Constant disposition to swallow
- Disposition to swallow,evening
- Disposition to swallow,night
- Disposition to swallow from choking
- Disposition to swallow from contraction in larynx
- Disposition to swallow,on eating amelioration
- Disposition to swallow,excitement aggravation
- Disposition to swallow from fullness in throat
- Disposition to swallow from lump in throat
- Disposition to swallow from thick mucus
- Disposition to swallow from pain in larynx
- Disposition to swallow from spasm in throat
- Disposition to swallow while speaking
- Disposition to swallow while walking in wind
- Difficult swallowing
- Difficult swallowing,morning
- Difficult swallowing,forenoon
- Difficult swallowing,noon
- Difficult swallowing,evening
- Difficult swallowing,night
- Difficult swallowing acrid foods
- Difficult swallowing breakfast
- Difficult swallowing from chorea
- Must drink in order to swallow
- Can swallow fluids only,but solid food gags
- Difficult swallowing liquids
- Swallowing liquids more difficult than solids
- Difficult swallowing during menses
- Difficult swallowing saliva
- Difficult swallowing solids
- Difficult swallowing solids,morning