- Cough while luing,daytime amelioration
- Cough while lying,noon amelioration
- Cough while lying,afternoon
- Cough while lying, 2 p.m.
- Cough while lying, 3 p.m.
- Cough while lying,evening
- Cough while lying,evening amelioration
- Cough while lying,evening,must sit up
- Cough while lying,night
- Cough as soon as head touches pillow
- Cough whilke lying,night,sleep amelioration
- Cough while lying,night on waking
- While lying cough wakens him at midnight
- Cough while lying,before midnight
- Cough while lying after midnight
- Cough,while lying amelioration
- Cough,lying on abdomen amelioration
- Cough while lying on back
- Cough,lying on back amelioration
- Cough,lying on back bette than either side,worse lying on left side
- Cough,lying in bed aggravation
- Cough,must sit up in bed or sleep in chair from sense of suffocation
- Cough,great rattling of mucus which appears to be low down in chest,
- Cough on first lying down
- Cough,lying on hands and knees amelioration
- Cough,lying with head low
- Cough,lying with head raised amelioration
- Cough,lying or sitting long in one position
- Cough only on lying
- Cough only when first lying down;was obliged to sit up and cough....
- Cough,lying on side
- Cough,lying on right side
- Cough,lyin on right side,night
- Cough,lying on left side
- Cough,lying on left side,turning to right side amelioration
- Cough,lying on painful side aggravation