Allium cepa.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Difficult concentration21
Confusion of mind21
Confusion of mind after coffee31
Confusion of mind after wine31
Dullness after wine31
Foolish behavior21
Mistakes in spelling31
Misplacing words31
Mistakes in work31
Sadness,mental depression21
Head constriction,band or hoop31
As if everything would fall out of forehead31
Head fullness21
Occiput fullness31
Occiput fullness on coughing31
Head heat22
Head heat,hot water31
Head heaviness21
Head heaviness,afternoon31
Forehead heaviness31
Sensation of head numbness21
Headache in general21
Headache,in open air amelioration31
Headache from beer31
Catarrhal headache32
Headache on closing eyes33
Headache with coryza33
Headache,during menses amelioration31
Headache from touch31
Headache,warm room aggravation33
Brain pain,evening31
Brain pain from touch31
Forehead pain22
Above eyes headache31
Above eyes pain extending to nose31
Occiput pain,forenoon31
Occiput pain,evening31
Occiput pain open air31
Occiput pain in a warm room32
Occiput pain extending upward31
Occiput sides pain31
Occiput sides pain,forenoon31
Both sides headache31
Temples pain22
Temples pain,morning31
Temples pain,winking aggravation31
Temples pain extending over forehead32
Headache,vertex and forehead pain21
Drawing headache,evening31
Forehead drawing pain21
Headache,dull pain22
Headache,pressing pain21
Forehead pressing outward pain31
Forehead pain as though brain would come out31
Occiput pressing pain21
Occiput pressing pain, open air32
Occiput pressing pain,warm room aggravation32
Occiput pressing pain extending upward31
Vertex pressing pain21
Deep-seated stitching headache31
Forehead sides stitching pain extending to jaw31
Forehead sides stitching pain extending to teeth31
Forehead prickling like needles31
Head shocks,blows,jerks,etc...22
Like electric shocks in head32
Swollen vertex feeling31
Sensation as of head wrapped up in water31
Eyes dullness23
Eye inflammation23
Eye catarrhal inflammation from cold33
Injected eye21
Eye itching22
Eyebrows itching31
Eyebrows itching,evening31
Lachrymation during coryza33
Lachrymation in a warm room32
Eye pain22
Lachrymal duct pain31
Eye burning,smarting,biting pain23
Eye burning pain,must rub33
Eye burning pain as from smoke32
Eye stitching pain21
Lachrymal duct stitching pain31
Eye tearing pain21
Eye redness23
Eye veins redness31
Desire to rub eyes21
Swollen lids32
Bland tears33
Dancing vision21
Dazzling,distant objects31
Dim vision,candlelight31
Objects seem distant22
Loss of vision (blindness)21
Objects seem small22
Ear discharges22
Ear purulent discharges32
Noises in ear21
Noises in ear,afternoon31
Noises in ear while lying31
Buzzing in ear21
Humming in ear21
Humming while lying31
Ringing in ear22
Distant ringing31
Roaring in ear21
Ear pain22
Ear pain,morning31
Pain behind ear21
Ear aching pain21
Ear burning pain21
Ear jerking pain21
Stitching pain in ear21
Stitching pain in right ear31
Stitching pain in ear,morning31
Swelling below ear31
Sounds seem distant21
Impaired hearing22
Left side coryza32
Left side to right coryza31
Coryza,open air amelioration32
Annual coryza (hay fever)33
Annual coriza in august33
Annual coryza in spring32
Coryza with cough32
Coryza with discharge (fluent)33
Coryza with discharge,evening33
Coryza with discharge,warm room33
Coryza without discharge (dry)31
Coryza with fever31
Coryza with hunger31
Cortza from the odor of peaches33
Rose cold32
Coryza during scarlatina32
Coryza,warm room33
Coryza during wet weather31
Coryza after n.e.wind33
Coryza extending to chest31
Left nostril discharge31
Nose blood discharge33
Nose burning discharge33
Nose copious discharge33
Nose excoriating discharge33
Excoriating discharge from left nostril33
Nose excoriating discharge with bland discharge from eyes33
Nose ichorous discharge31
Nose ichorous discharge while singing31
Nose thick discharge31
Nose watery discharge33
Discharge from posterior nares32
Nose wings redness31
Nose inside dryness22
Sense of nose fullness21
Nose inside itching,right side32
Nose obstruction22
Nose burning,smarting pain22
Nose burning pain during coryza32
Nose wings burning pain31
Nose root pressing pain31
Nose polypus22
Nose pulsation21
Sensitive to the odor of flowers31
Acute smell,peaches31
Acute smell,unpleasant odors31
Sneezing,morning after rising31
Sneezing,open air amelioration32
Constant sneezing31
Frequent sneezing32
Violent sneezing31
Sneezing in a warm room32
Nose root tension32
Nose tingling21
Nose inside tingling32
Nose inside tingling,right side32
Red lips31
Anxious expression21
Face heat22
Face pain (aching,prosopalgia,etc)21
Face pain,open air amelioration31
Face pain,cold air amelioration32
Face burning pain21
Lips burning pain32
Face drawing pain,cold aggravation31
Face left side stitching pain31
Face paralysis21
Face left side paralysis31
Face paralysis with profuse urine31
Face swelling,toothache31
Swelling around eyes31
Dirty tongue31
Mouth dryness21
Mouth dryness,thirstless31
Palate dryness32
Tongue root dryness31
Collection of mucus on tongue31
Breath offensive odor32
Tongue pain31
Tongue pain extending to palate31
Tongue aching pain31
Palate burning pain32
Tongue burning,raw and smarting pain31
Mouth pain as if burnt21
Tongue pain as if burnt31
Tongue constrictive pain low down in region of hyoid bone22
Palate sore pain31
Tongue fraenum sore pain31
Acrid taste21
Bad taste32
Burning taste31
Nauseous taste32
Sweetish taste32
Wanting taste,loss of taste31
Teeth dirty look22
Yellow teeth31
Sensation of teeth elongation21
Molars pain31
Left to right side teeth pain31
Toothache,cold air21
Toothache,open air amelioration31
Toothache alternating with catarrh31
When catarrh is better toothache is worse and vice versa31
Toothache,cold water amelioration32
Toothache from damp weather31
Toothache,perspiration amelioration31
Toothache, picking teeth32
Pulsating toothache32
Toothache,sucking teeth amelioration31
Toothache from warm drinks32
Toothache,external warmth32
Toothache,warm room aggravation32
Toothache,washing with cold water amelioration32
Toothache in raw wind31
Drawing toothache21
Jerking toothache21
Pressing toothache22
Pressing toothache on entering warm room31
Stitching,stinging toothache21
Twitching toothache21
Throat anaesthesia22
Choking,region of os hyoids32
Sensation of throat coldness22
Throat dryness22
Throat dryness,morning31
Diposition to hawk21
Throat heat extending to stomach31
Sensation of lump or plug in throat22
Sensation of lump in oesophagus32
Throat mucus22
Throat sweetish mucus31
Throat tenacious mucus32
Throat numbness21
Throat pain,cold air amelioration31
Throat pain extending to ear31
Throat drawing pain extending to ear31
Throat rawness pain21
Throat rawness pain,morning31
Sore throat22
Larynx constriction32
Larynx inflammation23
Air passages irritation,cold air31
Mucus in larynx32
Larynx pain23
Larynx pain on coughing33
Larynx pain,grasps the larynx on coughing33
Larynx pain as if something were being torn loose on coughing33
Larynx cutting pain21
Larynx cutting pain on coughing33
Larynx rawness pain32
Larynx rawness pain from coughing32
Larynx tearing pain on coughing33
Larynx pulsating22
Supports larynx on coughing23
Tickling in the air passages,warm room31
Tickling in larynx33
Hoarseness in spring31
Nasal voice31
Asthmatic respiration21
Difficult respiration,evening32
Cough, afternoon21
Cough, cold air33
Cough, open air amelioration32
Barking cough21
Grasping throat during cough21
Grasping larynx involuntary at every cough,feels as though larynx...31
Hacking cough22
Hacking cough,morning31
Hacking cough,cold air aggravation33
Haching cough from tickling in larynx33
Hoarsed cough23
Cough from irritation in larynx33
Cough,lying aggravation21
Painful cough33
Paroxysmal cough,afternoon31
Paroxysmal cough,evening31
Clear ringing cough21
Cough with sneezing31
Spasmodic cough22
Spasmodic cough,afternoon31
Spasmodic cough,evening31
Tearing cough21
Cough from tickling in larynx33
Cough in a warm room32
Cough on entering a warm room from open air32
Cough,on going from warm room to cold air or vice versa aggravation31
Whooping cough21
Expectoration, evening31
Frothy expectoration21
Hawking up mucus21
Mucous expectoration22
Mucous expectoration,evening31
Tough expectoration22
Viscid expectoration22
Chest constriction,tension,tightness22
Chest heat21
Bronchial tubes inflammation (bronchitis)22
Lungs inflammation32
Chest oppression22
Chest pain21
Chest pain,swallowing31
Chest wandering pain32
Behind sternum pain as if food had lodged31
Behind sternum pain when swallowing31
Chest sides burning pain31
Chest left side burning pain31
Chest stitching pain,burning32
Chest stitching pain,deep respiration32
Chest left side stitching pain31
Chest side stitching pain,deep respiration31
Axilla perspiration32
Diminished appetite21
Increased appetite,hunger in general22
Ravenous,canine,excessive appetite22
Wanting appetite22
Aversion to food21
Cardiac orifice constriction on swallowing31
Dsires raw onions22
Emptiness,weak feeling,faintness,hungry feeling22
Eructations ameliorate21
Empty eructations21
Fluid eructations21
Fluid eructations,morning31
Frothy eructations21
Frothy eructations,morning31
Mucus eructations,morning31
Sour eructations22
Stomach inflammation21
Stomach irritation21
Deathly nausea31
Nausea after eating31
Nausea,eructations amelioration31
Stomach pain21
Stomach pain after breakfast31
Stomach pain,walking amelioration31
Stomach cramping pain while sitting32
Stomach cramping pain,walking amelioration32
Stomach drawing pain21
Stomach pressing pain21
Thirst after chill31
Extreme thirst32
Thirst during heat32
Frothy vomiting21
Water vomiting21
Abdomen sides coldness31
Abdomen distension22
Abdomen distension before dinner31
Abdomen distension,passing flatus amelioration31
Abdomen flatulence21
Sensation of abdomen fullness21
Abdomen heat21
Abdomen heat,afternoon31
Inguinal hernia22
Inguinal strangulated hernia32
Liver and region of liver21
Abdomen aching,dull pain22
Abdomen aching,morning31
Abdomen aching,afternoon31
Abdomen aching from taking cold31
Abdomen aching after eating32
Abdomen aching,passing flatus amelioration31
Abdomen aching while sitting31
Hypogastrium aching dull pain22
Hypogastrium aching after coition32
Hypogastrium aching while sitting31
Inguinal region aching dull pain23
Inguinal region aching as from a hernia31
Inguinal region aching extending along spermatic cord31
Liver aching,evening31
Abdomen sides aching dull pain21
Umbilicus aching dull pain22
Umbilicus aching while sitting32
Umbilicus aching,walking amelioration32
Reg.of umbilicus aching dull pain22
Reg.of umbilicus aching after dinner31
Reg.of umbilicus aching while walking31
Hypogastrium burning pain31
Abdomen sides burning pain31
Abdomen cramping,griping pain21
Abdomen cramping pain after taking cold32
Abdomen cramping pain after eating32
Abdomen cramping pain,getting feet wet32
Umbilical reg.cramping pain while sitting32
Umbilical reg.cramping pain while walking32
Hypogastrium cutting pain22
Inguinal region cutting pain21
Hypochondria drawing pain21
Right hypochondrium pressing pain31
Hypochondria pressing pain,evening31
Inguinal left side pressing pain32
Inguinal pressing pain,afternoon31
Inguinal reg.pressing pain,afternoon after coffee31
Liver pressing pain21
Hypogastrium stitching pain21
Abdomen sides stitching pain22
Rumblings in the bowels21
Abdomen rumbling,morning31
Abdomen rumbling after breakfast31
Coldness in anus21
Constipation,difficult stool32
Constipation,ineffectual urging and straining32
Rectum constriction preventing stool31
Diarrhoea, 4-6 a.m.32
Rectum excoriation21
Rectum fissure22
Flatus, night31
Flatus amelioration31
Difficult flatus31
Moist flatus during menses32
Offensive flatus32
Formication in anus21
External haemorrhoids31
Anus itching22
Rectum moisture from flatus31
Rectum pain21
Rectum cutting pain during stool31
Rectum stitching pain22
Rectum tearing pain22
Rectum prolapsus21
Urging to stool21
Rectum complaints from worms21
Soft stool21
Sensation of bladder fullness21
Heat in the bladder22
Bladder inflammation21
Bladder pain21
Bladder pain after coition32
Bladder aching pain22
Bladder aching after coition31
Bladder burning pain22
Bladder burning pain, 10 a.m.31
Bladder pressing pain,pressure in bladder21
Bladder pressing pain, 10 a.m.31
Sore tender bladder22
Retention of urine21
Retention of urine after getting feet wet32
Dribbling urination (by drops)22
Involuntary dribbling urination32
Frequent urination22
Involuntary urination in old people32
Feeling as if urine remained in urethra31
Bladder weakness22
Kidneys inflammation22
Kidneys pain22
Region of kidneys aching pain21
Prostate gland pain22
Prostate gland pain after coition32
Prostate gland pain,walking aggravation31
Prostate gland and bladder acing,deep in pelvis,morning and forenoon31
Prostate gland burning pain21
Prostate gland pressing pain21
Prostate gland pressing pain while walking31
Urethra heat21
Urethra burning pain22
As if some urine remained in urethra after urinating31
As if urine in fossa navicularis after urination31
Albuminous urine21
Burning or hot urine21
Dark brown urine31
Red urine22
Copious urine (increased)21
Copious urine, afternoon32
Copious urine with coryza32
Cuticle forming on the surface of the urine (includes fatty)22
Iridescent cuticle on the surface of the urine33
Frothy urine23
Sand in urine21
Brick-dust red sand in urine31
Reddish yellow sediment in urine31
Troublesome erections,morning31
Glans pain31
Spermatic cords pain21
Spermatic cords pain extending to testes31
Spermatic cords aching pain21
Penis burning pain22
Spermatic cords drawing pain22
Spermatic cords stitching pain21
Increased sexual passion32
Genitals excoriation during menses31
Uterus pain21
Coldness extending down back32
Coldness extending down back, 9 p.m.31
Coldness extending up and down the back31
Back formication22
Cervical region pain21
Right scapula pain32
Right scapula pain while lying32
Pain under right scapula32
Under right scapula pain after sitting32
Lumbar region pain21
Lumbar region pressing pain31
Sacral region pressing pain32
Back stitching,shooting pain21
Lumbar region stitching,shooting pain31
Back shivering21
Back shivering extending down the back31
Hands dryness31
Extremities boils31
Lower limbs boils31
Thigh urticaria31
Lymphatic inflamed felon31
Felon from prick with a needle under the nail31
Run-around felon31
Run-around felon,lymphatics inflamed31
Thumb felon31
Thigh heat31
Hip heaviness31
Shoulder lameness32
Elbow lameness32
Wrist lameness31
Knee lameness32
Elbow numbness31
Elbow numbness,motion aggravation31
Joints pain31
Joints rheumatic pain31
Shoulder pain31
Shoulder pain after long sitting31
Forearm pain31
Forearm pain, evening31
Radius pain31
Back of wrist pain31
Back of wrist pain,evening31
Second finger pain31
Third finger pain31
Fourth finger pain31
Thigh anterior part pain31
Knee pain32
Knee paralytic pain31
Ankle pain32
Ankle pain, morning31
Foot pain,evening31
First toe pain32
Joints aching31
Upper arm burning pain extending downwards31
Ankle outer side burning pain31
Thigh pressing pain31
Ankle pressing pain31
Sore,bruised extremities22
Sore bruised upper limbs31
Sore bruised elbow31
Sore bruised hip31
Sore bruised thigh31
Upper limbs stitching pain31
Upper arm stitching pain31
Extremities paralysis22
Palm perspiration32
Palm perspiration during coldness on back31
Extremities restlessness21
Hand trembling31
Right hand trembling31
Hand trembling,evening32
Hand trembling while writing32
Heel twitching31
Heel ulcers from rubbing of the shoe31
Extremities weakness21
Upper limbs weakness32
Hip weakness32
Hip weakness preventing finishing coition31
Thigh weakness31
Leg weakness31
Deep sleep21
Deep sleep during heat32
Heavy sleep21
Restless sleep22
Sleepiness, morning32
Sleepiness,morning after rising31
Sleeplessness beforemidnight until 2 a.m.31
Sleeplessness after 2 a.m.31
Dreams about anger21
Anxious dreams21
Dreams about battles22
Dreams about fights22
Frightful dreams21
Dreams about high places21
Dreams about storms at sea31
Dreams about water22
Dreams of sea31
Dreams of being let down into wells22
Chilliness, evening31
Internal coldness21
Heat alternating with chill21
Heat alternating with chill,evening31
Perspiration in general21
Skin burning21
Skin ulcer21
2 a.m.31
Open air amelioration31
Cold air aggravation33
After eating31
Faintness after urinating31
Coffee aggravation31
Cold drinks amelioration31
Warm food aggravation31
Flushes of heat, evening31
Mucous secretions increased23
Cutting pain,internally31
Stitching pain,internally31
Tearing outward pain31
Frequent pulse,accelerated,elevated,exalted,fast,innumerable32
Full pulse32
Hard pulse32
Hard pulse, evening31
Tense pulse31
Symptoms on the left side32
Warm aggravation22
Wet feet32