Guarea trichiloides.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Anxiety during fever31
Vertigo on stooping22
Head constriction21
Head fullness,afternoon31
Head fullness,evening31
Head fullness on waking31
Head heaviness21
Chemosis after operation for cataract31
Eye pain22
Eye pressing outward pain31
Paralysis of lids22
Sickly look around the eyes21
Objects seem gray21
Objects seem inverted21
Eruption behind ears31
Noises in ear21
Pressing outward pain in ear31
Sensation of stopped ear21
Sensation of worms in ear21
Impaired hearing21
Impaired hearing alternating with eye symptoms31
Nose dry,hard discharge31
Heat in nose21
Sneezing ineffectual efforts31
Bloated face21
Chapped lips31
Cracked lips21
Corners of mouth crusty eruption31
Face burning pain21
Face swelling21
Upper lip swelling31
Twitching around mouth31
Tongue bleeding31
Palate caries31
Tongue sensation of coldness31
Greenish-yellow tongue31
Mouth dryness,thirstless31
Tongue dryness31
Tongue heaviness22
Tongue cutting pain31
Tongue stitching pain31
Tongue tearing pain31
Tongue paralysis31
Palate roughness31
Tongue swelling31
Toothache,lying on painful side aggravation31
Toothache while walking31
Toothache from warm food31
Pressing toothache21
Oesophagus heat31
Throat pain,warm drinks amelioration31
Tonsils swelling31
Larynx irritation31
Laryngismus stridulus21
Difficult respiration during chill31
Loud respiration21
Constant cough21
Cough,crying aggravation21
Deep cough21
Dry cough21
Hacking cough21
Cough from irritation in chest31
Cough from irritation in larynx31
Cough,mucus in chest21
Cough on going to sleep31
Suffocative cough21
Violent cough21
Whooping cough21
Anxiety in chest22
Sensation of chest emptiness22
Chest pain during heat32
Chest cutting pain,inspiration32
Chest right side cutting pain31
Chest sore pain from coughing31
Appetite,easy satiety21
Increased appetite,hunger in general22
Ravenous,canine,excessive appetite21
Ravenous appetite,evening31
Aversion to fats and rich food21
Aversion to fish21
Aversion to cooked food31
Aversion to warm food31
Aversion to milk21
Stomach constriction23
Sour eructations21
Nausea during fever32
Stomach pressing pain21
Stomach sore,bruised,beaten pain22
Stomach tension21
Thirst after eating31
Green vomiting21
Abdomen aching during stool31
Rectum constriction,contraction,closure21
Frequent urging to urinate22
Frequent urging to urinate,evening31
Involuntary urination22
Female genitalia itching21
Leucorrhoea after menses31
Offensive leucorrhoea22
Offensive leucorrhaea after menses32
Copious menses21
Lumbar region burning pain31
Back cutting pain21
Sacral region cutting pain31
Lumbar tearing pain during menses31
Foot contraction31
Toes contraction31
Cracking in joints21
Upper limbs cramps31
Upper limbs brown spots31
Upper limbs liver spots31
Leg reddish spots31
Extremities eruption21
Extremities boils31
Upper limbs eruption21
Upper limbs boils31
Upper limbs formication31
Hand formication31
Joints heat31
Upper limbs heat31
Upper limbs burning heat31
Lower limbs jerking31
Hand numbness31
Hands numbness during chill31
Lower limbs numbness31
Knee pain31
Limbs joints burning pain31
Sole burning pain31
Joints cutting pain31
Leg cutting pain31
Extremities pressing pain21
Toes pressing pain31
Elbow stitching pain31
Extremities paralysis22
Upper limbs perspiration31
Hand perspiration31
Bone of upper arm swelling31
Hand swelling31
Hand trembling31
Leg twitching31
Sleepiness, morning31
Sleepiness in open air31
Frequent waking31
Anxious dreams21
Dreams about fights21
Dreams of quarrels21
Sad dreams21
Coldness,evening in bed31
Heat with perspiration31
Perspiration from coughing21
Perspiration while eating21
Perspiration,aromatic odor21
Itching eruption31
Burning vesicular eruption31
Caries of bone22
Warm drinks amelioration31
Drawing pain31
Weakness during coldness31