Motions,movements,etc.,in head
- Motions in head,morning
- Motions in head,morning on rising
- Motions in head,morning on waking
- Motions in head,afternoon
- Motions in head,afternoon amelioration
- Motions in head,evening
- Motions in head,night
- Motions in haed,night on waking
- Motions in head in open air
- Motions in head,in open air amelioration
- Motions in head while ascending stairs
- Motions in head by bending the head
- Motions in head,by bendind the head amelioration
- Motions in head,carrying a weight
- Motions in head when coughing
- Motions in head while drawing load
- Motions in head when drinking
- Motions in head after eating
- Motions in head,amel.after eating
- Motions in head when leaning
- Motions in head,lying on right side
- Motions in head during menses
- Movements in head from motion