Corallium rubrum.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Abusive with the pains31
Confusion of mind from beer31
Confusion of mind as after being intoxicated31
Confusion of mind from spirituous liquors31
Feels as if newly born and wonders at the novelty of his surrounding31
Fear of suffering31
Restlessness, night31
Tossing about in bed31
Starting on falling asleep31
Starting from sleep31
Stupefaction after wine31
Vertigo after eating31
Sensation as of air or wind passing through head22
Sensation as of air passing trough head on rocking33
Head congestion,hyperaemia21
Head congestion with redness of face31
Head congestion when stooping32
Empty or hollow head sensation22
Enlarged head sensation22
Flattened sensation in forehead21
Large head21
Rolling head31
Headache during the chill31
Headache with coryza31
Headache from quick motion31
Headache on moving head31
Headache on rising from lying31
Headache on rising from stooping31
Headache on shaking head32
Headache,uncovering body amelioration31
Headache,amel.while walking in open air31
Forehead pain,open air amelioration31
Forehead pain amel.while walking in open air31
Both sides headache31
Sides headache,stooping aggravation31
Temples pain21
Headache,temples and forehead pain21
Headache,pressing pain21
Pressing outward headache32
Forehead pressing pain22
Forehead pressing outward pain32
Forehead pressing pain,uncovering body amelioration31
Forehead pressing pain,walking in open air amelioration31
Head side pressing pain21
Head sides pressing pain,asunder32
Head sides pressing pain on stooping31
Swollen,distended head feeling21
Bleeding from eyes21
Heat in eye21
Heat in eye on closing eyes32
Eye gonorrhoeal inflammation31
Eye pain21
Eye pain on motion of eyes31
Eye burning pain,candlelight31
Eye pain as from sand22
Eye sore,bruised pain,tender eye21
Pupils dilated (mydriase)32
Impaired hearing21
Nose catarrh21
Post nasal catarrh32
Nose inside coldness when inhaling33
Coryza with discharge (fluent)32
Coryza without discharge (dry)31
Dry coryza followed by fluent31
Nose copious discharge31
Copious discharge from post-nares33
Nose discharge like tallow,leaving grease spots on linen32
Nose thick discharge31
Discharge from posterior nares33
Nose inside dryness21
Right to left epistaxis31
Epistaxis with whooping cough32
Heat in nose21
Nose obstruction21
Onions odor31
Odor of smoke31
Pain in nose21
Pain in nose,night31
Pain in nose,night with sleeplessness31
Pain in nose bones31
Nose pressing pain22
Nose bones pain as if pressed asunder31
Nose pulsation21
Frequent sneezing31
Nose swelling21
Nose right side swelling31
Nose swelling,throbbing31
Nose ulcers21
Nose right side ulcers31
Nostrils ulcers32
Nose right wing ulcer31
Chapped lips32
Cracked lips21
Black face22
Bluish face21
Bluish face during cough32
Bluish face during whooping cough32
Red face during cough31
Dark red face during cough31
Bluish red face31
Eruption on nose wings32
Nose painful eruption31
Face heat22
Face heat after dinner32
Face heat after eating31
Face pain (aching,prosopalgia,etc)21
Face left side pain31
Face pain,motion of lower jaw aggravation31
Face pain,touch aggravation31
Lips pain31
Jaw articulation pain31
Jaw articulation pain,chewing31
Jaw articulation pain on opening mouth31
Jaw articulation pain,yawning31
Submaxillary gland pain32
Submaxillary gland pain when swallowing31
Face sore bruised pain21
Left malar bone sore pain31
Zygoma sore bruised pain31
Face glands swelling31
Lips swelling32
Submaxillary glands swelling32
Left submaxillary glands swelling32
Mouth bleeding22
Mouth bleeding in whooping cough32
Cold breath21
White tongue31
Mouth dryness21
Insipid taste31
Food tastes like saw-dust31
Taste like straw31
Dishes made of flour taste like straw31
Beer tastes sweetish31
Wanting tastelessness of food32
Teeth feel as if on edge21
Left side teeth feel as if on edge31
Toothache,external warmth32
Pressing toothache21
Pressing toothache as if a shred of meat were between the teeth32
Pressing toothache as if wedged32
Sensation of throat coldness21
Throat coldness as from cold air31
Throat dryness22
Diposition to hawk23
Mucus drawn from the posterior nares33
Throat pain on swallowing31
Cold sensation in breathing21
Larynx constriction32
Larynx constriction during cough33
Larynx irritation32
Trachea irritation32
Laryngismus stridulus22
Trachea pain on coughing31
Sensitive larynx21
Arrested respiration on coughing32
Difficult respiration21
Difficult respiration with cough31
Gasping during cough32
Loud respiration22
Paroxysmal respiration22
Rough crowing respiration31
Cough, night21
Asthmatic cough21
Barking cough21
Cough,deep breathing32
Constant cough21
Cough,larynx constriction22
Croupy cough21
Cough from eating21
Exhausting cough21
Cough from sensation of icy cold air in iar passages22
Crowing,violent,spasmodic cough,commencing with grasping for breath.32
Short hacking cough like minute guns21
Nervous cough21
Painful cough31
Paroxysmal cough22
Paroxysmal cough,night31
Paroxysaml cough,attacks follow one another quickly32
Paroxysmal cough commences with gasping for breath31
Paroxysmal cough,short coughs32
Rapid cough until patient aflls back as limber as a rag22
Spasmodic cough23
Spasmodic cough,night31
Tormenting cough21
Violent cough21
Whooping cough22
Whooping cough,night31
Cool (cold) expectoration22
Difficult expectoration21
Chest coldness21
Chest coldness on breathing cold air32
Chest oppression21
Sternum pain when couhing31
Chest pressing pain21
Chest pressing pain like a stone31
Chest sides pressing pain32
Wanting appetite21
Aversion to salt food23
Desires salt things22
Desires sour,acid things23
Nausea during headache31
Nausea on rising31
Nausea on rising up in bed31
Nausea while sitting31
Nausea while sitting up in bed31
Stomach pain21
Stomach pain from coughing31
Stomach pain from deep inspiration31
Stomach pain on swallowing31
Stomach pressing pain21
Stomach pressing pain on coughing31
Stomach pressing pain,inspiration aggravation31
Stomach pressing pain,swallowing aggravation31
Thirst during heat31
Mucus vomiting21
Stringy vomiting23
Rectum moisture21
Pasty stool21
Prostatic fluid emission with stool31
Burning or hot urine21
Urine clay-like color21
Clay-colored sediment in urine21
Mealy sediment in urine21
Blennorrhoea of glans21
Glans eruption31
Glans excoriation31
Glans inflammation32
Prepuce inflammation31
Prepuce pain31
Male genitals perspiration22
Glans redness22
Prepuce redness32
Scurfy red spots on corona,male genitalia21
Nightly seminal emissions22
Seminal emissions without dreams32
Glans sensitiveness32
Prepuce sensitiveness32
Suppuration under the prepuce22
Penis swelling21
Glans swelling32
Prepuce swelling32
Penis ulcers22
Penis bleeding ulcers31
Penis chancres32
Penis flat ulcers32
Penis flat painful ulcers31
Penis ulcers,lardaceous base31
Penis painful ulcers32
Penis red ulcers31
Glans ulcers31
Prepuce ulcers32
Back pain21
Back pain when coughing31
Scapulae pain31
Scapulae pain when coughing31
Lumbar region pain21
Sacral region pain21
Scapulae aching pain31
Lumbar reg.pain as if broken31
Scapulae pressing pain31
Back soreness,bruised,beaten21
Lumbar region soreness,bruised,beaten31
Sacral region soreness,bruised,beaten31
Cervical region stiffness31
Hand redness spots32
Fingers redness spots31
Bend of elbow red eruption32
Palm copper-colored spots31
Palm eruption,smooth spots31
Fingers copper-colored spots31
Heaviness,tired limbs21
Upper limbs heaviness31
Lower limbs heaviness,tired limbs31
Shoulder pain as of dislocation31
Forearm pain31
Wrist pain31
Wrist pain as after much writing31
Shoulder pressing pain31
Sprained joint32
Knee weakness31
Knee weakness as after a long walk31
Falling asleep while standing31
Overpowering sleepiness32
Sleepiness while standing31
Sleeplessness before midnight31
Frequent yawning31
Spasmodic yawning32
Vehement yawning32
Anxious dreams21
Internal coldness21
Quartan chill21
Coldness shaking, morning31
Tertian chill21
Coldness,external warmth amelioration31
Dry heat21
External heat21
Heat,perspiration absent21
Heat with perspiration31
Skin liver-brown spots31
Skin coppery spots32
Skin smooth spots31
Coppery eruption31
Syphilitic psoriasis32
Purpura haemorrhagica21
Skin flat ulcers31
Skin painful ulcer31
Skin sensitive ulcer32
Skin yellow ulcer31
Sensation of air as if fanned31
Jerking during sleep31
Pressing pain,internally31
Pressing pain from within outward32
Bones sore,bruised pain32
Full pulse31
Hard pulse31
Irregular pulse31
Glands painful swelling31
Swollen sensation22
Sensation of wind31