
Chest middle pain extending to shoulder32
Chest right side pain31
Chest sides apin after sneezing31
Heart pain22
Heart pain,ascending aggravation32
Heart pain,lying on left side aggravation32
Heart pain,respiration aggravation31
Heart rheumatic pain32
Heart pain extending to left hand32
Middle of chest aching pain extending to back32
Heart aching pain31
Chest burning pain22
Chest burning pain,motion aggravation31
Chest sore bruised pain,morning31
Heart sore bruised pain32
Heart sore pain while lying on left side32
Heart sore pain during strong pulsations32
Chest stitching pain21
Chest stitching pain,coughing31
Chest left side stitching pain31
Chest lest side stitching pain during cough31
Chest side stitching pain, coughing31
Chest side stitching pain after sneezing31
Chest side stitching pain,touch aggravation31
Sternum stitching pain31
Heart palpitation22
Heart palpitation,climacteric period32
Heart palpitation after excitement32
Heart palpitation during fever31
Heart paralysis32
Heart trembling31
As if something were turning over chest21
Increased appetite with headache31
Tormenting increased appetite31
Stomach cancer22
Clothing disturbs the stomach22
Stomach coldness21
Stomach constriction21
Desires alcoholic drinks23
Desires pork22
Emptiness,weak feeling,faintness,hungry feeling22
Stomach emptiness,climacteric period32
Eructations after bread21
Acrid eructations21
Acrid eructations after bread31
Fluid eructations21
Fluid eructations,night after white bread32
Eructations tasting like food21
Rancid eructations,afternoon31
Sour eructations21
Sour eructations after bread31
Heartburn after supper31
Stomach heaviness,weight,oppression22
Stomach heaviness after breakfast31
Hiccough during fever31
Deathly nausea33
Nausea during headache31
Nausea before menses31
Nausea on motion31
Nausea during stool31
Stomach pain22
Stomach pain after breakfast31
Stomach pain after dinner31
Stomach burning pain21
Stomach burning pain,stool amelioration31
Stomach cramping pain after eating32
Stomach pressing pain21
Stomach sore,bruised,beaten pain22
Stomach sore pain,morning on rising31
Stomach sore pain,clothing aggravation32
Stomach sore pain after eating31
Stomach stitching pain21
Stomach pulsation21
Retching with cough31
Stomach sinking22
Burning,vehement thirst32
Extreme thirst32
Thirst during heat31
Unquenchable thirst32
Stomach trembling22
Vomiting of drunkards32
Vomiting after eating31
Vomiting on exertion31
Vomiting during headache32
Vomiting during heat31
Vomiting during intoxication31
Vomiting while lying on the back31
Vomitique,lying on right side in liver affection31
Vomiting with palpitation32
Sudden vomiting31
Vomiting during vertigo31
Vomiting while walking31
Bile vomiting22
Bile vomiting after eating32
Bile vomiting during the fever31
Bile vomiting with headache31
Bile vomiting,lying on right side or back32
Bile vomiting on least motion32
Bitter vomiting22
Black vomiting22
Blood vomiting23
Everything vomiting22
Food vomiting22
Food vomiting,morning31
Green vomiting22
Dark green vomiting32
Yellowish green vomiting31
Water vomiting21
Abdomen bubo21
Abdomen sensitive to clothing22
Abdomen coldness21
Abdomen distension22
Abdomen tympanitic distension31
Abdominal dropsy,ascites21
Abdomen heat21
Inflammation (peritonitis,enteritis,etc.)22
Liver chronic inflammation31
Liver and region of liver22
Abdomen aching during menses31
Abdomen aching extending downward31
Right hypochondrium aching31
Right hypochondrium aching,lying on painful side amelioration31
Hypogastrium aching before menses31
Hypogastrium aching during menses31
Ilio-caecal region aching dull pain22
Iliac region left side aching31
Liver aching,dull pain22
Liver aching extending to right shoulder31
Umbilicus aching extending downward31
Reg.of umbilicus aching dull pain21
Abdomen burning pain21
Hypogastrium burning pain31
Hypogastrium burning pain,night31
Region of umbilicus burning pain31
Hypochondria cutting pain21
Spleen cutting pain21
Region of umbilicus pressing pain21
Abdomen sore,bruised pain,tenderness22
Right hypochondrium stitching pain32
Hypochondria stitching pain,pressure aggravation32
Liver stitching pain22
Liver stitching pain on breathing32
Inguinal glands suppuration21
Swelling of the inguinal glands31
Abdomen tension21
Constipation alternating with diarrhoea31
Diarrhoea from noxious effluvia32
Diarrhoea after high game32
Diarrhoea,hot weather32
Painless diarrhoea32
Diarrhoea from septic conditions32
Haemorrhage from anus23
Black haemorrhage from anus31
Involuntary stool22
Urging to stool during urination31
Bilious stool23
Black stool22
Bloody stool22
Stool like coffee grounds22
Forcible,sudden gushing stool22
Hard stool21
Stool,offensive odor33
Pasty stool21
Thin liquid black stool32
Thin liquid dark stool32
Thin liquid green stool31
Watery stool21
Watery black stool32
Watery yellow stool31
White stool22
Fecal white stool32
Yellow stool21
Sensation of ball in bladder21
Bladder haemorrhage21
Retention of urine22
Painful retention of urine31
Bladder tenesmus21
Bladder tenesmus,vomiting,purging and micturition33
Frequent urination21
Involuntary urination21
Kidneys inflammation21
Kidneys toxaemic inflammation32
Kidneys aching pain22
Suppression of urine22
Suppression of urine with fever31
Prostate gland pain in cancer31
Urethra haemorrhage22
Albuminous urine22
Albuminous urine consecutive to heart disease32
Albuminous urine during pregnancy31
Albuminous urine after scarlet fever31
Urine containing bile22
Bloody urine23
Cloudy urine21
Dark urine23
Greenish urine21
Red urine22
Blood-red urine32
Dark red urine32
Smoke-color urine21
Colorless urine21
Copious urine (increased)22
Gelatinous lumpy urine on standing21
Scanty urine22
Bloody sediment in urine21
Dark sediment in urine22
Gelatinous sediment in urine21
Reddish yellow sediment in urine32
Male genitals eruption21
Male genitals herpetic eruption31
Scrotum herpetic eruption31
Male genitalia flaccidity21
Male genitalia gangrene21
Penis cutting pain21
Penis smarting pain21
Sexual passion without erection31
Ovaries abscess22
Uterus cancer22
Female genitalia excrescences21
Ovaries inflammation21
Bloody leucorrhoea21
Offensive leucorrhoea21
Offensive,fetid lochia32
Copious menses22
Copious menses,intemperate women31
Dark menses22
Frequent menses,too early,too soon21
Late menses22
Protracted menses22
Vicarious menses22
Liquid black metrorrhagia32
Metrorrhagia,dark blood32
Fluid metrorrhagia32
Ofensive metrorrhagia31
Metrorrhagia,thin,fluid blood32
Ovaries pain21
Ovaries pain in haemorrhagic subjects31
Uterus tumors22
Extravasation of blood in lumbar region21
Back boils32
Cervical region boils31
Back carbuncle32
Cervical region carbuncle31
Back pimples31
Scapulae pimples31
Vesicles surrounded by red areola between the shoulders31
Back formication21
Back formication up and down32
Cord inflammation21
Spinal meningitis31
Scapulae itching31
Back pain22
Back pain during menses31
Cervical region pain21
Cervical pain extending to shoulders31
Under left scapula pain32
Lumbar region pain21
Back aching pain during menses31
Under left scapula aching31
Cervical region compressing pain31
Back drawing pain21
Cervical drawing pain extending to shoulders31
Spine soreness,spinal irritation31
Spine stitching pain between scapulae31
Cervical region redness22
Softening of cord21
Cervical stiffness during headache31
Sacrum ulcers31
Elbow abscess31
First joint of fingers anchylosis31
Blood oozing from finger nails22
Calf bubbling sensation31
Feet chilblains31
Extremities coldness22
Extremities coldness,morning31
Upper limbs coldness21
Hands coldness31
Hands coldness,blue hands32
Fingers coldness31
Foot coldness31
Foot coldness during menses32
Contraction of muscles and tendons22
Contraction of flexor tendons,upper limbs31
Extremities cramps21
Lower limbs cramps31
Thigh cramps31
Leg cramps31
Leg cramps, morning31
Calf cramps32
Toes cramps32
Upper limbs livid discoloration31
Upper limbs discoloration spots31
Forearm mottled discoloration32
Hand blueness32
Grenish hand31
Back of hand redness32
Blue fingers32
Hips blackness31
Leg ecchymoses31
Leg purple spots32
Foot blackness31
Extremities drawn upwards21
Hands dryness31
Parchment-like skin of hands31
Extremities eruption,elevations31
Extremities exuding eruption31
Extremities eruption exuding thin water31
Extremities tubercles31
Extremities vesicles31
Upper limbs eruption21
Upper limbs eruption,elevations31
Upper limbs eruption exuding thin water31
Upper limbs papules32
Upper limbs pustules eruption31
Upper limbs tubercles31
Upper limbs vesicles eruption32
Shoulder tubercles31
Shoulder vesicles31
Upper arm boils32
Elbow blister31
Wrist eruption31
Wrist pustules32
Wrist tubercles31
Wrist vesicles32
Palm eruption31
Palm eruption,thin watery discharge31
Palm psoriasis31
Thigh blotches31
Leg tubercles31
Nails exfoliation21
Extremities gangrene22
Upper limbs gangrene32
Shoulder gangrene32
Lower limbs gangrene31
Thigh gangrene31
Leg gangrene31
Toes gangrene31
Palm heat31
Leg heat31
Foot heat31
Heaviness,tired limbs22
Upper limbs heaviness31
Lower limbs heaviness,tired limbs31
Foot heaviness,tired foot31
Fingers muscles induration31
Upper limbs inflammation31
Hand inflammation32
Elbow itching31
Palm itching31
First finger itching31
Second finger itching31
Third finger itching31
Leg itching31
Extremities jerking21
Upper limbs jerking31
Lower limbs jerking31
Limbs convulsive motion31
Extremities numbness22
Upper limbs numbness, morning31
Left hand numbness32
Hand numbness while sewing32
Fingers numbness31
Lower limbs numbness when crossing the legs32
Lower limbs numbness while sitting31
Leg numbness32
Leg numbness while crossing32
Toes numbness31
Extremties pain21
Extremities rheumatic pain32
Limbs rheumatic pain after suppressed gonorrhoea31
Upper limbs pain21
Left upper limbs pain with heart symptoms32
Upper limb pain, morning31
Upper limbs pain, morning on motion31
Upper limbs neuralgic pain31
Upper limbs paralytic pain31
Shoulder pain32
Upper arm pain31
Right upper arm pain31
Elbow pain31
Hand pain31
Palm pain31
Fingers pain31
Fingers pain, morning31
Bones of finger pain31
First finger pain31
First finger paralytic pain31
Second finger pain31
Second finger last joint pain31
Third finger pain31
Third finger pain during coldness31
Fourth finger joints pain31
Lower limbs pain extending downward31
Hip pain,evening while walking31
Thigh pain before menses31
Thigh pain during menses32
Knee paralytic pain31
Knee pain while sitting31
Knee pain on walking31
Leg pain, evening31
Leg pain while sitting31
Foot pain31
Left foot pain31
Foot pain while walking31
Heel pain31
Heel bone pain31
Toes pain31
Leg burning pain31
Sole burning pain31
Upper limbs drawing pain31
Upper limbs drawing extending to fingers31
Shoulder drawing pain31
Shoulder drawing,pressure aggravation31
Hip drawing pain31
Hip drawing,evening while walking31
Hip drawing extending downward31
Knee drawing pain31
Knee gouty drawing31
Patella drawing31
Patella gouty drawing31
Patella drawing while walking31
Leg drawing pain31
Tibia drawing pain31
Tibia drawing while walking31
Foot drawing while walking31
Sole drawing pain31
Third finger shooting31
Sore bruised bones32
Sore bruised joints32
Sore bruised upper limbs31
Sore bruised shoulder31
Sore bruised shoulder,bending arm31
Sore bruised shoulder,paroxysmal31
Sore,bruised upper arm31
Sore bruised hand31
Sore bruised joints of first finger31
Sore bruised hip31
Sore bruised thigh31
Sore bruised thigh as if skated too much31
Sore bruised thigh after walking31
Sore bruised mollet31
Sore bruised sole31
Shoulder stitching pain31
Third finger stitching pain31
Hip stitching pain31
Sole stitching pain31
Extremities tearing pain21
Upper limbs tearing pain21
Extremities paralysis21
Extremities paralysis after apoplexy32
Right hemiplegia32
Extremities painless paralysis31
Extremities post diphtheritic paralysis32
Extensor muscles paralysis32
Upper limbs paralysis with pain in heart31
Foot paralysis31
Extensors of toes paralysis31
Tips of fingers pulsation31
Third finger pulsation31
Hip pulsation31
Upper limbs roughness21
Extremities swelling21
Extremities dropsical swelling32
Upper limbs swelling32
Upper limbs oedematous swelling31
Shoulder swelling31
Wrist swelling32
Oedematous hand swelling31
Hand swelling extending to elbow31
Hand swelling extending to pectoral muscles31
Lower limbs dropsical swelling after scarlet fever31
Leg swelling32
Foot swelling31
Foot swelling, evening31
Toes swelling31
Shoulders tension31
Shoulder tension on moving arm31
Forearm tension32
Fingers tension32
Hand tingling,prickling,asleep31
Left hand tingling32
Leg tingling,prickling,asleep32
Leg tingling while sitting31
Leg tingling,sitting with limbs crossed32
Left foot tingling31
Extremities trembling21
Extremities convulsive trembling31
Upper limbs trembling31
Hand trembling32
Hand trembling,motion amelioration32
Lower limbs trembling32
Nails ulcers31
Lower limbs ulcers32
Thigh ulcers31
Leg ulcers32
Foot ulcers31
Lower limbs varices32
Hand paralytic weakness31
Fingers weakness31
Thigh weakness31
Leg painful weakness31
Toes weakness31
Comatose sleep22
Deep sleep22
Sleepiness, forenoon31
Sleepiness, 11-30 a.m.31
Sleepiness, noon31
Sleepiness, evening31
Sleepiness during the heat31
Sleeplessness before midnight until morning31
Sleeplessness with sleepiness32
Impossible waking32
Dreams about anger21
Anxious dreams21
Dreams of the deads22
Dreams about journey22
Dreams of quarrels22
Coldness in general21
External coldness,night during sleep31
Heat in general21
Burning heat21
Cerebro-spinal fever21
Continued fever,typhus,typhoid23
Abdominal continue fever with icteris skin32
Haemorrhagic continued fever33
Continued fever,oozing of dark thin blood from capillaries31
Continued fever,stupid form32
Dry heat21
Exanthematic fevers, measles22
Exanthematic fevers, scarlatina32
External heat21
Hectic fever21
Intense heat21
Heat,perspiration absent21
Septic fevers23
Yellow fever23
Zymotic fevers23
Perspiration in general21
Bloody perspiration23
Clammy perspiration21
Cold perspiration21
Sudden attacks of cold perspiration32
Perspiration after eating31
Perspiration bloody staining31
Sticky perspiration21
Sudden perspiration22
Cicatrices break open32
Cicatrices become painful31
Skin coldness22
Skin blackish discoloration22
Skin blackish spots32
Bluish skin32
Skin bluish spots33
Bluish skin,recurring annually32
Skin liver-brown spots31
Skin green spots31
Mottled skin32
Mottled skin during chill31
Red skin32
Skin bluish-red spots31
Skin spots returning yearly32
Yellow skin,jaundice33
Dry skin22
Ecchymoses returning yearly31
Blackish eruptions31
Dark blue eruption32
Bluish boils31
Boils in the spring32
Burning carbuncles31
Desquamating eruption31
Discharging,moist eruption31
Bloody eruption31
Elevated eruption31
Herpetic eruption31
Herpetic eruption in patches31
Zona,herpetic zoster eruption31
Hard pustules31
Malignant pustules32
Red pustules31
Tensive pustules31
Soft tubercles31
Vesicular eruption31
Eruption,cracked,breaking vesicles32
Red vesicular eruption31
Vesicular eruption,red areola31
Yellow vesicular eruption31
Recurrent erysipelas32
Cold gangrene31
Gangrene in spots31
Hard skin like parchment31
Skin inflammation21
Network of blood vessels22
Purpura haemorrhagica22
Skin right side sensitiveness32
Sore skin (decubitus)21
Feeling of sore skin31
Skin sticking22
Skin swelling21
Skin burning swelling31
Skin inflamed swelling31
Skin tension21
Skin bleeding ulcer32
Skin ulcer,offensive discharges31
Skin gangrenous ulcer32
Indolent skin ulcer31
Skin ulcers,mottled areola32
Skin phagedenic ulcer32
Reopening of old skin ulcer31
Skin varicose ulcer31
Unhealthy looking skin21
Glands abscesses31
Alcoholic stimulants22
Blackness of the external parts22
Intolerance of clothing22
Cold dry weather aggravation32
Constriction, internally31
Constriction of orifices31
Apoplectic convulsions32
Convulsions without consciousness31
Epileptic convulsions32
Uraemic convulsions31
External dropsy22
Physical exertion aggravation22
Faintness on rising31
Bread aggravation31
Bad meat aggravation32
Suppressed gonorrhoea21
Haemorrhage,blood does not coagulate32
Haemorrhage from orifices of the body33
Flushes of heat21
Heaviness, externally21
Inflammations, internally31
Gangrenous inflammation32
Loss of fluids22
After lying amelioration31
During menses31
Motion aggravation22
Pains appear and disappear gradually31
Burning pain,externally31
Cutting pain,internally31
Paralytic pain31
Sore,bruised pain31
Sore bruised pain,morning after waking31
Stitching pain,externally31
Tearing pain,internally31
Right sided paralysis31
Painless paralysis31
Post-diphteric paralysis32
Fluttering pulse32
Frequent pulse, evening32
Full pulse31
Imperceptible pulse31
Almost imperceptible pulse31
Intermittent pulse32
Irregular pulse32
Slow pulse32
Soft pulse31
Tremulous pulse31
Undulating pulse31
Weak pulse33
Sensitiveness, internally31
Glands sensitiveness31
Symptoms on the right side33
At beginning of sleep aggravation33
Swelling of the affected parts33
Glands swelling31
Swollen sensation21
Tension, externally21
Touch aggravation21
Trembling externally22
Trembling when hungry32
Trembling, internally32
Varicose veins22
Varicose veins,net work in skin32
On waking22
While walking amelioration31
Weakness from slight exertion33
Paralytic weakness31
Weakness during stool31
Weakness after stool31
Sudden weakness33
Tremulous weakness32
Wounds bleeding freely31
Wounds slow to heal31