

Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Aversion to company21
Weakness of memory for business31
Weakness of memory for what has read31
Weakness of memory for what has said31
Averse to being spoken to21
Vertigo as if intoxicated21
Vertigo with obscuration of vision21
Head vesicles31
Hair falling31
Headache with pain in neck31
Headache,sore bruised,sensitive to pressure21
Conjunctiva inflammation31
Eye aching pain21
Eye burning,smarting,biting pain21
Dim vision during vertigo31
Ear discharges21
Ear purulent discharges31
Ear erysipelatous inflammation31
Noises in ear21
Roaring in ear21
Stitching pain in ear21
Sensation of stopped ear21
Ear swelling21
Ear concha swelling31
Impaired hearing21
Pale face21
Red face21
Face erisipelas21
Face vesicular eryipelas31
Face drawing pain21
Throat burning pain21
Sore throat21
Tonsils swelling31
External throat stitching pain21
External throat stitching pain extending to ear31
External throat tearing pain21
Cervical glands swelling31
Larynx dryness31
Larynx pain21
Trachea burning pain31
Larynx roughness31
Dry cough21
Cough short21
Suffocative cough21
Cough from tickling in larynx31
Grayish expectoration21
Viscid expectoration21
Chest coldness21
Chest heat21
Chest pain21
Chest right side stitching pain31
Heart palpitation21
Hunger,but knows not for what,or refuses things when offered21
Increased appetite,hunger in general21
Ravenous,canine,excessive appetite21
Wanting appetite21
Aversion to meat21
Eructaions in drunkards22
Sensation of stomach fullness21
Nausea during headache31
Stomach pain after cold drinks31
Stomach pain,cold drinks amelioration31
Stomach burning pain extending to throat31
Abdomen heaviness as from a load,etc21
Abdomen aching extending to genitals31
Hypogastrium aching before menses31
Abdomen pressing pain extending to genitals31
Hypochondria stitching pain21
Right hypochondrium stitching pain31
Abdomen tearing pain before menses31
Abdomen tearing pain during menses31
Swelling of the inguinal glands31
Perineum eruption21
Perineum itching21
Rectum burning pain21
Rectum burning pain during stool31
Urethra anterior part burning pain21
Scrotum blueness during eruption31
Penis eruption21
Penis vesicles31
Scrotum pustules31
Spermatic cords drawing pain21
Penis sore,bruised pain21
Testes swelling21
Back pimples31
Back pain21
Back pain extending to sacrum31
Scapulae pain31
Lumbar region pain during motion31
Lumbar pain extending to calves31
Lumbar pain extending to the pelvis31
Dorsal region aching pain21
Lumbar reg.aching when constipated31
Lumbar reg.aching on motion31
Back drawing pain extending to sacrum31
Cervical region drawing pain31
Lumbar drawing pain extending to calves31
Lumbar drawing pain extending to pelvis31
Back soreness,bruised,beaten21
Cervical region soreness,bruised,beaten31
Cervical stitching pain extending to lumbar region31
Cervical region stiffness31
Upper limbs coldness21
Shoulder coldness31
Upper arm coldness31
Upper arm coldness as if wind blew on them31
Hands coldness31
Thigh coldness31
Elbow contraction31
Cracking in elbow31
Cracking in wrist31
Cracking in knee31
Thigh cramps31
Thigh cramps on going to sleep31
Calf cramps during sleep31
Upper limbs discoloration spots31
Extremities eruption21
Extremities rash eruption31
Upper limbs rash eruption31
Shoulder rash eruption31
Elbow eruption31
Lower limbs eruption21
Lower limbs rash eruption31
Hollow of knee eruption31
Ankle eruption31
Ankle rash eruption31
Finger tips formication31
Heaviness,tired limbs21
Limbs heaviness on waking31
Upper limbs heaviness31
Lower limbs heaviness,constipation31
Foot heaviness,tired foot31
Ankle erysipelatous inflammation31
Wrist difficult motion31
Wrist impossible motion31
Upper limb numbness31
Thigh numbness31
Upper limbs pain21
Upper arm pain31
Elbow pain31
Forearm pain31
Wrist pain31
Thigh paralytic pain31
Upper arm aching31
Thigh bone aching31
Patella aching31
Thigh sensation as if broken31
Shoulder burning pain31
Bend of elbow burning pain31
Palm burning pain31
Fingers burning pain31
Knee burning pain31
Leg burning pain31
Sole burning pain31
Heel burning pain31
Ankle cutting pain31
Limb joints drawing pain31
Wrist drawing pain31
Finger joints drawing pain31
Thigh drawing,tearing31
Joints shooting31
Shoulder shooting alternating with shooting in elbow31
Shoulder joint shooting31
Upper arm shooting31
Elbow shooting31
Elbow shooting alternating with shoulder31
Fingers shooting31
Finger joints shooting31
Knee shooting31
Sore bruised upper limbs31
Sore,bruised upper arm31
Sore bruised leg31
Sprained wrist31
Sprained ankle31
Shoulder stitching pain31
Upper arm stitching pain31
Elbow stitching pain31
Fingers stitching pain31
Finger joints stitching pain31
Knee stitching pain31
Joints tearing pain31
Upper limbs tearing pain21
Shoulder tearing pain31
Shoulder tearing pain,night31
Upper arm tearing pain31
Upper arm tearing preventing motion31
Elbow tearing pain31
Elbow tearing alternating with tearing in shoulder31
Forearm tearing pain31
Hand tearing pain31
Fingers tearing pain31
Hip tearing extending downward31
Thigh tearing pain31
Thigh tearing pain,drawing31
Thigh tearing extending downward31
Ankle tearing pain31
Foot tearing pain31
Toes tearing pain31
First toe tearing pain31
Upper limbs paralysis31
Sensation of upper limbs paralysis31
Sensation of shoulder paralysis31
Knee stiffness31
Foot stiffness31
Elbow suppuration21
Upper arm swelling31
Bone of upper arm swelling31
Elbow swelling31
Wrist swelling31
Hand swelling31
Fingers swelling31
First toe swelling31
Ankle tension31
Extremities tingling,prickling,asleep21
Thigh twitching31
First toe twitching31
First toe twitching,shooting31
Lower limbs ulcers31
Leg ulcers31
Extremities weakness21
Extremities weakness on waking31
Feet weakness31
Sole weakness31
Pleasant dreams21
Skin rose-colored spots31