Phytolacca decandra.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Aversion to business22
Confusion of mind,in open air amelioration31
Confusion of mind while sitting31
Desires death21
Desires death,morning on waking31
Refuses to eat22
Fear of death31
Fear of exertion31
Indifference,morning on waking31
Indifference to exposure of her person32
Loathing,morning on waking31
Constant moaning and gasping for air31
Wants to be naked21
Naked, wants to be naked in delirium31
Restlessness, night31
Sadness,mental depression22
Shameless,exposes the person31
Stupefaction during vertigo31
Unconsciousness from pain31
Weary of life21
Weary of life,morning on waking31
Weeping, night32
Weeping during menses32
Aversion to mental work22
Tendency to fall21
Vertigo on rising from bed33
Vertigo,sitting up in bed32
Vertigo with staggering22
Vertigo while standing21
Vertigo with obscuration of vision22
Vertigo while walking22
Head coldness,chilliness,etc21
Forehead constriction31
Head eruption21
Head crusts or scabs32
Head eczema32
Head circinatus herpes32
Head eruption,itching32
Head moist eruption32
Head nodes32
Head scales31
Tubercles on scalp32
Head erysipelas22
Head exostoses21
Head fullness21
Forehaed fullness31
Head heat22
Head heaviness21
Head heaviness,morning31
Head heaviness while riding31
Forehead heaviness31
Temples heaviness31
Throwing head backward31
Headache in general21
Headache with coryza31
Headache after dinner31
Headache,after eating amelioration31
Gastric headache31
Headache from any jar31
Headache from looking downward31
Headache with pain in nape of neck32
Headache every seven days31
Headache every fourteen days31
Rheumatic headache32
Headache while riding in a carriage31
Headache,heavily stepping aggravation32
Headache from stooping31
Syphilitic headache31
Headache while walking31
Headache from damp cold weather31
Headache from yawning31
Forehead pain22
Forehead right side pain32
Forehead right side pain,morning on waking31
Forehead pain after dinner31
Forehead pain while eating31
Forehead pain,eating amelioration31
Forehead pain extending backward32
Above eyes headache32
Above right eye headache32
Occiput pain22
Occiput pain,forenoon31
Occiput pain,riding aggravation31
Occiput pain extending to neck31
One side headache22
Temples pain21
Temples pain,forenoon31
Headache,temples and forehead pain21
Headache,vertex pain22
Vertex pain,night,on going to sleep amelioration31
Vertex pain on motion31
Vertex pain from walking31
Temples burning pain31
Temples drawing pain21
Pressing outward headache31
Forehead pressing pain23
Over eyes pressing pain31
Temples pressing outward pain31
Vertex pressing pain22
Over left eye shooting pain extending to vertex31
Temples shooting pain21
Vertex shooting pain21
Headache,sore bruised,sensitive to pressure22
Sore headache,jarring aggravation31
Sore headache during wet weather31
Sore bruised pain in brain21
Occiput sore bruised pain21
Head sides sore bruised pain21
Vertex sore bruised pain21
Forehead perspiration21
Forehead cold perspiration32
Forehead perspiration during headache32
Sensitiveness of brain22
Brain sensitiveness to the least jar31
Agglutinated eye22
Blueness of lids margins32
Epithelioma of lids31
Chemosis after operation for cataract31
Coldness in eyes32
Lachrymalis fistula31
Granular lids21
Lids hardness32
Heat in lids margins31
Eye inflammation22
Eye arthritic inflammation (gouty and rheumatic)33
Eye catarrhal inflammation from cold32
Eye scrofulous inflammation33
Eye syphilitic inflammation33
Choroid inflammation32
Conjunctiva granular inflammation32
Eye itching21
Eye itching,gas-light aggravation32
Lachrymation during coryza32
Lacrymation with cough32
Lacrymation in open air31
Lachrymation,open air amelioration31
Lids lupus31
Eye pain22
Eye pain,forenoon31
Eye pain,afternoon31
Eye pain from exertion of vision32
Eye pain from light32
Eye pain on motion of eyes31
Eye pain while reading31
Eye rheumatic pain32
Eye pain while writing31
Eye pain extending to vertex31
Around the eyes pain31
Lids pain on closing31
Eye aching pain22
Eye aching pain,bright light amelioration31
Eye aching pain,moving eyes aggravation31
Eye burning,smarting,biting pain22
Eye burning pain,evening on looking at fire31
Eyes burning pain,evening by gaslight31
Eye burning pain,open air amelioration31
Eye burning pain,looking at the fire31
Inner canthus burning pain31
Eye cutting pain21
Eye cutting pain while reading31
Eye cutting pain from writing31
Eye pressing pain,pressure,etc22
Eye pressing pain,afternoon31
Eye pressing outward pain32
Eye pain as from sand22
Eye sore,bruised pain,tender eye21
Lids sore,bruised pain31
Lids sore pain on closing31
Eye stitching pain21
Left eye stitching pain,to vertex31
Eye stitching pain while reading31
Eye stitching pain while writing32
Eye stitching pain extending to top of head31
Eye stitching pain extending inward31
Contracted pupils (myosis)21
Pupils dilated (mydriase)31
Eye redness21
Sunken eye21
Swollen lids32
Lids oedematous swelling32
Swollen lids,purple color31
Swollen meibomian glands32
Burning tears32
Lids thickening32
Eye tingling22
Eye twitching21
Lids malignant ulceration31
Dim vision22
Dim vision after diphteria33
Dim vision during vertigo32
Diplopia,near objects31
Aggravation by exertion of vision22
Abscess behind ear21
Eustacian tube catarrh21
Boils behing ears32
Pustules behind ears31
Eustachian tube inflammation32
Rushing noise in ear21
Ear pain21
Ear pain on swallowing32
Pain behind ear21
Stitching pain in ear22
Stitching pain in right ear31
Stitching pain in ear when swallowing33
Sensation of stopped ear21
Suppuration behind ear32
Swelling about the ear32
Acute hearing21
Nose cancer22
Nose caries22
One-sided nose catarrh31
Post nasal catarrh32
Coryza with discharge (fluent)32
One-sided coryza32
Coryza during scarlatina31
Coryza with sore throat32
Nose blood discharge31
Crusts,scabs inside nose32
Crusts hard to detach and leave nose raw and sore31
Nose excoriating discharge31
Nose offensive discharge31
Thick discharge from posterior nares32
Nose thin discharge32
Viscid,tough discharge from posterior nares32
Nose watery discharge32
Discharge from posterior nares32
Posterior nares inside redness31
Liquids come out through the nose on attempting to swallow22
Nose lupus22
Nose excedens lupus31
Nose obstruction22
Nose right side obstruction31
Nose obstruction,morning on waking31
Nose obstruction,night,wakes him32
Nose obstruction,wakes him at 3 a.m.32
Nose one-sided obstruction31
Nose obstruction,riding in a carriage32
Nose syphilitic obstruction31
Syphilitic ozaena32
Pain in nose21
Pain in nose root32
Nose root drawing pain32
Parotid glands abscess31
Lips cancer31
Face cancer,noli me tangere on nose31
Lower jaw caries32
Face contraction21
Bluish face22
Bluish circles around eyes32
Pale face22
Red face21
Yellow face22
Face distortion21
Lips dryness31
Face eruption21
Upper lip eruption31
Face blotches21
Face blotches after washing31
Face scurfy eruption22
Face syphilitic eruption22
Face tubercles21
Everted lips21
Face exostosis21
Sickly expression31
Stupid expression31
Suffering expression32
Face heat22
Face heat,afternoon31
Face heat after dinner31
Face heat after eating31
Hippocratic face21
Parotid gland induration32
Parotid gland inflammation31
Face periosteum inflammation31
Submaxillary gland inflammation32
Face pain (aching,prosopalgia,etc)22
Face pain,night32
Face rheumatic pain32
Face bones pain22
Upper jaw pain31
Parotid gland pain31
Sunken face22
Face left side swelling32
Parotid glands swelling32
Submaxillary glands swelling32
Face ulcers22
Lips ulcers32
Lips cancerous ulcers31
Mouth aphthae21
Tongue cancer32
Bluish palate32
Purple palate31
Red palate32
Brown tongue31
Gray tongue31
Grayish-yellow tongue31
Tongue fiery-red tip32
Tongue red tip33
White tongue31
Yellow tongue32
Gray yellow tongue31
Mouth dryness22
Palate dryness31
Palate dryness,morning31
Tongue dryness32
Tongue heat32
Palate induration32
Gums inflammation32
Tongue inflammation32
Tongue inflammation after abuse of mercury31
Mercurial affection of gums21
Mouth viscid mucus32
Collection of mucus on tongue31
Palate excoriated mucus membrane31
Breath offensive odor32
Breath putrid odor33
Tongue root pain32
Tongue root pain,putting out the tongue32
Tongue root pain on swallowing32
Tongue burning,raw and smarting pain32
Tongue tip burning,raw and smarting pain32
Tongue pain as if burnt32
Palate sore pain32
Protruded tongue23
Tongue roughness32
Cool saliva31
Metallic tasting saliva32
Suppressed saliva31
Thick saliva31
Viscid saliva32
Yellow saliva32
Salivation from mercury32
Scorbutic gums21
Sensitive mouth23
Sensitive tongue32
Tongue tip sensitive31
Palate swelling32
Tongue swelling32
Bad taste32
Bitter taste31
Metallic taste32
Sensation of thick tongue22
Mouth ulcers22
Mouth syphilitic ulcers32
Gums ulcers31
Palate ulcers32
Ulcers on velum32
Tongue ulcers32
Tongue syphilitic ulcers32
Tongue vesicles31
Tongue edges vesicles32
Wants to bite on something hard which relieves pain during dentition33
Constant inclination to clinch teeth together23
Difficult dentition22
Sensation of teeth elongation22
Looseness of teeth21
Toothache,when biting teeth together amelioration33
Rheumatic toothache32
Neuralgic toothache22
Sore bruised toothache21
Sensation as if apple core had lodged in throat21
Throat astringent sensation21
Throat catarrh22
Choking,throat constricting22
Throat dark discoloration33
Purple tonsils32
Throat redness33
Tonsils redness32
Throat dryness22
Throat dryness,morning31
Throat dryness,afternoon31
Throat dryness,5 p.m.31
Throat dryness in bed31
Enlargement of tonsils22
Throat excoriation21
Sensation of apple core in throat31
Throat fullness22
Throat fullness,turning head to left31
Throat fullness while writing31
Throat gangrene22
Throat glazed appearance21
Granulated throat22
Diposition to hawk22
Disposition to hawk,morning31
Throat inflammation22
Throat right side inflammation31
Throat chronic inflammation32
Throat erysipelatous inflammation31
Throat follicular inflammation32
Pharynx (chronic) inflammation32
Tonsils inflammation32
Uvula inflammation32
Throat irritation extending to eustachian tube31
Liquids taken are forced into nose22
Sensation of lump or plug in throat22
Lump in throat,forenoon31
Lump in throat,forenoon while riding31
Throat rigt side membrane31
Throat dark membrane31
Throat gray membrane33
Throat wash leather membrane33
Throat white membrane33
Tonsils membrane33
Uvula membrane33
Throat mucus22
Mucus drawn from the posterior nares31
Throat foul mucus32
Throat tenacious mucus33
Throat thick mucus32
Throat mucous patches31
Throat pain22
Throat right side pain31
Throat pain,night31
Throat pain as from apple core31
Throat pain when bending head forwards31
Throat pain,cold drinks amelioration32
Throat pain on becoming cold32
Throat pain on swallowing32
Throat pain when touched31
Throat pain,warm drinks33
Throat pain,warmth in general31
Throat pain extending to ear32
Throat pain extending to ear on swallowing32
Throat burning pain22
Oesophagus burning pain32
Throat rawness pain22
Tonsils rawness pain31
Sore throat22
Sore throat right side31
Sore throat,morning31
Throat stitching pain extending to ear when swallowing32
Throat stitching pain extending to root of tongue32
Throat paralysis22
Throat roughness22
Throat scraping21
Throat scraping,night31
Suffocative sensation21
Tonsils suppuration21
Constant disposition to swallow21
Difficult swallowing32
Impossible swallowing from paralysis31
Throat swelling23
Tonsils swelling33
Right tonsil swelling31
Uvula swelling32
Throat syphilitic affection22
Throat ulcers22
Fauces ulcers32
Tonsils ulcers32
Uvula ulcers31
Uvula syphilitic ulcers31
Side of neck boils31
Cervical glands soreness32
Stiffness of neck sides21
Cervical glands swelling32
Larynx constriction32
Larynx dryness32
Larynx dryness,morning31
Larynx dryness,evening31
Trachea dryness,morning31
Larynx heat21
Trachea heat31
Larynx irritation32
Laryngismus stridulus21
Trachea pain on coughing32
Larynx burning pain31
Trachea burning pain31
Trachea burning pain with cough31
Trachea roughness31
Scraping,clearing larynx21
Tickling in larynx31
Lost voice32
Whispering voice31
Accelerated respiration22
Asthmatic respiration22
Difficult respiration22
Moaning respiration21
Panting respiration22
Slow respiration22
Cough, evening in bed31
Cough, night22
Cough, cold air32
Cough, damp cold air31
Cough, open air31
Barking cough21
Cough,burning in larynx31
Constant cough21
Croupy cough22
Croupy cough,night31
Dry cough22
Dry cough,evening31
Dry cough,night32
Dry cough,night,lying aggravation32
Dry cough from tickling in larynx32
Cough from fauces dryness32
Cough from larynx dryness31
Cough from larynx dryness,morning31
Cough,expectoration amelioration21
Hacking cough21
Hacking cough, evening31
Hacking cough,evening after lying down31
Hacking cough, night31
Haching cough from tickling in larynx31
Hard cough22
Hoarsed cough21
Irritable cough21
Cough from bronchia irritation31
Cough from irritation in larynx32
Cough,lying aggravation21
Cough while lying,night32
Cough on first lying down31
Paroxysmal cough21
Cough from larynx scrapping31
Cough on talking22
Cough from tickling in larynx32
Tormenting cough21
Cough,damp weather31
Expectoration, 9 a.m.31
Copious expectoration21
Mucous expectoration, 9 a.m.31
Scanty expectoration21
Expectoration like starch22
Thick expectoration22
Tough expectoration21
Tough expectoration,morning31
Tough expectoration, 9 a.m.31
Viscid expectoration22
Yellow expectoration21
Mammae abscess33
Threatening abscess on mammae old cicatrices33
Angina pectoris21
Mammae cancer32
Mammae cancer,epithelioma32
Old cicatrices in mammae22
Heart constriction31
Cracks of nipples23
Painful cracks of nipples31
Discharge from nipple21
Discharge from nipple,bloody water32
Chest spots31
Sensation of chest emptiness21
Nipples excoriation33
Fatty degeneration of heart21
Fistulous openings in mammae22
Mammae fullness32
Hypertrophy of mammae32
Mammae induration32
Right mamma induration32
Endocardium inflammation31
Mammae inflammation33
Chest itching21
Bloody milk32
Cheesy milk32
Milk disappearing31
Stringy milk32
Thick milk,and tastes bad32
Yellow milk31
Nodules in mammae33
Chest oppression22
Chest orgasm of blood21
Chest pain22
Chest pain during cough32
Chest pain while lying on right side31
Chest pain,respiration32
Chest pain,deep respiration31
Mammae pain22
Mammae pain during menses32
Nipples pain while nursing32
Nipples pain radiating over whole body32
Chest sides pain21
Chest sides pain,inspiration31
Chest sides pain while lying on right side31
Chest side pain,deep respiration31
Sternum pain when couhing32
Sternum pain extending to back31
Heart pain21
Heart pain during expiration31
Heart pain,moving aggravation31
Heart rheumatic pain31
Heart pain extending to right arm31
Region of heart pain31
Chest aching pain22
Chest aching pain when coughing31
Chest sides aching pain31
Chest sides aching pain,deep inspiration31
Chest sides aching pain while lying on right side31
Chest burning pain during coughing31
Mammae burning pain32
Mammae cutting pain31
Chest rawness pain (includes trachea and bronchia)22
Chest sore,bruised pain22
Mammae sore bruised pain32
Mammae sore pain during menses32
Nipples sore,bruised pain32
Chest stitching pain21
Chest stitching pain extending to back32
Mammae stitching pain32
Chest right side stitching pain31
Chest right side stitching pain extending to scapula31
Sycotic phthisis pulmonalis32
Region of the heart shocks31
Axillary glands swelling32
Mammae swelling32
Mammae swelling,cicatrices31
Mammae tumors32
Ulceration of mammae23
Hunger after eating31
Ravenous appetite soon after eating31
Wanting appetite21
Stomach coldness21
Stomach distention21
Emptiness,weak feeling,faintness,hungry feeling21
Stomach emptiness not relieved by eating31
Ineffectual and incomplete eructations22
Eructations when vomiting21
Acrid eructations22
Empty eructations21
Eructations tasting like food21
Sour eructations21
Stomach heat flushes21
Loathing of food,morning on waking31
Nausea,morning on waking31
Nausea,night on waking31
Nausea in abdomen31
Nausea,after eating amelioration31
Nausea during headache31
Nausea while walking31
Stomach pain22
Stomach pain,morning on waking31
Stomach pain,morning while walking31
Stomach pain from deep inspiration31
Stomach pain,after rising amelioration31
Stomach pain on waking31
Stomach pain while walking32
Stomach burning pain21
Stomach cramping griping constricting pain21
Stomach cutting pain22
Stomach pressing pain,morning on waking31
Stomach pressing pain on waking31
Stomach sore,bruised,beaten pain22
Stomach stitching pain21
Stomach stitching pain,yawning31
Extreme thirst32
Vomiting, evening31
Vomiting before diarrhoea31
Vomiting during diarrhoea32
Easy vomiting32
Acrid vomiting21
Bile vomiting21
Bile vomiting,afternoon31
Bitter vomiting21
Bitter vomiting,night31
Black vomiting21
Blood vomiting22
Blood vomiting,night31
Clotted blood vomiting31
Brownish vomiting21
Clear vomiting21
Food vomiting21
Food vomiting,night31
Green vomiting21
Milk vomiting21
Mucus vomiting22
Water vomiting22
Water vomiting, 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.31
Worms vomiting22
Yellow vomiting21
Abdomen bubo21
Sensation as if diarrhea would come on21
Abdomen distension before stool31
Sensation of abdomen fullness21
Abdomen fullness,afternoon31
Liver inflammation21
Abdomen aching,dull pain21
Abdomen aching,evening31
Abdomen aching as if diarrhoea would come on31
Abdomen aching,passing flatus amelioration31
Abdomen aching during menses31
Abdomen aching while walking31
Abdomen wandering aching31
Hypochondria aching dull pain21
Right hypochondrium aching31
Right hypochondrium aching,lying on painful side aggravation31
Right hypochondrium aching,can lie only on abdomen32
Hypochondria aching,evening31
Hypochondria aching,midnight31
Hypochondria aching,midnight while lying on side31
Hypochondria aching,lying on painful side aggravation31
Hypochondria aching while walking31
Inguinal region aching dull pain21
Inguinal aching as if a hernia would appear32
Liver aching,dull pain21
Liver aching,lying on right side32
Liver aching,lying on painful side32
Liver aching on motion31
Spleen aching dull pain21
Spleen aching,lying on left side amelioation31
Umbilicus aching dull pain21
Umbilicus aching,motion31
Reg.of umbilicus aching dull pain22
Reg.of umbilicus aching,motion aggravation31
Abdomen burning pain21
Region of umbilicus burning pain32
Abdomen cramping,griping pain22
Abdomen cramping pain,afternoon31
Region of umbilicus cramping pain22
Abdomen cutting pain21
Abdomen dragging,bearing down pain22
Left hypochondrium pressing pain31
Hypochondria pressing pain while sitting31
Abdomen sore,bruised pain,tenderness21
Abdomen sore pain on jarring31
Abdomen sore pain while walking31
Hypochondria sore pain21
Right hypochondrium sore pain32
Hypochondria sore pain,afternoon31
Rumblings in the bowels22
Swelling of the inguinal glands32
Sense of abdomen weakness21
Constipation,ineffectual urging and straining31
Constipation,old people32
Diarrhoea,morning,driving out of bed31
Diarrhoea after lemonade32
Rectum fissure22
Haemorrhage from anus22
Chronic haemorrhoids31
Rectum heat21
Inactivity of rectum22
Rectum moisture22
Rectum pain21
Rectum stitching pain22
Rectum tenesmus22
Rectum tenesmus during diarrhoea31
Rectum tenesmus during stool31
Rectum prolapsus21
Rectum ulceration22
Urging to stool,evening in sleep31
Constant urging31
Urging to stool during stool31
Bilious stool21
Bloody stool22
Brown stool31
Copious stool21
Hard stool21
Lienteric stool21
Membranous stool21
Slimy mucous stool22
Mucous slimy bloody stool31
Pasty stool21
Stool like scrapings of intestines21
Soft stool21
Thin liquid stool21
Bladder pain21
Bladder pain during urging to urinate32
Bladder pain before urinating32
Bladder pain during urinating32
Bladder cutting pain before urination31
Bladder drawing upward pain32
Bladder drawing pain during urination31
Bladder pressing pain before urination31
Bladder neck pressing pain before urination32
Retention of urine22
Anxious urging to urinate31
Painful urging to urinate22
Violent urging to urinate31
Bladder weakness21
Region of kidneys heat31
Kidneys inflammation22
Kidneys pain22
Kidneys pain extending to bladder31
Reg.of kidneys pain extending to ureters31
Region of kidneys burning pain31
Kidneys sore bruised pain21
Right kidney sore bruised pain31
Region of kidneys sore bruised pain31
Suppression of urine21
Region of kidneys weariness21
Prostate gland gurgling sensation21
Urethra gleety discharge22
Gonorrhoeal discharge22
Urethra greenish yellow discharge31
Albuminous urine22
Albuminous urine after diphteria31
Albuminous urine during insanity31
Albuminous urine after scarlet fever31
Urine coffee-like color21
Pale urine21
Red urine21
Dark red urine31
Deep-red urine31
Copious urine (increased)22
Copious urine,night31
Copious urine during menses32
Scanty urine22
Adherent sediment in urine21
Sediment like flour chalk in urine21
Red sediment in urine,hard to wash off32
Dark red sediment in urine31
Mahogany-colored red sediment in urine31
White sediment in urine21
Urine specific gravity increased22
Male genitals cancer21
Wanting erections,impotency22
Scrotum fistulous openings21
Testes inflammation22
Epididymis inflammation31
Spermatic cords pain21
Spermatic cord grinding shooting pain,morning21
Spermatic cords sore,bruised pain23
Testes suppuration21
Testes swelling21
Male genitalia ulcers22
Penis ulcers21
Penis chancres32
Uterus cancer22
Uterus cancer,scirrhus32
Enlarged uterus22
Ovaries inflammation22
Ovaries irritation21
Acid,excoriating leucorrhoea21
Copious leucorrhoea22
Ropy,stringy,tenacious leucorrhoea22
Thick leucorrhoea22
Copious menses22
Frequent menses,too early,too soon21
Membranous menses21
Painful menses,dysmenorrhoea21
Ovaries pain22
Uterus pain during menses32
Labor pains extending to knees and up to sacrum31
Back boils32
Dorsal region heaviness31
Scapulae heaviness31
Sacral region heaviness32
Lumbar region itching31
Back pain21
Back pain,morning31
Back pain ascends32
Back pain,damp weather32
Back pain descends32
Back pain on motion32
Back rheumatic pain32
Back pain while walking31
Cervical region pain22
Cervical pain extending down the back31
Cervical pain extending to occiput32
Cervical pain extending to shoulders31
Scapulae pain32
Left scapula pain31
Under left scapula pain31
Under left scapula pain,riding in a carriage31
Under left scapula pain,evening riding in a carriaage31
Lumbar region pain22
Lumbar region pain during motion31
Lumbar region rheumatic pain32
Sacral region pain22
Sacral reg.pain during motion31
Sacral reg.pain extending to hips31
Back aching pain,morning31
Scapulae aching pain31
Under scapulae aching,riding31
Lumbar region aching pain22
Lumbar reg.aching on motion32
Sacrum aching pain22
Cervical drawing pain extending to shoulders31
Scapulae pressing pain31
Back soreness,bruised,beaten22
Soreness in left scapula31
Sacral region soreness,bruised,beaten31
Spine soreness,spinal irritation32
Back stitching,shooting pain22
Cervical stitching pain,stinging31
Sacral region stitching,shooting pain32
Sacral stitching pain extending down outside of hips to feet32
Lumbar region tearing pain32
Back stiffness22
Back stiffness,morning32
Back stiffness,wet weather32
Cervical region stiffness32
Cervical stiffness,morning on waking32
Cervical stiffness, night33
Lumbar region weakness31
Thumbs clenching31
Extremities coldness22
Extremities coldness,evening31
Hands coldness32
Foot coldness32
Fingers spasmodic contraction31
Hamstrings contraction32
Leg contraction32
Toes contraction31
Toes contraction,drawn down31
Extremities cramps22
Extremities cramps,intermittent31
Lower limbs cramps31
Toes cramps31
Upper limbs redness spots31
Foot redness in spots31
Thumbs drawn inwards21
Extremities drawn upwards22
Extremities emaciation21
Extremities rash eruption31
Upper limbs rash eruption31
Upper limbs tubercles31
Hand rash eruption31
Back of hand chronic psoriasis31
Lower limbs eruption21
Calf eruption31
Calf red spots31
Tibia exostoses32
Feet extension31
Felon (onychia,paronychya,panaritium),beginning in nail22
Fluttering in upper arm while resting it on the table21
Letting limbs hang down aggravation21
Foot heat31
Foot burning heat31
Hand heaviness,tired hand31
Lower limbs heaviness,tired limbs31
Lower limbs heaviness, afternoon31
Leg heaviness,tired leg32
Hip-joint disease22
Right hip-joint disease32
Fingers muscles induration31
Joints inflammation32
Joints inflammation,synovitis31
Periosteum of femur inflammation32
Knee inflammation31
Ankle inflammation31
Extremeities itching21
Upper limbs itching31
Hand itching31
Lower limbs itching31
Lower limbs itching, night31
Leg itching31
Leg itching, night31
Calf itching31
Foot itching31
Extremities jerking21
Upper limbs lameness32
Shoulder lameness31
Left hand numbness31
Leg numbness32
Extremties pain23
Left then right limbs pain31
Limbs pain, night32
Limbs pain on motion32
Extremities rheumatic pain33
Limbs rheumatic pain after suppressed gonorrhoea32
Limbs rheumatic pain,abuse of mercury32
Limbs syphilitic rheumatic pain32
Limbs wandering,shifting pain32
Limbs pain,warmth of bed aggravation31
Limbs pain,wet weather32
Attachment of muscles pain31
Middle of long bones pain32
Joints pain32
Joints pain in open air32
Joints gouty pain32
Joints pain,motion32
Joints rheumatic pain32
Joints rheumatic pain after suppressed gonorrhoea31
Joints pain after walking31
Joints wandering pain31
Attachment of tendons pain32
Upper limbs pain22
Right upper limb pain32
Upper limbs pain, night31
Upper limbs pain,damp weather32
Upper limbs pain,motion32
Upper limbs pain on raising arm31
Upper limbs rheumatic pain32
Upper limbs wandering pain32
Shoulder pain32
Right shoulder pain32
Shoulder pain,damp weather32
Shoulder pain,motion of arm31
Shoulder pain,raising the arm aggravation31
Shoulder rheumatic pain32
Shoulder wandering pain32
Upper arm pain31
Upper arm pain, night32
Upper arm pain,damp weather32
Upper arm pain,extending arm31
Upper arm pain on motion31
Upper arm pain on pressure31
Upper arm rheumatic pain32
Upper arm wandering arm31
Upper arm bone pain31
Deltoid region pain31
Upper arm outer side pain31
Elbow pain31
Elbow pain extending to little finger31
Elbow pain extending to wrist31
Forearm pain31
Forearm rheumatic pain32
Hand pain31
Hand rheumatic pain31
Palm pain31
Fingers pain32
Fingers rheumatic pain32
Fourth finger pain31
Lower limbs pain22
Lower limbs pain, night33
Lower limbs pain,motion aggravation32
Lower limbs rheumatic pain32
Right sciatica32
Sciatica, night31
Sciatica,motion aggravation32
Sciatica with numbness32
Sciatica,pressure aggravation31
Sciatica,pressure amelioration31
Sciatica,wet weather32
Lower limbs pain while standing31
Lower limbs pain while walking32
Lower limbs pain extending to foot31
Lower limbs pain extending downward32
Lower limbs pain extending upwards32
Lower limbs joints pain32
Hip pain32
Hip rheumatic pain32
Hip pain,wet weather32
Hip pain extending in front of leg32
Thigh pain32
Thigh neuralgic pain32
Outer side of thigh pain32
Knee pain32
Knee pain, afternoon31
Knee pain, night31
Knee pain in open air32
Knee pain,damp weather32
Knee rheumatic pain32
Right knee rheumatic pain32
Left knee rheumatic pain32
Leg pain32
Leg pain, night33
Leg rheumatic pain32
Leg pain while walking31
Leg bones pain32
Tibia pain32
Tibia pain, night32
Tibia pain,damp weather32
Ankle pain32
Foot pain32
Foot rheumatic pain32
Foot pain while walking31
Back of foot pain32
Heel pain31
Heel pain,elevating the feet amelioration31
Heel rheumatic pain31
Toes pain32
First toe pain32
First toe neuralgic pain31
Extremities aching22
Upper limbs aching31
Shoulder aching, noon31
Upper arm bone aching31
Upper arm aching,motion aggravation31
Forearm aching31
Forearm pain,evening after going to bed31
Finger tips aching31
Hip aching32
Thigh aching31
Leg aching32
Leg aching while walking31
Foot aching31
Heel aching31
Heel aching,elevating feet amelioration31
Foot burning pain31
Foot burning pain while walking31
Sole burning pain31
Sole burning pain, morning31
Hip cutting pain32
Upper limbs drawing pain32
Upper limbs rheumatic drawing32
Upper arm drawing pain31
Forearm drawing pain32
Forearm rheumatic drawing pain32
Ulna drawing pain31
Hand drawing,shocks31
Hand drawing extending to elbow31
Hip drawing pain32
Hollow of knee drawing pain32
Hollow of knee drawing,walking32
Leg drawing pain31
Extremities pressing pain21
Thigh pressing pain31
Fingers shooting31
Finger joints shooting31
Tip of thumb shooting31
Sore,bruised extremities22
Sore,bruised upper arm31
Sore bruised upper arm on extending it31
Sore bruised hip31
Sore bruised leg32
Extremities stitching pain21
Extremities stitching extending inward31
Upper limbs stitching pain32
Shoulder stitching pain31
Shoulder stitching pain,night31
Fingers stitching pain31
Finger joints stitching pain31
Third finger stitching pain31
Fourth finger stitching pain31
Thumb tip stitching pain31
Lower limbs stitching pain31
Hip stitching pain31
Thigh stitching pain31
Knee stitching pain31
Thigh tearing pain32
Right thigh tearing pain32
Thigh tearing,lying amelioration32
Thigh tearing pain while sitting32
Thigh tearing while standing32
Thigh outer side tearing pain32
Heel tearing pain31
Upper limbs paralysis31
Hand cold perspiration31
Foot perspiration31
Foot profuse perspiration31
Toes perspiration32
Under toes perspiration31
Tips of fingers pulsation31
Extremities restlessness22
Extremities restlessness,night31
Lower limbs restlessness32
Lower limbs restlessness,night32
Upper limbs shocks31
Shriveled extremities (shrunken)21
Extremities tetanic stiffness32
Knee stiffness31
Knee stiffness while walking31
Fingers swelling32
Finger joints swelling32
Lower limbs dropsical swelling32
Knee swelling32
Ankle swelling32
Foot swelling32
Foot swelling,morning31
Hamstrings tension32
Hollow of knee tension32
Hollow of knee tension while walking32
Hand trembling32
Lower limbs trembling32
Upper limbs twitching31
Upper arm twitching31
Hand twitching31
Hand convulsive twitching31
Leg twitching31
Leg convulsive twitching31
Upper limbs syphilitic ulcers31
Lower limbs ulcers32
Lower limbs irritable ulcers32
Leg ulcers32
Sole ulcers31
Upper limbs weakness31
Upper arm weakness31
Upper arm weakness,flexion aggravation31
Upper arm weakness on motion31
Knee weakness after walking31
Leg weakness31
Disturbed sleep before midnight31
Falling asleep after pain31
Restless sleep21
Sleepiness after pain31
Sleeplessness after waking31
Yawning, daytime31
Coldness in general21
Coldness, morning21
Coldness,night after nausea31
Heat, morning21
Heat, afternoon21
External heat21
Perspiration, night21
Perspiration during slight exertion21
Skin coldness22
Skin blackish discoloration21
Bluish skin32
Red skin31
Skin red spots31
Skin coppery spots31
Dry skin22
Periodical boils31
Crusty eruptions32
Discharging,moist eruption31
Circinate herpetic eruption33
Itching eruption32
Syphilitic psoriasis33
Scaly eruption33
Bran-like scaly eruption33
Syphilitic eruption32
Syphilitic tubercles31
Rosy nodular urticaria (erythema)31
Itching,scratching aggravation32
Skin ulcer23
Skin cancerous ulcer32
Skin ulcer with jerking pain31
Skin lardaceous ulcer32
Skin ulcer,mercurial33
Skin painful ulcer32
Skin pressing ulcer32
Skin serpiginous ulcer32
Skin shooting ulcers32
Skin syphilitic ulcer33
Skin tense ulcer32
Wrinkled,shrivelled skin21
11 a.m.31
Before midnight31
After midnight31
Open air aggravation31
Open air amelioration32
Ball internally21
Bathing amelioration31
Desire for cold bathing31
Blackness of the external parts21
Cancerous affections23
Cold aggravation22
Cold wet weather aggravation32
Convulsions with tetanic rigidity32
After eating31
Faintness from pain31
Faintness on rising from bed33
Faintness from sitting up32
Faintness while standing31
Faintness after stool31
Hot food aggravation31
Lemonade aggravation31
Full feeling, internally32
Glands indurations33
Inflammations, internally31
Inflammations of the glands32
Knotted sensation internally22
Inclination to lie down22
Lying on abdomen amelioration31
Lying in bed aggravation31
Abuse of mercury23
Motion aggravation22
Motion of affected parts aggravation31
Nursing children21
Pains appear and disappear suddenly32
Bones pain in the night32
Periosteum pain32
Burning pain,externally31
Burning pain,internally31
Pain as from burning32
Glands burning pain31
Jerking pain,externally31
Pressing pain,externally31
Pressing pain,internally32
Pain as if scraped31
Sore,bruised pain32
Sore,bruised pain,externally32
Sore,bruised pain,internally31
Sore bruised pain on motion31
Stitching pain,externally32
Stitching pain,internally31
Stitching pain downward32
Stitching pain inward32
Stitching outward pain31
Stitching pain upward33
Muscles stitching and burning pain31
Tearing pain,externally31
Wandering pain32
Post-diphteric paralysis31
Pulsation externally21
Frequent pulse,accelerated,elevated,exalted,fast,innumerable32
Frequent and small pulse31
Full pulse31
Full pulse, morning31
Hard pulse31
Hard pulse, morning31
Intermittent pulse31
Irregular pulse32
Irregular and slow pulse31
Slow pulse31
Slow pulse, evening31
Small pulse31
Soft pulse31
Thready pulse31
Weak pulse31
Sensitiveness to pain32
Symptoms on the right side31
Symptoms on the left then on the right side31
After sleep aggravation32
Swelling of the affected parts32
Inflammatory swelling32
Puffy swelling32
Glands swelling32
Hot glands swelling32
Glands inflammatory swelling32
Glands painful swelling31
Muscles tension31
Trembling externally22
Trembling on motion31
Glands ulcers22
On waking22
Walking aggravation22
Warm bed aggravation31
Weakness, noon31
Weakness from diarrhoea31
Weakness on rising31
Weakness from walking31
Wet weather32