Ailanthus glandulosa.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Difficult concentration21
Confusion of mind21
Maniacal delirium31
Sees rats running across the room31
Everything seems unreal31
As if in a dream21
Indifference to everything31
Indolence,aversion to work21
Weakness of memory21
Weakness of memory for persons31
Mistakes in calculating21
Moaning during sleep32
Restlessness, morning31
Sadness,mental depression21
Everything seems unreal21
Wepping,tearful mood21
Vertigo during headache21
Vertigo as if intoxicated21
Vertigo from motion21
Vertigo with nausea21
Vertigo on rising22
Vertigo with staggering22
Vertigo on stooping21
Vertigo with vomiting31
Forehead constriction31
Temples constriction31
Head fullness21
Head fullness after wine31
Head burning heat31
Head heaviness21
Head heaviness,pressure amelioration31
Forehead heaviness31
Headache in general21
Headache on waking31
Headache at 1 p.m.31
Gastric headache31
Nervous headache31
Headache with pains in back31
Headache with pain in neck31
Headache after sleep31
Headache while lying on back31
Forehead pain22
Forehead pain,afternoon31
Forehead pain,pressure amelioration31
Above eyes headache31
Forehead middle pain31
Occiput pain21
Occiput pain after sleep31
Temples pain21
Temples pain,morning on waking31
Burning headache21
Cutting,darting,stabbing headache21
Occiput cutting pain31
Temples cutting pain31
Drawing headache21
Headache,dull pain21
Temples lancinating pain31
Occiput shooting pain21
Headache,tearing,rending pain21
Tearing headache,evening31
Occiput tearing pain21
Temples tearing pain21
Temples prickling31
Head pulsating,beating,throbbing21
Occiput pulsating21
Like electric shocks in head31
Head shocks extending to extermities32
Agglutinated eye,morning31
Eye purulent discharges31
Hair falling from eyebrows21
Conjunctiva inflammation31
Lachrymation from bright light31
Lacrymation in open air31
Eye aching pain21
Eye burning,smarting,biting pain21
Eye burning pain during headache31
Pupils dilated (mydriase)32
Pupils dilated during heat31
Eye redness21
Rough cornea,sensation on winking31
Wild look21
Defective accomodation21
Blurred vision,figures31
Blurred vision,letters31
Dim vision21
Flashes on closing the eyes31
Blowing sensation in ear21
Blowing sensation in right ear31
Ear redness31
Ear redness when touched or gratted31
Noises in ear21
Noises in right ear31
He seems to ear music21
Ringing in ear21
Ringing in right ear31
Ear pain21
Ear pain on swallowing31
Nose catarrh21
Annual coryza (hay fever)31
Chronic,long continued coryza31
Coryza with discharge (fluent)31
Coryza during scarlatina33
Nose blood discharge33
Nose copious discharge31
Crusts,scabs inside nose31
Gray crusts in nose31
Nose excoriating discharge32
Nose ichorous discharge33
Nose purulent discharge31
Nose purulent discharge,forenoon31
Nose suppressed discharge31
Nose watery discharge31
Nose inside redness31
Nose inside dryness21
Nose itching21
Nose obstruction21
Nose rawness21
Nose rawness during coryza31
Nostrils rawness32
Wanting smell,lost smell21
Cracked lips22
Bluish face22
Face bluish spots31
Bluish circles around eyes31
Dark face22
Mottled face22
Pale face21
Red face22
Red face,morning31
Red face during headache31
Mahogany red face32
Red spots on face31
Red chin31
Sallow face21
Yellow face21
Enlarged parotid gland22
Face eruption21
Lips eruption31
Nose crusty or scabby eruption31
Face miliary eruption21
Face rash22
Forehead rash31
Lips vesicles31
Lower lip vesicles31
Face erisipelas21
Anxious expression23
Besotted expression31
Distressed expression32
Frightened expression when aroused32
Face heat22
Face heat,morning31
Face pain while lying31
Face pain,pressure amelioration31
Parotid gland sore,bruised pain31
Face tearing pain,lying aggravation31
Face tearing pain,walking amelioration31
Face swelling21
Lips swelling31
Parotid glands swelling31
Corners of mouth ulcers31
Mouth oozing of blood31
Gums bleeding31
Cracked fissured tongue33
Brown tongue33
Pale tongue32
White tongue31
White tongue,dark brown middle31
Tongue dryness33
Mouth viscid mucus31
Mouth mucus membrane excoriation31
Mouth pain21
Mouth burning,raw and smarting pain21
Mouth sore pain21
Bitter taste31
Insipid taste31
Insipid taste after drinking water31
Mucus on teeth21
Toothache,pressure amelioration31
Left teeth stitching pain31
Left upper and lower teeth stitching pain,worse lying down,.........31
Tearing toothache21
Tearing toothache,evening31
Teeth sordes23
Throat astringent sensation21
Purple throat33
Throat redness32
Dark red throat32
Throat dryness21
Throat dryness,morning32
Sensation of foreign body in throat21
Throat fullness21
Throat gangrene23
Diposition to hawk22
Disposition to hawk,morning32
Throat inflammation22
Throat follicular inflammation32
Tonsils inflammation32
Throat irritation22
Sensation of lump or plug in throat21
Throat deep-seated membrane31
Throat membrane small patches (specks)31
Tonsils membrane31
Throat mucus21
Throat greenish mucus31
Throat pain on inspiration31
Throat pain on swallowing32
Throat pain on empty swallowing32
Throat pain extending to ear on swallowing31
Sore throat22
Throat paleness22
Throat roughness21
Throat roughness,morning32
Throat scraping,morning32
Throat sensitive to air31
Throat swelling23
Throat oedematous swelling32
Sensation of thick throat21
Fauces ulcers32
Tonsils ulcers33
External throat sensitive to air21
Cervical glands soreness31
Thyroid gland soreness31
External throat swelling22
External throat sides swelling32
Thyroid gland swelling31
Tickling in trachea31
Croupy voice32
Lost voice31
Lost voice,morning on waking32
Accelerated respiration22
Deep respiration22
Difficult respiration21
Difficult respiration,expectoration amelioration31
Irregular respiration23
Wheezing respiration21
Daytime cough21
Cough,morning after rising31
Coug,morning on waking31
Constant cough21
Deep cough21
Dry cough21
Exhausting cough21
Cough,expectoration amelioration21
Hacking cough21
Oppressive cough31
Painful cough32
Cough before rising31
Cough from tickling in trachea31
Cough on waking21
Expectoration,daytime only21
Bloody expectoration,spitting of blood21
Bloody expectoration,morning31
Copious expectoration21
Difficult expectoration21
Easy expectoration21
Easy expectoration,daytime31
Flakes expectoration21
Lumpy expectoration21
Bloody mucous expectoration31
Purulent expectorarion21
Scanty expectoration21
Bitter expectoration31
Viscid expectoration21
White expectoration21
Yellow expectoration21
Yellow expectoration,morning31
Chest,clothing aggravation21
Chest constriction,tension,tightness21
Heart constriction32
Chest fullness22
Chest fullness,expectoration amelioration32
Chest oppression22
Chest pain21
Chest pain during cough31
Below clavicle pain31
Heart pain21
Chest aching pain22
Aching pain below clavicle32
Heart aching pain31
Chest burning pain21
Chest burning pain during coughing31
Chest sides burning pain31
Chest pressing pain22
Chest stitching pain22
Stitching pain under clavicle32
Stitching pain under clavicle extending to sternum32
Chest weakness21
Hunger,but knows not for what,or refuses things when offered21
Increased appetite,hunger in general21
Increased appetite during chill31
Wanting appetite21
Wanting appetite,morning31
Desires brandy31
Desires cold drinks21
Desires raw food21
Emptiness,weak feeling,faintness,hungry feeling21
Stomach emptiness during chill31
Sour eructations21
Stomach inactivity21
Nausea,morning on waking31
Nausea in abdomen31
Nausea during headache31
Nausea during pregnancy31
Stomach pain21
Stomach burning pain21
Stomach stitching pain21
Stomach sinking21
Thirst while eating31
Vomiting during chill31
Vomiting during vertigo31
Food vomiting21
Food vomiting during chill31
Sensation as if diarrhea would come on21
Abdomen tympanitic distension31
As if intestines were loose21
Abdomen aching,dull pain21
Abdomen aching as if diarrhoea would come on31
Abdomen aching before stool31
Hypogastrium aching dull pain21
Abdomen burning pain21
Abdomen cramping,griping pain21
Hypochondria sore pain21
Relaxed abdomen feeling21
Rumblings in the bowels21
Constipation alternating with diarrhoea31
Formication in anus21
Hard haemorrhoids31
Involuntary stool during urination31
Rectum prolapsus,kneeling31
Rectum prolapsus during stool31
Bloody stool21
Forcible,sudden gushing stool21
Frequent stool21
Mucous slimy bloody stool31
Stool,offensive odor31
Soft stool21
Watery stool21
Frequent urination, night31
Involuntary urination23
Unconscious urination,urethra insensible21
Suppression of urine22
Sensation absent when urinating21
Acrid urine21
Scanty urine22
Prepuce smarting pain31
Prepuce sore bruised pain31
Penis ulcers21
Prepuce ulcers31
Copious menses21
Back itching, night31
Cervical reg.itching,night31
Back pain21
Cervical region pain21
Cervical reg.pain during chill31
Right scapula pain32
Right scapula pain,motion of arm31
Under left scapula pain31
Dorsal spine pain31
Sacral region pain21
Back aching pain21
Between scapulae aching pain31
Dorsal spine aching pain31
Back cutting pain21
Sacral region cutting pain31
Hips and sacral reg.cutting pain31
Cervical region drawing pain31
Dorsal spine pressing pain31
Spinal irritation,dorsal region31
Back stitching,shooting pain21
Extremities sensation of electrical current21
About nails vesicles31
Tip of finger vesicles31
Tip of thumb eruption31
Tip of thumb vesicles31
Heaviness,tired limbs21
Extremities jerking during sleep32
Extremities numbness21
Upper limb numbness31
Left upper limb numbness31
Forearm numbness31
Fingers numbness31
Lower limbs numbness31
Leg numbness31
Hip pain31
Foot pain31
Left foot pain31
Shoulder aching31
Hip aching31
Beneath shoulder burning pain33
Palm burning pain31
Sole burning pain31
Shoulder shooting31
Hip shooting31
Sore bruised forearm31
Shoulder stitching pain31
Lower limbs stitching pain31
Hip stitching pain31
Foot stitching pain31
Sole stitching pain31
Toes stitching pain31
Feels a rat running up the leg21
Extremities restlessness21
Lower limbs restlessness31
Extremities shocks21
Feels snake crawling up leg21
Foot tension31
Foot tension on walking31
Tips of fingers thrilling31
Upper limbs tingling,prickling,asleep31
Upper limbs tingling,morning31
Upper limbs tingling,morning on waking31
Hand tingling,prickling,asleep31
Fingers tingling,prickling,asleep31
Fingers tingling,morning on waking31
Foot tingling,prickling,asleep31
Toes tingling31
Leg trembling31
Lower limbs weakness31
Deep sleep21
Disturbed sleep21
Heavy sleep21
Sleep position: on right side31
Sleepiness, morning31
Sleepiness, forenoon31
Sleepiness, 1 to 2 p.m.31
Sleepiness during headache31
Sleepiness after wine31
Unrefreshing sleep21
Coldness in general21
Chilliness with perspiration31
As if cold water were dashed over him21
Heat, morning21
Continued fever,typhus,typhoid21
Exanthemic continued fever32
Febrile heat only during the day21
Dry heat21
Dry heat, morning31
Exanthematic fevers, scarlatina33
External heat21
Heat followed by chill31
Cold perspiration21
Cold perspiration with nausea and vertigo31
Skin coldness21
Bluish skin31
Dark blue eruption32
Patches eruption31
Bluish rash32
Rash in patches32
Gangrenous scarlatina32
Scarlatina in patches32
Vesicles filled with blood32
Itching, night31
Flushes of heat21
Lying on left side aggravation31
Pressing pain,internally32
Prickling externally22
Prickling internally32
Frequent pulse,accelerated,elevated,exalted,fast,innumerable31
Frequent pulse, morning31
Electric-like shocks31
Weakness from slight exertion31