

Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Complaints from anticipation21
Anxiety on anticipating an engagement31
Anxiety of conscience,as if guilty of a crime32
Anxiety about salvation32
Anxiety if a time is set31
Ailments from bad news22
Cheerfulness alternating with sadness31
Difficult concentration22
Confusion of mind22
Confusion of mind as to his identity31
Presentiment of death32
Delusions of animals31
Delusions, persons are rats,mice,insects...32
Delusion that someone is behind him31
Delusion,sees faces31
Sees faces wherever he turns his eyes or looking out from corners31
Felt a delicate hand smoothing her head31
Delusion that she will become insane31
Sees people31
Delusion,someone is behind him31
Delusions,sees rats31
Sees rats running across the room31
Familiar things seem strange31
Everything seems unreal32
Hears voices31
Religious despair (of salvation,etc)31
As if in a dream21
Dullness,sluggishness,difficulty of thinking and comprehending21
Excitment when anticipating events31
Excitment from mental work31
Excitment while reading31
Excitment over trifles31
Excitment while writing31
Mental exertion aggravation21
Fear that someone is behind him31
Fear of something creeping out of every corner31
Fear of dark32
Fear of death31
Forgetful,his own name32
Forgetful of words while speaking32
Impatience about trifles32
Irritability while reading31
Weakness of memory23
Weakness of memory for proper names32
Weakness of memory for what has read32
Weakness of memory for what has said32
Weakness of memory for what is about to say32
Weakness of memory for what has just thought32
Weakness of memory for words31
Mistakes in spelling32
Mistakes in time31
Confounds present with past31
Alternating mood31
Religious affections22
Restlessness, night32
Sadness,mental depression21
Sadness,weeping amelioration31
Sensitive to noise32
Confused speech31
Starting from noise32
Starting from sleep32
Suicidal disposition21
Suicidal disposition by shooting31
Thinking of complaints aggravation32
Vanishing of thoughts31
Time passes too slowly32
Aversion to being touched22
Transient unconsciousness31
Everything seems unreal22
Wepping,tearful mood22
Weeping ameliorates symptoms32
Weeping when spoken to32
Weeping when telling of her sickness32
Wild sensation in head22
Aversion to mental work21
Mental work impossible32
Mental work seems to drive him crazy,from the impotency of his mind31
Vertigo as if intoxicated22
Vertigo from motion22
Occipital vertigo21
Vertigo,after sleep aggravation32
Vertigo with staggering21
Vertigo on stooping21
Head boiling sensation21
Bores head in pillow22
Head constriction21
Head constriction,band or hoop31
Head constriction,stooping aggravation31
Forehead constriction31
Forehead constriction as from band31
Head drawn backward22
Enlarged occiput sensation31
Hair dryness31
Lustreless hair32
Occiput heat31
Vertex heat32
Head heaviness21
Scalp itching22
Rolling head32
Sideways motions of head32
Rocks head from side to side to relieve pain32
Headache in general22
Headache on coughing31
Headache during menses31
Headache while riding on the cars32
Headache,rolling head from side to side amelioration31
Headache from stooping31
Aching pain deep in brain22
Forehead pain22
Forehead pain,morning31
Above eyes headache31
Occiput pain22
Left side headache31
Temples pain21
Temples pain,morning on waking31
Headache as from blows21
Burning headache21
Occiput burning pain31
Occiput cutting pain31
Temples cutting pain31
Occiput dull pain31
Forehead pressing outward pain31
Forehead pain as though brain would come out31
Vertex pressing pain21
Headache,sore bruised,sensitive to pressure21
Temples pulsating21
Desire to close eyes22
Coldness in eyes31
As if cold air blew in eyes31
Eyes dryness22
Excoriation of lids22
Hair falling from eyelashes31
Lids hardness31
Heat in eye21
Heat in lids32
Eye gonorrhoeal inflammation31
Eye inflammation,heat aggravation31
Lids inflammation33
Eye pain22
Right eye pain31
Eye pain on motion of eyes31
Eye pain on turning eyes sideways32
Eye aching pain22
Margins of lids burning pain31
Eye drawing pain21
Eye drawing pain outward31
Eye pain as from foreign body21
Eye pressing pain,pressure,etc21
Eye pain as if being pulled out21
Eye pain as if being pulled out when shut31
Eye pain as from sand22
Lids sore pain as from a splinter31
Eye tearing pain21
Paralysis of upper lids32
Sensation of eye protrusion32
Edges of lids redness32
Sensation as though staring31
Under the lids swelling31
Swollen upper lids32
Blurred vision21
Black spots31
Dark spots31
Objects seem small21
Ear meatus formication31
Itching in ear21
Hissing in ear21
Ear pain21
Ear pain while lying on ear31
Ear pain extending inward31
Boring pain in left ear31
Stitching pain in right ear31
Ear pulsation22
Ear lobe ulceration in hole for earrings31
Sensation of worms in ear21
Hearing illusions21
Impaired hearing21
Like leaf or membrane before the ear31
Lost hearing21
Nose sensitive to inhale air21
Nose catarrh22
Post nasal catarrh31
Nose tip coldness31
Coryza with discharge (fluent)31
Coryza with discharge,10 a.m.31
Nose gray discharge31
Nose thick discharge31
Discharge from posterior nares31
Nose inflammation21
Nose itching21
Nose inside itching31
Nose inside itching,left side31
Nose numbness21
Nose obstruction21
Posterior nares obstruction31
Nose obstruction at root31
Nose burning,smarting pain22
Nose burning pain on inhaling31
Nose wings inner surface rawness31
Nose inside sore bruised pain31
Nose inside sore bruised pain,left side31
Nose left wing sore bruised pain31
Wanting smell,lost smell21
Earthy face22
Greenish face22
Pale face23
Pale lips33
Sallow face23
Face sickly color23
Yellow face22
Face eruption21
Lips eruption31
Face acne21
Herpes about lips32
Around mouth herpes31
Mouth corners herpes31
Greasy face21
Face heat flashes31
Face pain on closing eyes31
Face perspiration21
Face perspiration during sleep31
Shiny face21
Lower jaw stiffness31
Swelling under eyes31
Submaxillary glands swelling31
Waxy face23
Biting tongue,night in sleep31
Tongue bleeding31
Pale gums31
Brown tongue31
Tongue white root31
Mouth dryness21
Mouth viscid mucus31
Mouth mucus membrane excoriation31
Breath putrid odor,morning31
Mouth pain as if burnt21
Mouth sore pain21
Tongue pustules31
Under tongue pustules31
Viscid saliva31
Stiff tongue21
Hard,painful swelling in socket of a tooth that has been out for yea31
Bad taste31
Bad taste,morning31
Metallic taste31
Tongue trembling21
Tongue vesicles31
Caries,decayed,hollow teeth21
Teeth rapid caries31
Teeth crumbling21
Yellow teeth31
Sore bruised toothache21
Serrated teeth21
Teeth feel soft21
Throat dryness21
Sensation of lump or plug in throat21
Throat rawness pain21
External throat sides drawing pain21
External throat soreness21
Sides of neck spasms22
External throat sides tension32
Larynx constriction31
Larynx dryness31
Sensation of foreign substance in larynx21
Sensation of lump in larynx22
Mucus in the air passages21
Larynx pain on coughing31
Larynx rawness pain31
Larynx soreness32
Larynx tearing pain on coughing31
Tickling in trachea32
Hoarseness while reading aloud31
Asthmatic respiration22
Asthma,cold damp weather32
Difficult respiration22
Difficult respiration during night31
Difficult expiration32
Difficult respiration,wants to be fanned32
Difficult respiration while lying on the back31
Difficult respiration,lying on knees and elbows amelioration31
Difficult respiration while lying on left side31
Difficult respiration with waking31
Hot breath21
Constant cough21
Constant cough,night31
Constant cough,night,on falling to sleep31
Deep cough21
Sensation as though he could not cough deep enough to start mucus31
Dry cough21
Dry cough,night32
Dry cough,night on falling asleep31
Cough from eating21
Cough after suppressed gonorrhoea22
Hollow cough21
Hollow cough,sitting up amelioration31
Cough,lying aggravation21
Cough,lying on abdomen amelioration32
Cough,great rattling of mucus which appears to be low down in chest,32
Cough,mucus in chest21
Rattling cough21
Rattling,wheezing or whistling with cough while lying on back or on.31
Cough on going to sleep31
Wakens from cough31
Cough,sweetmeats aggravation21
Tearing cough21
Cough from tickling in trachea31
Cough in a warm room31
Cough on entering a warm room from open air31
Expectoration in shape of balls31
Expectoration,little bitter green balls31
Dark expectoration21
Difficult expectoration21
Gelatinous expectoration21
Grayish expectoration21
Greenish expectoration21
Mucous expectoration22
Bloody mucous expectoration31
Ropy expectoration21
Saliva-like expectoration21
Bitter expectoration31
Transparent expectoration22
Viscid expectoration21
White expectoration22
Albuminous white expectoration32
Yellow expectoration21
Chest coldness21
Chest right side coldness31
Mammae coldness32
Nipple coldness31
Sensation of heart emptiness31
Chest fluttering22
Chest fullness21
Heart fullness31
Chest heat22
Chest left side heat on walking in sun,right side cold32
Chest heat,walking in the sun31
Heat in region of heart31
Chest oppression21
Oppression, 5 p.m.31
Heart oppression31
Mammae pain21
Chest sides pain21
Chest boring pain21
Chest boring pain during chill31
Chest burning pain22
Heart burning pain31
Heart bursting pain31
Cold pain in chest on coughing22
Heart cutting pain31
Chest left side drawing pain31
Chest sore,bruised pain21
Chest sore pain,touch31
Mammae sore bruised pain31
Nipples sore,bruised pain31
Short ribs sore bruised pain31
Left short ribs sore bruised pain31
Heart sore bruised pain31
Heart sore pain while lying on left side31
Chest stitching pain21
Lower right chest stitching pain31
Chest sides stitching pain31
Heart stitching pain31
Heart palpitation22
Heart palpitation,exertion32
Heart palpitation,slightest motion31
Phthisis pulmonalis22
Acute phtisis pulmonalis32
Phthisis florida31
Incipient phthisis pulmonalis33
Pituitous phthisis pulmonalis33
Sycotic phthisis pulmonalis33
Ravenous appetite soon after eating32
Wanting appetite21
Desires alcoholic drinks22
Desires ale32
Desires green fruit32
Desires ice22
Desires oranges21
Desires salt things22
Desires sour,acid things22
Desires sweets22
Stomach distention22
Ineffectual and incomplete eructations23
Empty eructations21
Regurgitation after eating31
Sensation of lump in stomach21
Lump in stomach after eating31
Stomach pain22
Stomach pain at 2 a.m.33
Stomach pain,after eating amelioration32
Stomach violent pain33
Stomach burning pain21
Stomach cramping griping constricting pain21
Stomach stitching pain21
Stomach pulsation21
Stomach sinking22
Thirst during chill31
Extreme thirst32
Thirst during heat31
Thirstless during heat31
Stomach trembling21
Vomiting during headache31
Bile vomiting21
Bitter vomiting21
Black vomiting21
Abdomen bubo after suppressed gonorrhoea31
Abdomen external coldness31
Region of liver coldness31
Abdominal dropsy,ascites21
Abdomen aching during diarrhoea (colic)31
Abdomen aching as if menses would appear32
Abdomen aching during diarrhoeic stool32
Hypogastrium aching dull pain22
Inguinal region aching dull pain22
Inguinal left side aching31
Liver aching,dull pain22
Liver aching extending to right shoulder32
Abdomen sides aching dull pain21
Abdomen sides aching extending downwards31
Right hypochondrium burning pain32
Liver burning pain31
Hypogastrium cutting pain21
Hypogastrium cutting pain extending to spermatic cord31
Abdomen dragging pain during menses31
Inguinal region dragging pain21
Inguinal reg.dragging pain while walking31
Abdomen right side drawing pain31
Hypogastrium pressing pain21
Abdomen stitching,sticking pain21
Abdomen tearing pain21
Abdomen pulsation21
Right hypochondrium pulsation31
Cholera infantum32
Must lean far back to pass a stool32
Bilious diarrhoea31
Diarrhoea from riding in a train31
Diarrhoea after suppressed gonorrhoea33
Eruption about anus21
Rectum fissure21
Rectum fullness21
Haemorrhage from anus21
External haemorrhoids31
Offensive haemorrhoids (fetid)31
Involuntary stool21
Anus itching21
Rectum,sensation of lump21
Rectum moisture21
Rectum moisture smelling like herring brine32
Rectum pain21
Rectum pain during stool31
Rectum pain after straining at stool31
Rectum burning pain21
Rectum stitching pain22
Retum tenesmus during urination31
Rectum tenesmus extending to bladder32
Rectum prolapsus21
Rectum stricture21
Swelling of anus21
Stool like balls22
Bilious stool21
Black stool21
Bloody stool22
Clay-like stool21
Copious stool21
Curdled stool21
Hot stool21
Mucous green stool31
Stool odor like rotten eggs31
Tenacious stool21
Thin liquid stool21
Watery green stool31
White stool21
Greenish yellow stool31
Bladder muco-pus catarrh21
Bladder catarrh from suppressed gonorrhoea32
Sensation of bladder fullness21
Bladder inflammation22
Bladder neck pain,close of urination32
Bladder neck pain when last drops are voided31
Bladder pressing pain,pressure in bladder21
Bladder neck spasmodic pain at closure31
Bladder tenesmus22
Urging to urinate,night31
Urination feeble stream (slow)22
Frequent urination21
Frequent urination, night33
Interrupted urination (intermittent)21
Night involuntary urination (incontinence in bed)32
Must wait for urine to start21
Addison's disease21
Bubbling sensation in region of kidneys22
Kidneys pain22
Kidneys pain,after urination amelioration32
Ureters cutting pain22
Kidneys pulsation21
Prostate gland enlargement22
Prostate gland hardness21
Prostate gland inflammation21
Prostate gland inflammation from suppressed gonorrhoea32
Prostate gland swelling21
Agglutination of meatus22
Urethra gleety discharge22
Urethra painless gleety discharge32
Gonorrhoeal discharge23
Chronic gonorrhoeal discharge32
Urethra profuse discharge22
Urethra purulent discharge22
Urethra thich discharge21
Urethra thin discharge21
Urethra white discharge21
Urethra yellow discharge22
Urethra yellow drop,morning32
Urethra chronic yellow discharge32
Meatus inflammation31
Urethra pain22
Urethra pain during urination31
Urethra burning pain during urination31
Meatus burning pain21
Urethra cutting pain at close of urination31
Urethra soreness22
As if some urine remained in urethra after urinating31
Albuminous urine21
Colorless urine21
Copious urine,night32
Copious urine with attended exhaustion31
Copious urine during fever31
Copious urine which ameliorates pain in back32
Cuticle forming on the surface of the urine (includes fatty)22
Urine offensive odor21
Urine strong odor21
Phosphates in urine21
Sugar in the urine22
Watery urine,clear as water21
Male genitals condylomata22
Male genitals condylomata bleed easily31
Glans condylomata32
Prepuce condylomata32
Violent erections21
Wanting erections,impotency23
Impotency after gonorrhoea31
Testes induration23
Testes induration after gonorrhoea32
Epididymis induration32
Testes inflammation from suppressed gonorrhoea33
Epididymis inflammation32
Glans pain31
Testes dragging pain22
Spermatic cords drawing pain21
Testes sore,bruised pain21
Nightly seminal emissions21
Testes swelling22
Spermatic cords tension21
Aversion to coition22
Coition with enjoyment absent (female)22
Ovaries dropsy21
Enlarged ovaries22
Enlarged left ovary32
Ovaries sensation as if enlarged31
Ovaries heat21
Ovaries inflammation22
Ovaries inflammation after suppressed gonorrhoea33
Female genitalia itching22
Vagina itching22
Clotted menses22
Copious menses22
Dark menses22
Green menses21
Painful menses,dysmenorrhoea22
Menses difficult to wash off22
Metrorrhagia,climateric period32
Ovaries pain21
Left ovary pain31
Ovaries pain while walking31
Ovaries pain extending diagonally upward31
Ovaries pain extending downwards31
Uterus pain,walking aggravation31
Ovaries aching pain21
Left ovary aching pain31
Ovaries bearing down pain21
Ovaries bearing down pain while walking31
Ovaries burning pain21
Left ovary burning pain31
Ovaries bursting pain21
Right ovary drawing pain31
Labor-like pain21
Labor-like pain during menses31
Left ovary pressing pain32
Ovaries sore pain,tenderness21
Ovaries stitching pain21
Ovaries stitching pain extending up right side31
Ovaries stitching pain extending to liver31
Swollen ovaries22
Coldness extending up and down the back31
Lumbar region coldness31
Lumbar reg.right side coldness32
Back heat22
Heat in spine32
Cervical region heat flushes32
Back itching21
Sacrum itching31
Back pain22
Back rheumatic pain32
Back pain on rising from stooping31
Back pain,after urinating amelioration31
Pain under right scapula31
Under left scapula pain31
Lumbar region pain21
Lumbar region pain,lifting31
Lumbar reg.pain,after urinating amelioration31
Sacral region pain22
Sacral reg.pain extending down legs32
Coccyx pain22
Spine pain21
Back aching pain21
Under left scapula aching31
Under scapulae aching while walking31
Back burning pain22
Cervical region burning pain32
Cervical burning pain extending down back32
Between scapulae burning pain32
Lumbar region burning pain32
Lumbar burning pain during menses31
Spine burning pain32
Cervical region drawing pain31
Dorsal region drawing pain31
Scapulae drawing pain31
Lumbar region soreness,bruised,beaten31
Spine soreness,spinal irritation32
Spinal irritation,stretching31
Spinal irritation,lumbar region31
Scapulae stitching,shooting pain31
Scapulae stitching pain on coughing31
Back stiffness21
Back tension21
Cervical region tension31
Back weakness (tired feeling in spine)21
Horny callosities on soles31
Horny callosities on soles,tenderness31
Fingers clenching22
Extremities coldness22
Extremities coldness,yet warm bed unendurable32
Right forearm coldness31
Hands coldness32
Right hand coldness31
Right hand coldness then left31
Fingers coldness31
Leg coldness32
Leg coldness,uncovering amelioration32
Foot coldness32
Foot coldness, 10 a.m.31
Toes coldness32
Fingers contraction31
Fingers spasmodic contraction31
Hamstrings contraction31
Hollow of knee contraction31
Calf contraction31
Sore corns31
Calf cramps32
Calf cramps, night31
Sole cramps31
Sole cramps, night31
Curved finger nails in consumption31
Hand yellowness in spots31
Thigh redness spots31
Thigh redness spots,itching when scratched31
Hands eruption31
Foot eruption31
Back of foot eruption31
Toes eruption31
Wants hands and feet fanned23
Palm heat32
Foot burning heat33
Feet burning heat,uncovers them33
Sole heat31
Lower limbs heaviness,tired limbs32
Lower limbs heaviness,ascending steps32
Lower limbs heaviness while walking32
Leg heaviness,tired leg32
Fingers muscles induration31
Knee inflammation,suppressed gonorrhoea32
Elbow itching31
Hand itching31
Sole of foot itching31
Between toes itching31
Upper limb numbness31
Left upper limb numbness32
Forearm numbness31
Left forearm numbness31
Hand numbness31
Left hand numbness31
Back of hand numbness31
Fourth finger numbness31
Thigh numbness32
Left thigh numbness31
Leg numbness31
Left leg numbness31
Extremties pain23
Limbs pain,motion amelioration32
Limbs pain on beginning to move32
Extremities rheumatic pain33
Limbs rheumatic pain after suppressed gonorrhoea33
Limbs pain,thunderstorm aggravation33
Joints rheumatic pain after suppressed gonorrhoea33
Left upper limbs pain with heart symptoms31
Upper limbs rheumatic pain31
Upper limbs wandering pain31
Shoulder pain32
Right shoulder pain31
Left shoulder pain,to right32
Shoulder pain,motion of arm31
Shoulder rheumatic pain33
Forearm pain31
Left forearm pain32
Forearm paralytic pain32
Hand pain on closing hand31
Hand rheumatic pain31
First finger pain31
Second finger pain31
Lower limbs pain22
Lower limbs pain, night32
Hip pain32
Hip pain,morning on waking32
Hip rheumatic pain32
Hip pain on walking32
Hip wandering pain31
Hip pain extending downward32
Hip pain extending to knee32
Glutel region pain31
Thigh pain32
Thigh pain while walking32
Knee pain31
Knee rheumatic pain32
Knee pain,stretching aggravation31
Knee pain on walking32
Leg rheumatic pain32
Leg rheumatic pain after gonorrhoea33
Ankle pain31
Ankle pain after suppressed gonorrhoea32
Sole rheumatic pain31
Sole pain while walking31
Lower limbs aching32
Lower limbs aching, night31
Hip aching31
Knee aching31
Leg aching31
Leg aching, night31
Toes boring pain31
Upper limbs burning pain31
Hand burning pain33
Palm burning pain32
Hip burning pain during menses31
Foot burning pain33
Sole burning pain31
Elbow cutting pain31
Elbow cutting pain when moving31
Extremities drawing pain21
Knee drawing pain31
Calf drawing31
Ankles drawing pain31
Toes shooting31
Sore bruised sole33
Sore bruised sole while walking33
Shoulder stitching pain31
Left shoulder stitching pain31
Shoulder stitching,motion amelioration31
Knee stitching pain31
Knee stitching pain on stretching31
Knee stitching pain during thunderstorm31
Toes stitching pain31
Sensation of leg paralysis31
Foot perspiration31
Foot cold perspiration31
Foor perspiration,worse during winter31
Leg pulsation31
Extremities restlessness21
Lower limbs restlessness31
Leg restlessness33
Feet restlessness33
Hand roughness31
Sensitive foot31
Sensitive sole33
Sensitive heel31
Hip stiffness31
Ankle stiffness31
Joints swelling31
Finger joints swelling31
Lower limbs dropsical swelling32
Knee swelling after gonorrhoea33
Leg swelling32
Ankle swelling33
Foot swelling33
Foot oedematous swelling33
Sole swelling31
First toe swelling31
Hamstrings tension31
Hollow of knee tension31
Ankle tension31
Extremities trembling21
Upper limbs trembling31
Hand trembling31
Lower limbs trembling32
Leg trembling31
Inclination to uncover feet33
Thigh warts31
Lower limbs weakness32
Knee weakness31
Leg weakness31
Ankle weakness31
Ankle weakness while walking31
Sleep position: arms over head31
Sleep position: on back31
Sleeps on the knees with face forced into pillow31
Restless sleep21
Sleeplessness before midnight32
Sleeplessness with sleepiness31
Sleeplessness,warm coverings,though limbs are cold32
Spasmodic yawning31
Dreams of the deads22
Dreams of drinking21
Frightful dreams22
Dreams about ghosts,spectres22
Dreams of walking21
Coldness, 3 to 4 p.m.31
Chilliness on urging to urinate32
Chilliness before urination32
Chilliness,after urination amelioration31
Coldness,uncovering or undressing amelioration31
Coldness before urination21
Coldness after urination32
Heat alternating with chill21
Burning heat22
Burning heat internal mostly,blood seems to burn in the veins32
Chill absent, 11 a.m.31
Chill absent, 12 to 3 a.m.31
Hectic fever21
Internal heat22
Internal burning heat in the blood vessels32
Heat,desire for uncovering31
Perspiration, night21
Perspiration,offensive odor31
Skin green spots31
Yellow skin,jaundice31
Bleeding eruption31
Dry herpetic eruption31
Condylomata bleeding32
Moist condylomata31
Offensive condylomata31
Skin formication22
Itching without eruption31
Itching,must scratch until it bleeds32
Itching unchanged by scratching32
Skin prickling21
Shining skin21
Pedunculated warts32
Evening amelioration32
Draft aggravation32
Seashore air amelioration31
Becoming cold32
After becoming cold aggravation32
Cold wet weather aggravation33
Epileptic convulsions32
Epileptiform convulsions32
External dropsy23
Faintness after urinating31
Suppressed gonorrhoea23
Flushes of heat alternating with chills31
Sensation of heat in blood vessels31
Lack of vital heat22
Excessive physical irritability23
Motion aggravation22
Motion amelioration32
Blood vessels burning pain31
Sore,bruised pain32
Sore,bruised pain,externally31
Stitching pain,externally32
Prickling externally21
Pulsation externally21
Lack of reaction23
Sensitiveness to pain33
Approach of a storm21
During storm32
Glands swelling31
Touch aggravation22
Trembling externally22
Weakness after stool32
Weakness after copious urination31
Weakness from walking31