- Burning headache,morning
- Burning headache,morning on waking
- Burning headache at noon
- Burning headache,afternoon
- Burning headache,evening
- Burning headache,evening in bed
- Burning headache,night
- Burning headache,in open air amelioration
- Burning headache alternating with pain
- Burning headache,as if brain were on fire
- Burning headache,cold body
- Burning headache with chilliness
- Burning headache during the climacteric
- Burning headache,cold bathing aggravation
- Burning headache,contracting
- Burning headache after dinner
- Burning headache as from hot iron around head or hot water in
- Burning headache,light aggravation
- Burning headache while lying on back
- Burning headache,lying on back amelioration
- Burning headache,lying in bed aggravation
- Burning headache during menses
- Burning headache,mental exertion
- Burning headache,mental employment amelioration
- Burning headache,motion aggravation
- Burning headache,motion amelioration
- Burning pressing headache
- Burning headache,pressure of hand amelioration
- Burning headache on entering room from air
- Burning headache,rubbing amelioration
- Burning headache after scratching
- Burning headache while sitting
- Burning headache,sitting upright amelioration
- Burning headache,sneezing amelioration
- Burning headache like sparks
- Burning headache in spots
- Burning headache while standing
- Burning headache,stooping aggravation
- Burning headache from talking
- Burning tearing headache
- Burning headache when touched
- Burning headache after vomiting
- Burning headache while walking
- Burning headache,walking amelioration
- Burning headache in a warm room
- Burning headache,wrapping up warmly amelioration