Inula helenium.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Anxiety during menses31
Forehaed pain,morning in bed31
Forehead pain while eating31
Temples pain,evening31
Over eyes stitching pain,evening31
Vertex tearing pain after eating31
Nose root itching31
Pain in nose extending to eyebrows31
Nose dorsum right side stitching pain31
Nose root stitching pain31
Face heat21
Face left side heat31
Face heat flashes31
Throat pain on swallowing31
Tickling in the air passages21
Tickling in larynx31
Dry cough21
Tickling cough21
Cough from tickling in throat-pit32
Chest pain during inspiration31
Anxiety in abdomen21
Abdomen aching during menses31
Abdomen aching as if menses would appear31
Umbilical reg.cramping pain during stool31
Rectum dragging,heaviness,weight21
Urging to stool during stool31
Rectum weakness during urination31
Tenacious stool21
Urine sweetish odor22
Urine odor like violette21
Male genitalia stitching pain21
As if menses would appear21
Bearing-down,uterus and its region21
Uterus stitching pain21
Uterus prolapsus,constant urging to stool31
Back pain when breathing31
Back aching pain when breathing31
Back aching pain during menses31
Hands coldness31
Hands coldness,blue hands31
Calf cramps during sleep31
Hand blueness31
Lower limbs itching during menses31
Leg itching during menses31
Upper limbs jerking31
Fourth finger numbness31
Right fourth finger31
Shoulder stitching pain31
Wrist stitching pain31
Thigh stitching pain31
Shoulder tearing pain31
Wrist tearing pain31
Palm tearing pain31
Fourth finger tearing pain31
Bad sleep21
Restless sleep21
Amorous dreams21
Disgusting dreams21