

Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Difficult concentration23
Confusion of mind22
Confusion of mind as in a dream32
Excitment in society32
Mental exertion aggravation23
Fear of impending disease32
Prostation of mind23
Sadness,mental depression22
Aversion to thinking23
Aversion to mental work23
Vertigo on looking either way,right or left31
Vertigo on looking to right31
Vertigo on turning or moving the head31
Headache in general22
Headache,bending head backward amelioration31
Forehead pain21
Occiput pain22
Temples pain21
Temples pinching pain31
Occiput pressing pain21
Temples pressing pain21
Temples stitching pain21
Temples stitching pain extending to eyes31
Eyes dryness21
Eye sore,bruised pain,tender eye21
Ringing in ear21
Right ear pulsation31
Pulsation,night when lying on the ear31
Nose rawness21
Pale face21
Zygoma pressing pain31
Tension of face skin as if varnished32
As if white of egg were dried on the face32
Tension of skin,malar bone31
White tongue31
Mouth dryness21
Mouth dryness with thirst32
Pasty taste31
Sour taste31
Choking from palpitation31
Sensation of lump rising in throat32
Larynx rawness pain31
Cough,deep breathing31
Dry cough21
Dry cough,morning31
Dry cough,evening31
Dry cough,night31
Dry cough after midnight31
Chest constriction,tension,tightness21
Chest fluttering21
Sensation of lumps under sternum31
Chest sore pain from coughing31
Heart palpitation22
Heart palpitation,evening32
Increased appetite during chill32
Wanting appetite22
Wanting appetite,morning31
Aversion to milk22
Desires wine32
Desires coffee21
Stomach distention21
Eructations after eating31
Empty eructations22
Sensation of stomach fullness21
Sensation of lump in stomach22
Nausea, 5:30 p.m.31
Stomach burning pain21
Stomach sore pain,eating amelioration31
Thirst during chill32
Thirstless during heat31
Umbilical region distension31
Sensation of abdomen fullness21
Spleen sensation of fullness31
Hypogastrium aching dull pain21
Liver aching,dull pain22
Liver aching while walking31
Abdomen right side aching31
Umbilicus aching dull pain21
Abdomen cramping,griping pain21
Region of umbilicus cramping pain21
Umbilical reg.cramping pain before stool31
Abdomen sore,bruised pain,tenderness22
Spleen sore,bruised pain,tenderness,etc21
Spleen stitching,sticking pain21
Constipation alternating with diarrhoea32
Offensive flatus31
Rectum pain before stool31
Hot stool21
Watery stool22
Frequent urination during chill31
Kidneys pain21
Albuminous urine21
Copious urine (increased)22
Copious urine during chill31
Scanty urine21
Phosphates in urine21
Sugar in the urine22
Wanting erections,impotency22
Relaxed scrotum22
Late menses21
Right ovary stitching pain31
Lumbar region pain21
Sacral region pain21
Back soreness while stooping31
Cervical region soreness,bruised,beaten31
Lumbar soreness on stooping31
Spine soreness,spinal irritation32
Lumbar region weakness32
Upper limbs heaviness32
Lower limbs heaviness,tired limbs32
Lower limbs heaviness, morning31
Lower limbs heaviness while walking32
Knee heaviness,tired knee32
Shoulder pain31
Thigh shooting31
Thigh shooting extending downward31
Sore,bruised extremities22
Knee weakness32
Knee weakness while walking32
Sleepiness, afternoon31
Sleeplessness after 2 a.m.32
Unrefreshing sleep22
Coldness at 4 p. m.31
Coldness at 11 p.m.31
Coldness in bed22
Heat, evening21
Perspiration, night21
Nerves inflammation32
Sore,bruised pain32
Trembling externally22
Trembling, internally32
Trembling during menses32
Weakness from mental exertion33
Nervous weakness31
Weariness from mental exertion33