Headache,sore bruised,sensitive to pressure
- Sore headache,morning
- Sore headache,morning on rising
- Sore headache,morning on waking
- Sore headache,forenoon
- Sore headache,afternoon
- Sore headache,evening
- Sore headache,evening in bed
- Sore headache,night
- Sore headache in open air
- Sore headache,open air amelioration
- Sore headache after breakfast
- Sore headache,closing eyes amelioration
- Sore headache,cold air
- Sore headache,cold application amelioration
- Sore headache on combing hair
- Sore headache,conversation amelioration
- Sore headache after dinner
- Sore headache,dinner amelioration
- Sore headache on becoming heated
- Sore headache,jarring aggravation
- Sore headache,leaning head to right amelioration
- Sore headache,lying aggravation
- Sore headache,lying on sore part aggravation
- Sore headache during menses
- Sore headache after mental exertion
- Sore headache on motion
- Sore headache,motion amelioration
- Sore headache,painful part
- Sore headache,paroxysmal
- Sore headache from pressure of hat
- Sore headache from pressure on pillow
- Sore headache,reading aggravation
- Sore headache,riding on cars aggravation
- Sore headache,rubbing amelioration
- Sore headache on shaking head
- Sore headache,sneezing
- Sore headache while speaking
- Sore headache in spots
- Sore headache on stooping
- Sore headache from exposure to sun
- Sore headache on turning eyes
- Sore headache after vexation
- Sore headache on waking
- Sore headache while walking
- Sore headache,walking in open air
- Sore headache,walking in open air amelioration
- Sore headache,warm bed aggravation
- Sore headache in a warm room
- Sore headache,warm room amelioration
- Sore headache,warmth amelioration
- Sore headache during wet weather
- Sore headache while writing