- Eruption alternating with dysentery
- Eruption alternating with diarrhoea
- Eruption alternating with tightness of chest
- Eruption alternating with respiratory symptoms
- Eruption alternation with asthma
- Eruption alternating with internal affections
- Biting eruption
- Blackish eruptions
- Bleeding eruption
- Eruption bleeding after scratching
- Blisters
- Blisters as from a burn
- Blotches
- Indurated blotches
- Inflamed blotches
- Itching,oozing blotches
- Red blotches
- Red blotches desquamating
- Elevated red blotches
- Blotches after scratching
- Stinging blotches
- Watery blotches
- Yellow blotches
- Dark blue eruption
- Boils
- Blood boils
- Bluish boils
- Boils,greenish pus
- Boils,injured places
- Large boils
- Boils maturing slowly
- Periodical boils
- Small boils
- Boils in the spring
- Boils,stinging when touched
- Brownish eruption
- Burning eruption
- Burning eruption,night
- Eruption burning in open air
- Burning eruption,scratching amelioration
- Burning eruption,touch aggravation
- Burning eruption when washing
- Burning eruption after washing in cold water
- Carbuncle
- Burning carbuncles
- Purple carbuncle with small vesicles around
- Stinging carbuncles
- Chicken-pox
- Clustered eruption
- Eruption from cold air
- Eruption from becoming cold
- Eruption disappearing from cold air
- Confluent eruption
- Coppery eruption
- Eruption,coppery spots
- Coppery eruption,covered parts
- Dense coppery eruption
- Crusty eruptions
- Crusty black eruption
- Crusty eruption bleeding
- Crusty eruption over whole body
- Crusty brown eruption
- Crusty eruption burning
- Dry crusty eruption
- Fetid crusty eruption
- Crusty gray eruption
- Crusty greenish eruption
- Hard crusts
- Crusty honey colored eruption
- Horny crusts
- Inflamed crusty eruption
- Crusty eruption after abuse of mercury
- Moist crusty eruption
- Oozing,greenish,bloody crusty eruption
- Crusty eruption in patches
- Crusts renewed daily
- Crusty eruption after scratching
- Serpiginous crusty eruption
- Smarting crusty eruption
- Suppurating crusty eruption
- Crusty eruption,warm weather
- Crusty white eruption
- Crusty yellow eruption
- Crusty yellow-white eruption
- Desquamating eruption
- Dirty eruption
- Discharging,moist eruption
- Bloody eruption
- Corrosive discharging eruption
- Discharging eruption,destroying hair
- Greenish discharging eruption
- Glutinous discharging eruption
- Ichorous discharging eruption
- Pus discharging eruption
- Eruption,discharging after scratching
- Thin discharging eruption
- White discharging eruption
- Yellow discharging eruption
- Dry eruption
- Dry eruption bleeding after scratching
- Ecthyma
- Eczema
- Eczema alternating with internal affections
- Elevated eruption
- Excoriated eruption
- Fetid eruption
- Flat eruption
- Granular eruption
- Grape shaped eruption
- Gritty eruption
- Eruption on hairy parts
- Hard eruption
- Herpetic eruption
- Herpes alternating with chest affections and dysenteric stools
- Herpetic eruption bleeding
- Herpetic eruption all over body
- Herpetic burning eruption
- Chapping herpetic eruption
- Circinate herpetic eruption
- Circinate herpetic eruption every spring
- Herpetic eruption in clusters
- Herpetic eruption,cold water aggravation
- Corrosive herpetic eruption
- Crusty herpetic eruption
- Dry herpetic eruption
- Herpetic eruption in fevers
- Glands covered with herpetic eruption
- Gray herpetic eruption
- Indolent herpetic eruption
- Itching herpetic eruption
- Herpetic eruption with jerking pain
- Mealy herpetic eruption
- Herpetic eruption,mercurial
- Moist herpetic eruption
- Herpetic eruption in patches
- Herpetic eruption in brown patches
- Red herpetic eruption
- Scaly herpetic eruption
- Scaly white herpetic eruption
- Dry mealy scaly white herpetic eruption
- Herpetic eruption spreading
- Herpetic eruption,every spring
- Stinging herpetic eruption
- Suppressed herpetic eruption
- Suppurating herpetic eruption
- Tearing herpetic eruption
- Herpetic whitish eruption
- Herpetic yellowish eruption
- Herpetic yellowish brown eruption
- Zona,herpetic zoster eruption
- Horny eruption
- Impetigo
- Inflamed eruption
- Itching eruption
- Eruption,evening itching
- Eruption,night itching
- Eruption,itching in cold air
- Eruption,itching amelioration in cold air
- Eruption,itching,heat of stove amelioration
- Eruption,itching during menses
- Eruption,itching in open air
- Itching eruption,patches bleeding after scratches
- Eruption,itching before sorm
- Eruption,itching,touch aggravation
- Eruption,itching when undressing
- Eruption,itching,warm room aggravation
- Eruption,itching,warmth aggravation
- Eruption,itching,warmth of bed aggravation
- Eruption,itching,warmth of fire
- Eruption,itching,washing aggravation
- Eruption,itching,washing in cold water aggravation
- Eruption with jerking pain
- Eruption during lactation
- Leprosy
- Mealy eruption
- Mealy white eruption
- Measles
- Eruption during measles
- Eruption from being overheated
- Painful eruption
- Eruption painful as from splinters when touched
- Painless eruption
- Papular eruption
- Patches eruption
- Eruption,pemphigus
- Petechiae
- Petechiae in old people
- Phagedenic eruption
- Pimples
- Black pimples
- Bleeding pimples
- Burning pimples
- Closed together pimples
- Confluent pimples
- Copper-colored pimples
- Pimples with crusts
- Pimples with green crusts
- Pimples in drunkard
- Gnawing,itching pimples
- Hard pimples
- Inflamed pimples
- Pimples itching
- Pimples,itching when warm
- Moist pimples
- Painful pimples
- Pimples on perspiring parts
- Pimples after scratching
- Pimples,white after scratching
- Smarting pimples
- Sore pimples,as if excoriated
- Pimples pain like a splinter
- Stinging pimples
- Tearing pimples
- Tensive pimples
- Tingling pimples
- Titillating pimples
- Pimples sensitive to touch
- Ulcerated pimples
- Pocks
- Black pocks
- Burning pocks
- Suppurating pocks
- Whitish pocks
- Psoriasis
- Psoriasis diffusa
- Psoriasis inveterata
- Syphilitic psoriasis
- Pustules
- Pustules,bathing aggravation
- Black pustules
- Bleeding pustules
- Brown pustules
- Burning pustules
- Pustules burning when touched
- Confluent pustules
- Cracked pustules
- Dry pustules
- Fetid pustules
- Greasy pustules
- Green pustules
- Hard pustules
- Humid pustules
- Indolent pustules
- Inflamed pustules
- Pustules itching
- Pustules,night itching
- Itch-like pustules
- Lumpy pustules
- Malignant pustules
- Pustules mixed with vesicles
- Painful pustules
- Red pustules
- Pustules,red areola
- Rose-colored pustules
- Scaly pustules
- Pustules after scratching
- Scurfy pustules
- Small pustules
- Sore pustules
- Spots covered with pustules
- Stinging pustules
- Syphilitic pustules
- Tensive pustules
- Thin pustules which break and send out ichorous pus which corrodes..
- Titillating pustules
- Ulcerated pustules
- Pustules containing water
- White pustules
- Pustules,white tips
- Yellow pustules
- Rash
- Rash, night
- Rash after abuse of belladonna
- Black rash
- Rash,blotches
- Bluish rash
- Brownish rash
- Rash with burning and itching
- Rash,changing air
- Rash in children
- Chronic rash
- Close white rash with burning
- Close white rash with burning and itching
- Rash in cold air
- Rash with excoriated skin
- Fiery red rash
- Rash in lying-in women
- Rash before menses
- Rash during menses
- Moist rash
- Rash when overheated
- Rash in patches
- Rash receding in eruptive fevers
- Scarlet rash
- Rash after scratching
- Slow evolution of rash in eruptive fevers
- Stinging,biting rash
- Suppressed rash
- Rash,tightness of chest alternating with asthma
- Rash on coming into warm room from the open air
- White rash
- White rash in open air
- White rash in room
- Red eruption
- Eruption,red areola
- Scarlet red eruption
- Spotted red eruption
- Eruption,rhus poisoning
- Roseola
- Syphilitic roseola
- Rupia
- Scabies eruption
- Bleeding scabies
- Dry scabies
- Fatty scabies
- Moist scabies
- Suppressed scabies
- Scabies suppressed with mercury and sulphur
- Scaly eruption
- Bran-like scaly eruption
- Icthyosis
- Scaly eruption in spots
- Scaly white eruption
- Scaly yellow eruption
- Scarlatina
- Gangrenous scarlatina
- Scarlatina in patches
- Receding scarlatina
- Smooth scarlatina
- Scorbutic spots
- Eruptions after scratching
- Sensitive eruption
- Serpiginous eruption
- Eruption shining through
- Small-pox
- Black small-pox
- Smarting eruption
- Eruption in spring
- Stinging eruption
- Eruption in summer
- Suppressed eruptions
- Suppurating eruption
- Eruption with swelling
- Syphilitic eruption
- Eruption with tearing pain
- Tense eruption
- Transparent eruption
- Tubercles
- Burning tubercles
- Painful tubercles,drawing
- Erysipelatous tubercles
- Gnawing tubercles
- Hard tubercles
- Humid tubercles
- Inflamed tubercles
- Itching tubercles
- Leprous tubercles
- Malignant tubercles
- Miliary tubercles
- Mucous tubercles
- Painful tubercles
- Painless tubercles
- Purple tubercles
- Raised tubercles
- Red tubercles
- Tubercles,red areola
- Scurfy tubercles
- Smooth tubercles
- Soft tubercles
- Sore tubercles
- Sore tubercles as if painful
- Tubercles after stab wound
- Stinging tubercles
- Tubercles in summer
- Suppurating tubercles
- Syphilitic tubercles
- Tearing tubercles
- Tensive tubercles
- Tuberous tubercles
- Ulcerating tubercles
- Umbilicated tubercles
- Wart-shaped tubercles
- Watery tubercles
- White tubercles
- Tubercles in winter
- Yellow tubercles
- Eruption with ulcerative pain
- Urticaria
- Urticaria,morning
- Urticaria,afternoon
- Urticaria,evening
- Urticaria, night
- Urticaria alternating with asthma
- Urticaria alternating with rheumatism
- Urticaria in asthmatic troubles
- Urticaria after bathing
- Urticaria,change of air and weather
- Urticaria before chill
- Urticaria during chill
- Urticaria after chill
- Urticaria in cold air
- Urticaria,cold air amelioration
- Urticaria after cold bath
- Urticaria from taking cold
- Urticaria,drinking cold water aggravation
- Urticaria after violent exercise
- Urticaria during fever
- Livid urticaria
- Urticaria,lying amelioration
- Urticaria after meat
- Urticaria before menses
- Urticaria during menses
- Urticaria before the nausea
- Nodular urticaria
- Rosy nodular urticaria (erythema)
- Urticaria during perspiration
- Urticaria during rheumatism
- Urticaria after scratching
- Urticaria at seashore
- Urticaria every spring
- Urticaria while walking in cold air
- Urticaria,warmth and exercise
- Urticaria,warmth and exercise amelioration
- Urticaria from becoming wet
- Urticaria from wine
- Vesicular eruption
- Vesicular black eruption
- Vesicles filled with blood
- Vesicular bluish eruption
- Brown vesicular eruption
- Burning vesicular eruption
- Vesicles close to each other
- Vesicular eruption,cold air
- Confluent vesicular eruption
- Eruption,cracked,breaking vesicles
- Cutting vesicular eruption
- Vesicular eruption forming on denuded surface
- Vesicular eruption,painful drawing
- Dry vesicular eruption
- Vesicular gangrenous eruption
- Grape shaped vesicular eruption
- Grouped vesicular eruption
- Hard vesicular eruption
- Vesicular eruption as from heat of sun
- Humid vesicular eruption
- Vesicular inflamed eruption
- Vesicular eruption,itching
- Vesicular eruption,evening itching
- Vesicular erupotion,night itching
- Vesicular eruption,itching around old scars
- Vesicular eruption,itching in cold air
- Vesicular eruption,itching when uncovered
- Vesicular eruption,itching in warm bed
- Vesicular eruption,itching in warm room
- Painful vesicular eruption
- Vesicular eruption,shooting pains
- Vesicular eruption,painful as if ulcerated
- Painless vesicular eruption
- Vesicular eruption,peeling off
- Phagedenic vesicular eruption
- Red vesicular eruption
- Vesicular eruption,red areola
- Vesicular eruption after scratching
- Scurfy vesicular eruption
- Small vesicular eruption
- Smarting vesicular eruption
- Spots covered with vesicles
- Vesicular eruption leaving spots
- Stinging vesicular eruption
- Vesicular eruption,sudamma
- Vesicular eruption from exposure to sun
- Suppurating vesicular eruption
- Tensive vesicular eruption
- Transparent vesicular eruption
- Ulcerated vesicular eruption
- Watery vesicular eruption
- White vesicular eruption
- Vesicular eruption around a wound
- Yellow vesicular eruption
- Eruption,washing aggravation
- Eruption,washing in cold water
- Whitish eruption
- Eruption in winter
- Yellow eruption