Vespa crabo


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Abstraction of mind21
Restlessness, night31
Sadness before menses31
Automatic conduct32
Hair falling31
Forehead perspiration21
Right eye chemosis31
Eye erysipelatous inflammation31
Eye itching21
Eye itching,evening31
Lids itching31
Right eye lachrymation31
Eye pain21
Eye pain,night31
Lids pain31
Eye burning,smarting,biting pain21
Eye redness21
Swollen eye21
Swollen lids31
Lids oedematous swelling31
Eye twitching21
Ear discharges21
Ear redness,evening31
Stitching pain in ear21
Stitching pain in right ear31
Bloated face21
Bluish face21
Cyanotic face21
Pale face21
Red face21
Red face after eating31
Around eye erysipelas31
Anxious expression21
Face left side pain31
Jaw articulation pain31
Jaw articulation pain,morning31
Face burning pain21
Submaxillary gland sore,bruised pain31
Face stinging pain21
Face stitching pain21
Face swelling21
Face oedematous swelling32
Left submaxillary glands swelling31
Face ulcers21
Mouth inflammation22
Tongue pain32
Tongue aching pain31
Mouth burning,raw and smarting pain21
Tongue burning,raw and smarting pain31
Tongue paralysis31
Tongue cannot be protruded31
Tongue pulsating31
Mouth swelling21
Tongue swelling31
Enlargement of tonsils21
Throat heat21
Oesophagus inflammation31
Tonsils inflammation31
Throat pain on empty swallowing31
Throat burning pain21
Sore throat21
Difficult swallowing31
Impeded swallowing31
Throat swelling21
Pharynx varicosis31
External throat sides pain31
External throat sides pain,night31
External throat side pain on turning head to painful side31
External throat side burning pain21
External throat right side burning pain31
Cervical glands soreness31
Cervical glands swelling31
External throat sides swelling31
Lost voice31
Accelerated respiration22
Difficult respiration21
Difficult respiration with waking31
Impeded,obstructed respiration21
Hacking cough while lying down31
Cough,lying aggravation21
Chest redness31
Chest oppression21
Heart pain21
Heart aching pain31
Heart palpitation21
Heart palpitation,exertion31
Heart tumultuous,violent,vehement palpitation31
Stomach anxiety21
Stomach coldness21
Stomach heat flushes21
Nausea in a warm room31
Abdomen desquamating31
Abdomen flatulence21
Flatulence during menses31
Abdomen restlessness,uneasiness21
Constipation before menses31
Urging to urinate (morbid desire)22
Frequent urging to urinate22
Dysuria with aching in back31
Frequent urination21
Interrupted urination (intermittent)21
Involuntary urination21
Kidneys sore bruised pain22
Bloody urine21
Burning or hot urine21
Thick urine21
Penis swelling22
Penis oedematous swelling32
Prepuce swelling33
Scrotum swelling22
Left ovary inflammation31
Brown menses21
Intermittent menses21
Irregular menses21
Ovaries pain21
Left ovary pain31
Ovaries sore pain,tenderness21
Left ovary sore pain,tenderness31
Ovaries stinging pain21
Ovaries stinging pain,cold amelioration31
Female genitalia ulcers21
Back pimples31
Cervical region pain21
Scapulae pain31
Back aching pain,cold washing amelioration31
Back aching pain during dysuria31
Cervical region aching pain21
Cervical region burning pain31
Soreness in scapulae,bruised,beaten31
Cervical region redness21
Upper limbs black discoloration31
Upper limbs purple discoloration31
Upper limbs redness31
Forearm lividity31
Forearm redness in spots31
Hand redness31
Thumb redness31
Purple leg31
Foot redness31
Extremities rash eruption32
Hand inflammation31
Upper limbs itching31
Thumb itching31
Shoulder pain31
Hand pain31
Hand pain extending to shoulder31
Back of foot rheuamtic pain31
Upper arm aching31
Thumb burning pain31
Foot burning pain31
Sole burning pain in summer31
Joints cutting pain31
Sprained shoulder,moving arm31
Upper limbs swelling31
Forearm swelling31
Hand swelling31
Hand painful swelling31
Thumb swelling31
Foot swelling31
Foot oedematous swelling31
Disturbed sleep21
Dreams of misfortune21
Pressing pain,internally31
Frequent pulse,accelerated,elevated,exalted,fast,innumerable31
Sensitiveness to pain31
Symptoms on the left side31
Weakness from heat31