Physostigma venenosum


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Anxiety about friends at home31
Anxiety during sleep31
Difficult concentration21
Confusion of mind21
Counting continually21
Delusion,objects too numerous in room31
Sees spectres ghosts spirits31
As if in a dream21
Dullness,sluggishness,difficulty of thinking and comprehending21
Dullness while walking31
Fear of insanity31
Fear of insanity in the night31
Fear he might do mischief,night on waking32
Foolish behavior21
Clearness of mind during chill31
Indifference to business affairs31
Active memory21
Averse to reading21
Restlessness, morning31
Restlessness, evening31
Restlessness, night31
Size of frame seems lessened31
Things appear smaller31
Slow speech31
Starting easily31
Starting on recovering consciousness31
Frightful thoughts31
Persistent thoughts31
Wandering thoughts31
Wandering thoughts while studying31
Vertigo after bathing21
Vertigo on descending stairs31
Vertigo on rising from dinner31
Vertigo from motion21
Vertigo while reading21
Vertigo while walking21
Vertigo while walking in the open air31
Head constriction21
Head constriction,band or hoop31
Head constriction as of a tight hat31
Forehead constriction31
Constriction across forehead31
Falling of head forward31
Head fullness21
Head fullness,afternoon31
Forehaed fullness31
Forehead fullness,afternoon31
Head heat21
Head heat,afternoon31
Head heat,evening31
Forehead heat31
Head heaviness21
Head heaviness,morning31
Head heaviness,dull31
Head heaviness from motion31
Inflammation of brain21
Sensation of looseness of brain21
Sensation of head numbness21
Sensation of temples numbness31
Headache in general21
Headache on waking31
Headache,morning until 10 p.m.31
Headache at 1 p.m.31
Headache at 2 p.m.31
Headache at 4 p.m.31
Headache,evening amelioration31
Headache at 8 p.m.31
Headache at 10 p.m.31
Headache when trying to keep awake31
Headache from living in damp houses31
Headache,lies with head low31
Headache while lying31
Headache,mental exertion amelioration31
Headache after drinking milk31
Headache from motion31
Headache amel.on rising from lying31
Headache,amel.on rising from sitting31
Headache,rubbing amelioration31
Headache from stooping31
Headache from straining eyes31
Headache,sudden pains31
Headache on turning head31
Aching pain deep in brain21
Brain pain on waking31
Forehead pain21
Forehead left side pain31
Forehead pain at 4 p.m.31
Forehead pain,night amelioration31
Forehead pain on motion31
Forehead pain,pressure amelioration31
Forehead pain while reading31
Forehead pain after rising31
Forehead pain,rubbing amelioration31
Forehead pain while walking31
Forehead pain amel.while walking in open air31
Headache forehead extending to occiput31
Forehead pain extending to temples31
Above eyes headache32
Above right eye headache31
Above eyes pain at 1 p.m.31
Above eyes pain extending to nose31
Above eyes pain extending to temples31
Above eyes pains extending to vertex31
Occiput pain21
Occiput pain,forenoon31
Occiput pain while walking31
Occiput sides pain31
Occiput left side pain31
Sides headache from noise31
Temples pain21
Temples pain on motion31
Temples pulsating pain while reading31
Headache,temples and forehead pain21
Headache,vertex pain21
Vertex pain,afternoon31
Vertex pain,pressure amelioration31
Burning headache21
Burning headache,morning31
Burning headache,evening31
Forehead burning pain21
Forehead burning pain,morning31
Bursting headache21
Pressing headache,dull31
Pressing headache,pressure of hat31
Pressing outward headache31
Brain pressing outward pain31
Temples pressing pain21
Temples pressing outward pain31
Vertex pressing pain22
Vertex pressing outward pain31
Head shooting pain,rising aggravation31
Head shooting pain while walking31
Head sides shooting pain21
Temples shooting pain21
Sore bruised pain in brain21
Temples sore bruised pain21
Temples sore pain,daytime31
Scalp perspiration with headache31
Forehead perspiration,morning31
Forehead perspiration,morning during stool31
Forehead warm perspiration31
Head pulsating,afternoon31
Occiput pulsating21
Temples pulsating21
Rolling in head21
Head trembling sensation extending to pit of stomach31
Head weakness extending to lower extremities,as though paralyzed31
Eye discharges of mucus or pus21
Sensation of eyes fullness21
Lids heaviness31
Dislikes to open eyes,fears it will aggravate head ache31
Eye pain22
Eye pain,11 a.m.31
Eye pain,afternoon31
Eye pain,2 p.m.31
Eye pain,6 p.m.31
Eye pain,evening31
Eye pain,evening while reading31
Eye pain on motion of eyes31
Eye pain while reading31
Eye pain on turning eyes sideways31
Eye pain extending backward31
Eye pain extending to temples31
Eye burning,smarting,biting pain21
Eye burning pain,morning31
Eye burning pain,forenoon31
Eye drawing pain22
Eye drawing pain,afternoon31
Eye drawing pain,evening31
Eye pressing pain,pressure,etc21
Eye sore,bruised pain,tender eye22
Eye sore pain on moving the eyes32
Lids sore,bruised pain32
Eye stitching pain21
Right eye stitching pain31
Eye stitching pain,motion amelioration31
Eye stitching pain,pressure amelioration31
Right lid paralysis31
Ciliary muscle paralysis31
Pulsation in eyes21
Contracted pupils (myosis)22
Pupils alternately contracted and dilated in the same light32
Pupils dilated (mydriase)31
Spasms of ciliary muscle31
Swollen eye21
Sensation of eye swelling31
Eye tension21
Lids tension on closing31
Lids twitching33
Weak eye22
Weak eye while reading31
Defective accomodation22
Accomodation,action too great31
Diminished accomodation31
Blurred vision22
Blurred vision,letters31
Black floating spots (muscae volitantes)33
Black serpent-like waves31
Dark worms31
Confused vision22
Dim vision22
Dim vision on descending stairs31
Dim vision after diphteria31
Dim vision,distant objects31
Dim vision while writing31
Aggravation by exertion of vision21
Flashes vision23
Foggy vision while walking31
Objects seem large31
Loss of vision while writing31
Moving letters31
Objects seem nearer21
Trembling objects21
Boring fingers in ear21
Ear formication21
Sensation of ear fullness21
Ear heat22
Noises in ear,7 p.m.31
Ringing,7 p.m.31
Singing in ear21
Singing after lying down32
Singing like steam escaping31
Noise like steam escaping21
Ear pain21
Ear pain, 3 p.m.31
Ear pain, 7 p.m.31
Ear pain,boring with finger amelioration31
Ear pain while writing31
Pain behind ear21
Pain inside the ear (meatus)21
Boring pain in ear,evening31
Boring pain,bores into ear with finger31
Stitching pain in ear,3 p.m.31
Stitching pain in ear,6 p.m.31
Ear pulsation21
Ear pulsation,evening31
Sensation of stopped ear21
Acute hearing21
Impaired hearing21
Impaired hearing,right ear31
Impaired hearing,forenoon31
Impaired hearing,forenoon lasting till 8 p.m.31
Impaired hearing,9 p.m.31
Dilated nostrils21
Nose numbness21
Nose burning,smarting pain21
Nose twitching21
Face contraction21
Face convulsions,spasms22
Bluish face with convulsions31
Pale face21
Red face21
Red face,afternoon31
Red face on rising31
Sleepy expression31
Face heat,afternoon31
Face heat,2 p.m.31
Lower jaw pain31
Twitching around mouth31
Tongue difficult motion21
Breath offensive odor,morning31
Tongue left side sore pain31
Tongue tip sore pain31
Tongue stitching pain31
Tongue tip prickling31
Frothy saliva31
Sensation of bone in throat21
Choking,throat constricting21
Throat fullness21
Sensation of lump rising in throat31
Throat mucus21
Throat mucus, 6 p.m.31
Tonsils burning pain31
Sore throat21
Sore throat,afternoon31
Throat pain as from a splinter21
Impossible swallowing31
External throat sides pain31
External throat sides pain on motion31
External throat sides rheumatic pain31
External throat sides pain on waking31
Carotids pulsation21
Stiffness of neck sides21
Tickling in larynx31
Difficult respiration22
Difficult respiration, 10 p.m.31
Difficult respiration in open air31
Cough, 6 p.m.31
Mucous expectoration21
Watery expectoration21
White expectoration21
Chest constriction,tension,tightness21
Axilla pain21
Chest sides pain21
Axilla aching pain31
Clavicle sore,bruised pain31
Heart palpitation22
Heart palpitation,lying on left side31
Heart tumultuous,violent,vehement palpitation31
Heart trembling32
Increased appetite,hunger in general21
Ravenous,canine,excessive appetite21
Aversion to coffee21
Aversion to drinks21
Aversion to cold drinks31
Aversion to water22
Aversion to cold water31
Stomach distention21
Emptiness,weak feeling,faintness,hungry feeling21
Stomach emptiness, 3 p.m.31
Bitter eructations21
Empty eructations21
Empty eructations,night31
Empty eructations, 7 p.m.31
Hot eructations21
Stomach heaviness,weight,oppression21
Stomach heaviness after eating31
Hiccough, 5 to 8 p.m.31
Nausea, 1 p.m.31
Nausea, 2 p.m.31
Nausea, 4 p.m.31
Nausea during backache31
Nausea on lying down31
Nausea from music31
Nausea from sound of organ31
Nausea from pressure on stomach31
Stomach pain21
Stomach pain,after rising amelioration31
Stomach cramping griping constricting pain21
Stomach cramping pain,morning in bed31
Stomach pressing pain21
Stomach stitching pain extending upwards31
Stomach sinking21
Stomach trembling21
Acrid vomiting21
Water vomiting21
Sensation as if diarrhea would come on22
Abdomen emptiness21
Sensation of abdomen fullness21
Abdomen gurgling21
Abdomen heat21
Abdomen heat,forenoon31
Abdomen aching, 4 p.m.31
Abdomen aching,evening31
Abdomen aching as if diarrhoea would come on32
Abdomen aching,lying amelioration31
Abdomen aching while lying on back31
Abdomen aching,lying on right side amelioration31
Abdomen aching during stool31
Aching extending accross abdomen31
Iliac region right side aching31
Iliac region aching,eating amelioration31
Iliac region aching,lying on left side31
Iliac region aching pain,pressure amelioration31
Iliac region aching,walking in open air amelioration31
Inguinal region aching dull pain21
Inguinal right side then left aching31
Reg.of umbilicus aching dull pain21
Abdomen cramping pain from lying on back31
Abdomen cramping pain,lying on right side amelioration31
Abdomen cramping pain on motion31
Abdomen cramping pain before stool31
Hypochondria lancinating pain21
Abdomen sore,bruised pain,tenderness21
Hypochondria sore pain,motion amelioration31
Hypogastrium sore pain21
Umbilicus sore bruised pain,tenderness21
Abdomen stitching,sticking pain21
Inguinal stitching pain extending to testicle31
Abdomen sides stitching pain21
Abdomen rumbling, 4 p.m.31
Inguinal reg.swelling, 8 p.m.31
Constipation,ineffectual urging and straining31
Haemorrhoids,night aggravation31
Bluish haemorrhoids31
External haemorrhoids31
Hard haemorrhoids31
Haemorrhoids,walking aggravatiuon31
Rectum pain21
Rectum burning pain during stool31
Rectum soreness21
Rectum tenesmus21
Rectum tenesmus during diarrhoea31
Rectum tenesmus before stool31
Rectum tenesmus during stool31
Rectum tenesmus after stool31
Swelling of anus21
Urging to stool21
Urging to stool,night31
Urging to stool during stool31
Lienteric stool21
Stool,offensive odor31
Shooting out stool21
Soft stool21
Yellow stool21
Sensation of bladder fullness21
Bladder tenesmus21
Involuntary urination21
Involuntary urination,morning31
Involuntary urination,forenoon31
Region of kidneys claudication21
Region of kidneys pain21
Region of kidneys aching pain21
Kidneys sore bruised pain21
Region of kidneys sore bruised pain31
Urethra pain at close of urination31
Urethra soreness21
Urine mouldy odor21
Excessive sexual passion31
Bloody leucorrhoea21
Milky leucorrhoea22
Back coldness (including chill)21
Back coldness,motion31
Coldness extending up the back31
Back eruption like flea bites31
Back heat,evening31
Heat extending down back31
Cord inflammation21
Back numbness21
Back pain21
Back pain,evening31
Back pain,night31
Back pain descends31
Back pain during menses31
Cervical region pain21
Dorsal reg.pain hindering breathing31
Pain under right scapula31
Lumbar region pain,exertion31
Sacral region pain21
Sacral reg.pain during motion31
Spine pain extending down31
Back aching pain21
Back aching pain,evening31
Back aching pain,night31
Back aching pain during menses31
Under scapulae aching pain31
Lumbar region aching pain21
Cervical region drawing pain31
Back lameness21
Lumbar lameness on exertion31
Back pressing pain during menses31
Cervical region soreness,bruised,beaten31
Lumbar region soreness,bruised,beaten31
Spine soreness,spinal irritation31
Back spasms22
Cervical region stiffness32
Cervical stiffness on waking31
Back twitching21
Back weakness (tired feeling in spine)21
Lumbar weakness after exertion31
Right upper limb chilliness31
Extremities coldness21
Upper arm constriction31
Upper arm constriction above the elbow31
Hand cramps32
Hollow of knee cramps31
Calf cramps in bed31
Foot cramps31
Upper limbs petechiae31
Upper limbs heat31
Hand heat31
Lower limbs heat31
Heaviness,tired limbs21
Upper limbs heaviness31
Upper limbs itching31
Palm itching31
Extremities jerking on falling asleep32
Extremities numbness21
Upper limb numbness31
Right upper limb numbness31
Upper limbs numbness, 7 p.m.32
Forearm numbness, 5 p.m.31
Hand numbness31
Third finger numbness31
Third finger numbness,evening, 7 p.m.31
Leg numbness32
Foot numbness31
Extremties pain21
Joints pain after walking31
Upper limbs pain21
Upper limbs pain,motion31
Shoulder pain31
Shoulder pain after dinner31
Elbow pain31
Forearm pain31
Forearm pain, 8 p.m.31
Wrist pain31
Wrist pain, evening31
Wrist outer side (ulnar side) pain31
Hand pain31
Back of hand pain31
Hand joints pain31
Joints of first finger pain31
Lower limbs pain22
Lower limbs pain, 9 a.m.31
Hip pain31
Hip pain extending to groin31
Thigh pain31
Thigh pain,noon after walking31
Knee pain31
Knee pain,flexing limb31
Knee paralytic pain31
Knee pain while sitting31
Knee pain on walking31
Knee pain after walking31
Leg pain31
First toe pain31
Forearm aching31
Wrist aching31
Joints of hand aching31
First finger joints aching31
Thigh aching extending downward31
Knee aching31
Ankle aching while sitting31
First toe aching31
Palm burning pain31
Shoulder drawing pain31
Shoulder rheumatic drawing31
Leg tendons darwing31
Leg gnawing pain31
Shoulder shooting31
Shoulder shooting,morning31
Sore bruised joints31
Joints stitching pain31
Upper limbs stitching pain31
Upper limbs stitching, 5 p.m.31
Shoulder stitching pain31
Shoulder stitching pain,morning31
Elbow stitching pain31
Knee stitching pain31
Hand perspiration31
Upper limbs pulsation31
Upper limbs pulsation,burning31
Hand pulsation31
Hand pulsation,burning31
Upper limbs difficult to raise31
Extremities restlessness21
Upper limbs restlessness31
Joints stiffness,evening,9 p.m.31
Lower limbs stiffness31
Hip stiffness31
Knee stiffness31
Leg thrilling31
Forearm tingling,prickling,asleep31
Forearm tingling extending to fingers31
Upper limbs trembling31
Upper limb trembling, 11 a.m.31
Upper limb trembling,evening31
Upper limbs trembling, 7 p.m.31
Hand trembling31
Lower limbs trembling31
Leg trembling,morning31
Knee unsteadiness31
Extremities weakness21
Wrist weakness31
Hand weakness31
Leg weakness31
Leg weakness,evening31
Ankle weakness31
Feet weakness31
Deep sleep22
Deep sleep after 5 a.m.31
Disturbed sleep21
Falling asleep,afternoon31
Heavy sleep21
Restless sleep21
Sleepiness, morning31
Sleepiness,morning while riding31
Sleepiness, forenoon31
Sleepiness, 9 a.m.31
Sleepiness, 11-30 a.m.31
Sleepiness, noon31
Sleepiness, afternoon31
Sleepiness, 3 p.m.31
Sleepiness, evening31
Sleepiness after dinner31
Sleepiness while riding31
Sleepiness while riding in a carriage31
Sleepiness after walking in open air31
Sleeplessness before midnight31
Waking at 2 a.m.31
Frequent waking31
Sudden waking31
Yawning, daytime31
Amorous dreams21
Dreams about animals21
Dreams that he was blind21
Frightful dreams21
Dreams that he was a lion21
Vivid dreams21
Coldness at 8 p.m.31
Coldness shaking from a draft of air31
Dry heat21
Perspiration in general21
Perspiration,morning after waking31
Right side chorea31
One-sided chorea31
Collapse after vomiting31
Clonic convulsions31
Convulsions during menses31
Convulsions with tetanic rigidity32
Faintness,morning during stool31
Faintness on moving31
After injuries,blows,falls,bruises22
Jerking on going to sleep31
Pains appear suddenly31
Pressing pain,internally32
Pulsation externally21
Pulsation, midnight31
Frequent pulse,accelerated,elevated,exalted,fast,innumerable32
Frequent pulse, morning31
Frequent and intermittent pulse31
Irregular pulse31
Irregular and slow pulse31
Slow pulse31
Small pulse31
Soft pulse31
Strong pulse31
Weak pulse31
Wiry pulse31
Symptoms on the left side31
Muscles tension33
Twitching on going to sleep31
Weakness, 8 a.m.31
Weakness, 9 a.m.31
Weakness, 10 a.m.31
Weakness, 1 p.m.31
Weakness, 4 p.m.31
Weakness, 7 p.m.31
Weakness, 8 p.m.31
Weakness, 21 p.m.31
Weakness, 22 p.m.31
Weakness from ascending stairs31
Weakness,while lying aggravation31
Weakness after stool31
Weakness from walking31