- Left to right lower limbs tearing pain
- Lower limbs tearing pain,morning
- Lower limbs tearing pain,evening
- Lower limbs tearing,evening in bed
- Lower limbs tearing,evening while walking
- Lower limbs tearing pain,night
- Lower limbs tearing,night when lying upon it
- Lower limbs tearing,night,when putting feet out of bed amelioration
- Lower limbs tearing pain, 4 a.m.
- Lower limbs tearing,open air aggravation
- Lower limbs tearing during chill
- Lower limbs tearing,becoming cold
- Lower limbs tearing on coughing
- Lower limbs tearing while eating
- Lower limb tearing,hanging over side of bed amelioration
- Lower limbs tearing,lying on painful side aggravation
- Lower limbs tearing during menses
- Lower limbs tearing during motion
- Lower limbs tearing,motion amelioration
- Lower limbs tearing,paralytic
- Lower limbs tearing,rising from a seat amelioration
- Lower limbs tearing while sitting
- Lower limbs tearing while standing
- Lower limbs tearing during stool
- Lower limbs tearing during storm
- Lower limbs tearing,touch aggravation
- Lower limbs tearing while walking
- Lower limbs tearing,walking amelioration
- Lower limbs tearing,warm applications amelioration
- Lower limbs teraing,warmth of bed
- Lower limbs tearing,warmth of bed amelioration
- Lower limbs tearing,wet weather
- Lower limbs tearing extending downwards
- Lower limbs tearing extending upward
- Lower limb bones tearing pain
- Lower limb joints tearing pain
- Nates tearing pain
- Nates tearing pain,forenoon
- Nates tearing,motion amelioration
- Nates tearing pain,periodically
- Nates tearing pain when rising
- Nates tearing,rising amelioration
- Nates tearing,sitting amelioration
- Nates tearing while standing
- Nates tearing while walking
- Nates tearing extending to anus
- Nates tearing extending downwards
- Tearing pain between nates
- Hip tearing pain
- Right hip tearing pain
- Left hip tearing pain
- Hip tearing pain,morning
- Hip tearing pain,forenoon
- Hip tearing pain,afternoon
- Hip tearing, 4 p.m.,lasting all night
- Hip tearing pain,evening
- Hip tearing,evening,after going to bed
- Hip tearing pain,night
- Hip tearing alternating with right upper arm
- Hip tearing pain when breathing
- Hip tearing pain,coughing aggravation
- Hip tearing pain,drawing
- Hip tearing pain while lying
- Hip tearing,lying on the sound side amelioration
- Hip tearing during menses
- Hip tearing during motion
- Hip tearing pain,motion amelioration
- Hip tearing pain,paroxysms
- Hip pressive tearing pain
- Hip tearing,pressure amelioration
- Hip tearing,pulsating pains
- Hip rheumatic tearing pain
- Hip tearing,rubbing amelioration
- Hip tearing while sitting
- Hip tearing pain while standing
- Hip tearing while walking
- Hip tearing,walking amelioration
- Hip tearing pain,warmth of bed
- Hip tearing extending down to sciatic nerve
- Hip tearing extending downward
- Hip tearing extending to lumbar region
- Hip tearing extending to stomach
- Hip tearing extending to toes
- Hip tearing extending to foot
- Hip tearing extending to knee
- Hip tearing extending to knee when coughing
- Hip tearing extending to sacrum
- Gluteal muscles tearing pain
- Thigh tearing pain
- Right thigh tearing pain
- Left thigh tearing pain
- Thigh tearing pain,morning
- Thigh tearing,morning after rising
- Thigh tearing pain,afternoon
- Thigh tearing,afternoon after sleep
- Thigh tearing,afternoon during menses
- Thigh tearing pain,evening
- Thigh tearing,night in bed
- Thigh tearing,night in bed amelioration
- Thigh teraing,open air aggravation
- Thigh tearing pain,burning
- Thigh tearing,cold air aggravation
- Thigh tearing when crossing limbs
- Thigh tearing after dining
- Thigh tearing pain,drawing
- Thigh teraing after eating
- Thigh tearing when knees are flexed
- Thigh tearing pain,jerking
- Thigh tearing while lying
- Thigh tearing,lying amelioration
- Thigh tearing during menses
- Thigh tearing,motion aggravation
- Thigh tearing,motion amelioration
- Thigh tearing with numbness
- Thigh tearing pain,paralytic
- Thigh paroxysmal tearing pain
- Thigh tearing,pressure amelioration
- Thigh tearing pain,pulsating
- Thigh tearing after riding
- Thigh tearing on rising from seat
- Thigh tearing,rising amelioration
- Thigh teraing,rubbing amelioration
- Thigh tearing pain while sitting
- Thigh tearing,sitting amelioration
- Tight tearing pain,smarting
- Thigh tearing while standing
- Thigh tearing pain,sticking
- Thigh tearing,stretching the limb amelioration
- Thigh tearing after supper
- Thigh tearing on touch
- Thigh tearing pain,twitching
- Thigh tearing while walking
- Thigh tearing,walking amelioration
- Thigh tearing after walking
- Thigh tearing,warmth of bed
- Thigh tearing,warmth of bed amelioration
- Thigh tearing extending downward
- Thigh tearing extending upward
- Thigh tearing above the knee
- Above the knee tearing,morning in bed
- Above the knee tearing,evening
- Above the knee tearing,evening in bed
- Above the knee tearing,night
- Above the knee tearing back and forth
- Above the knee tearing,drawing
- Above the knee paroxysmal tearing pain
- Above the knee tearing when standing
- Above the knee tearing,twitching
- Above the knee tearing while walking
- Thigh anterior part tearing pain
- Bend of thigh tearing pain
- Thigh inner side tearing pain
- Thigh outer side tearing pain
- Thigh posterior part tearing pain
- Thigh posterior part tearing,crossing limb
- Thigh posterior part rhythmical tearing,evening after luing
- Upper portion of thigh tearing pain
- Thigh bone tearing pain
- Knee tearing pain
- Right knee tearing pain
- Left knee tearing pain
- Knee tearing pain,morning
- Knee tearing,morning in bed
- Knee tearing,morning on rising
- Knee tearing pain,noon
- Knee tearing pain,afternoon
- Knee tearing pain, 1 p.m.
- Knee tearing pain, 2 p.m.
- Knee tearing pain, 3 p.m.
- Knee tearing pain, 4 p.m.
- Knee tearing pain, 5 p.m.
- Knee tearing pain,evening
- Knee tearing,evening after lying
- Knee tearing,evening,walking amelioration
- Knee tearing pain,night
- Knee tearing,night in bed
- Knee tearing pain,midnight
- Knee tearing,open air aggravation
- Knee tearing alternating with each other
- Knee tearing before going to bed
- Knee tearing pain in bed
- Knee tearing pain,boring
- Knee tearing pain on becoming cold
- Knee tearing,crossing limbs
- Knee tearing after dinner
- Knee tearing,dinner amelioration
- Knee tearing pain,drawing
- Knee tearing pain after eating
- Knee tearing,after luing down amelioration
- Knee tearing pain on motion
- Knee tearing pain,motion amelioration
- Knee tearing pain,paralytic
- Knee paroxysmal tearing pain
- Knee tearing pain on pressure
- Knee tearing pain,pressure amelioration
- Knee rheumatic tearing pain
- Knee tearing on rising from seat
- Knee tearing,rubbing amelioration
- Knee tearing pain while sitting
- Knee tearing,sitting amelioration
- Knee tearing pain while standing
- Knee tearing,standing amelioration
- Knee stitch-like tearing pain
- Knee sudden tearing pain
- Knee tearing pain after supper
- Knee tearing pain as if torn off
- Knee tearing pain as if torn open
- Knee tearing pain,touch
- Knee tearing pain,twitching
- Knee tearing pain while walking
- Knee tearing pain,walking amelioration
- Knee tearing while walking in open air
- Knee tearing pain after walking
- Knee wandering tearing pain
- Knee tearing pain,warmth of bed
- Knee tearing,warmth of bed amelioration
- Knee tearing,change of weather
- Knee tearing when yawning
- Knee tearing extending to ankle
- Knee tearing extending downward
- Knee tearing extending to toes
- Knee tearing extending to hip
- Knee tearing extending to crest of ilium
- Knee tearing extending to lumbar region
- Knee tearing extending to thigh
- Knee tearing extending upward
- Hollow of knee tearing pain
- Hollow of knee tearing,morning
- Hollow of knee tearing,night
- Hollow of knee tearing while walking,night
- Hollow of knee tearing,drawing
- Hollow of knee tearing while sitting
- Hollow of knee tearing,sitting amelioration
- Hollow of knee tearing,walking aggravation
- Hollow of knee tearing extending to thigh
- Knee inner side tearing pain
- Knee inner side tearing while walking
- Knee inner side tearing,walking amelioration
- Knee outer side tearing pain
- Knee outer side tearing while sitting
- Patella tearing pain
- Patella tearing pain,night
- Patella tearing pain after dinner
- Patella tearing pain,drawing
- Patella tearing pain on motion
- Patella tearing pain,motion amelioration
- Patella tearing,rubbing amelioration
- Patella tearing while sitting
- Patella tearing pain on waking
- Leg tearing pain
- Right leg tearing pain
- Leg tearing pain,morning
- Leg tearing pain,morning in bed
- Leg tearing pain,forenoon
- Leg tearing pain,noon
- Leg tearing pain,afternoon
- Leg tearing,afternoon while walking
- Leg tearing pain, 2 to 5 p.m.
- Leg tearing pain,evening
- Leg tearing pain,night
- Leg tearing pain, 10 p.m.
- Leg tearing pain,midnight
- Leg tearing,open air aggravation
- Leg tearing pain,arthritic
- Leg tearing pain,burning
- Leg tearing pain during chill
- Leg convulsive tearing pain
- Leg tearing pain while eating
- Leg tearing pain while lying
- Leg tearing pain during menses
- Leg tearing pain,motion amelioration
- Leg tearing with numbness in the other
- Leg tearing pain,paralytic
- Leg paroxysmal tearing pain
- Leg tearing during pregnancy
- Leg tearing pain,pulsating
- Leg rheumatic tearing pain
- Leg tearing,rubbing amelioration
- Leg tearing pain while sitting
- Leg tearing,uncovering amelioration
- Leg tearing pain while walking
- Leg tearing pain,walking amelioration
- Leg tearing,walking in open air amelioration
- Leg wandering tearing pain
- Leg tearing,warm clothing amelioration
- Leg tearing pain,warmth of bed
- Leg tearing,warmth of bed amelioration
- Leg tearing pain extending downward
- Leg tearing pain extending upward
- Leg tearing pain extending to toes
- Tibia tearing pain
- Right tibia tearing pain
- Tibia tearing pain,evening
- Tibia tearing,evening in bed
- Tibia tearing pain,night
- Tibia tearing pain during menses
- Tibia tearing,motion amelioration
- Tibia tearing pain while sitting
- Tibia tearing pain while walking
- Tendo achillis tearing pain
- Tendo achillis tearing,evening
- Tendo achillis tearing on exertion
- Tendo achillis tearing when standing
- Tendo achillis tearing while walking
- Tendo achillis tearing at the insertion
- Tendo achillis tearing extending upwards
- Calf tearing pain
- Right calf tearing pain
- Calf tearing pain,afternoon
- Calf tearing,4 p.m.,when laying right limb across the left
- Calf tearing pain, 5 p.m.
- Calf tearing pain,evening
- Calf tearing,evening in bed
- Calf tearing pain,night
- Calf tearing pain in bed
- Calf cramp-like tearing pain
- Calf tearing after dinner
- Calf tearing pain,drawing
- Calf tearing,after eating aggravation
- Calf tearing pain,lacerating
- Calf tearing,lying with limbs crossed
- Calf tearing,motion aggravation
- Calf tearing,motion amelioration
- Calf paroxysmal tearing pain
- Calf tearing pain,pressive
- Calf tearing,pressure amelioration
- Calf tearing pain,pulsating
- Calf tearing pain,rubbing amelioration
- Calf tearing pain while sitting
- Calf tearing pain while standing
- Calf tearing pain,sticking
- Calft tearing pain,twitching
- Calf tearing pain while walking
- Calf tearing pain,walking amelioration
- Calf tearing pain,warmth of bed
- Calf tearing extending downward
- Calf tearing extending to heel
- Calf tearing extending to hollow of knee
- Calf tearing extending to toes
- Calf tearing extending upward
- Ankle tearing pain
- Right ankle tearing pain
- Ankle tearing pain,morning
- Ankle tearing,morning on waking
- Ankle tearing pain,noon
- Ankle tearing,noon until evening
- Ankle tearing pain,afternoon
- Ankle tearing pain, 5 p.m.
- Ankle tearing,night on waking
- Ankle tearing pain,midnight
- Ankle tearing,midnight on waking
- Ankle tearing before going to bed
- Ankle constrictive tearing pain
- Ankle tearing pain while lying
- Ankle tearing pain,lying amelioration
- Ankle tearing,motion aggravation
- Ankle tearing pain,motion amelioration
- Ankle tearing pain,paralytic
- Ankle tearing pain,pulsative
- Ankle tearing pain while sitting
- Ankle tearing pain while standing
- Ankle tearing pain while walking
- Ankle tearing pain,walking amelioration
- Ankle tearing pain,wandering
- Ankle tearing pain,warmth amelioration
- Ankle tearing extending to toes
- Ankle tearing extending to knee
- Ankle tearing pain extending upward
- Anterior ankle tearing pain
- Ankle inner side tearing pain
- Ankle outer side tearing pain
- Malleolus tearing pain
- Inner malleolus tearing pain
- Outer malleolus tearing pain
- Foot tearing pain
- Right foot tearing pain
- Foot tearing pain,afternoon
- Foot tearing pain,evening
- Foot tearing pain,night
- Foot tearing,open air aggravation
- Foot tearing alternating with a paralyzed feeling
- Foot tearing after chill
- Foot tearing,on being covered in bed aggravation
- Foot tearing after dinner
- Foot tearing pain,drawing
- Foot tearing during menses
- Foot tearing,motion aggravation
- Foot tearing during pregnancy
- Foot rheumatic tearing pain
- Foot stitch-like tearing pain
- Foot tearing pain during storm
- Foot tearing pain,touch
- Foot tearing pain,walking aggravation
- Foot tearing pain,walking amelioration
- Foot tearing pain,wandering
- Foot tearing,warmth of bed amelioration
- Foot tearing on change of weather
- Foot tearing after getting wet
- Foot tearing extending to knee
- Foot tearing extending to thighs
- Foot tearing extending to toes
- Back of foot tearing pain
- Back of righ foot tearing pain
- Back of foot tearing,forenoon
- Back of foot tearing,evening in bed
- Back of foot arthritic tearing pain
- Back of foot tearing pain,drawing
- Back of foot tearing while lying
- Back of foot tearing,motion aggravation
- Back of foot paroxysmal tearing pain
- Back of foot tearing while sitting
- Back of foot tearing,sticking
- Back of foot tearing,touch aggravation
- Back of foot tearing,twitching
- Back of foot tearing,walking
- Back of foot tearing,walking amelioration
- Back of foot tearing,warmth of bed
- Back of foot tearing pain extending to heels
- Back of foot tearing extending to thighs
- Back of foot tearing extending to toes
- Back of foot tearing extending upwards
- Foot inner side tearing pain
- Foot outer side tearing pain
- Sole tearing pain
- Sole tearing pain,forenoon
- Sole tearing pain,afternoon
- Sole tearing,afternoon while lying
- Sole tearing pain,evening
- Sole tearing,evening,lasting till 6 p.m.
- Sole tearing pain,midnight
- Sole tearing pain,burning
- Sole tearing pain,constriction
- Sole tearing pain,drawing
- Sole lightning-like tearing pain
- Sole tearing pain,motion aggravation
- Sole tearing pain,motion amelioration
- Sole tearing pain,paroxysmal
- Sole tearing pain,pressure aggravation
- Sole tearing pain,pressure amelioration
- Sole tearing pain,rubbing amelioration
- Sole tearing pain while sitting
- Sole tearing pain,sticking
- Sole sudden tearing pain
- Sole tearing pain,twitching
- Sole tearing pain while walking
- Sole tearing pain,warmth of bed
- Sole tearing pain extending to back
- Sole tearing extending above knees
- Heel tearing pain
- Heel tearing pain,morning
- Heel tearing pain,morning in bed
- Heel tearing pain,morning on waking
- Heel tearing pain, 3 a.m.
- Heel tearing,afternoon when standing
- Heel tearing,evening while sitting
- Heel tearing, 9 p.m. while spinning
- Heel tearing,night
- Heel tearing,night in bed
- Heel tearing pain in bed
- Heel cramp-like tearing when limbs are crossed
- Heel paroxysmal tearing pain
- Heel tearing pain on motion
- Heel tearing,rubbing amelioration
- Heel tearing pain while sitting
- Heel tearing pain while standing
- Heel tearing pain on stepping
- Heel tearing pain,sticking
- Heel tearing pain as if torn out
- Heel tearing pain,treading aggravation
- Heel tearing pain,twitching
- Heel tearing while walking
- Heel tearing,walking amelioration
- Heel tearing extending upward
- Toes tearing pain
- Left toes tearing pain
- Toes tearing pain,evening
- Toes tearing pain, 6 p.m.
- Toes tearing, 8 p.m.
- Toes tearing pain,night
- Toes tearing pain,night amelioration
- Toes tearing pain,bed amelioration
- Toes cramp-like tearing pain
- Toes tearing pain,drawing
- Toes tearing pain,gouty
- Toes tearing pain,motion
- Toes tearing,motion amelioration
- Toes paroxysmal tearing pain
- Toes rheumatic tearing pain
- Toes tearing after rising
- Toes tearing pain,rubbing amelioration
- Toes tearing while sitting
- Toes tearing pain,smarting
- Toes tearing pain,sprained
- Toes tearing pain while standing
- Toes tearing pain,sticking
- Toes tearing pain,touch
- Toes tearing pain,twitching
- Toes tearing pain on waking
- Toes tearing pain while walking
- Toes tearing,warmth of bed aggravation
- Toe nails tearing pain
- Toe nails tearing while walking
- Toe tips tearing pain
- First toe tearing pain
- Right first toe tearing pain
- Left first toe tearing pain
- First toe tearing pain,forenoon
- First toe tearing, 11 a.m.
- First toe tearing,afternoon
- First toe tearing, 2 p.m.
- First toe tearing pain,evening
- First toe tearing,evening in bed
- First toe tearing,evening before lying down
- First toe tearing,night
- First toe tearing pain,burning
- First toe tearing pain,drawing
- First toe tearing pain,gouty
- First toe tearing,motion amelioration
- First toe paroxysmal tearing pain
- First toe tearing,pressure aggravation
- First toe tearing,pulsating
- First toe rheumatic tearing pain
- First toe tearing while sitting
- First toe tearing while standing
- First toe tearing pain,sticking
- First toe tearing,touch aggravation
- First toe tearing pain,twitching
- First toe ulcerative tearing pain
- First toe tearing while walking
- First toe tearing extending to knee
- First toe tearing extending to heel
- Firts toe nail tearing pain
- First toe tip tearing pain
- Second toe tearing pain
- Second toe tearing,pulsating
- Second toe joints tearing pain
- Third toe tearing pain
- Fourth toe tearing pain
- Fifth toe tearing pain
- Fifth toe tearing pain,evening