- Left extremities shooting
- Extremities shooting,morning
- Extremities shooting on coughing
- Extremities cramp-like shooting
- Extremities shooting,motion continued amelioration
- Extremities shooting on beginning to move
- Extremities shooting from noise
- Extremities shooting on sneezing
- Joints shooting
- Joints shooting like electric shocks
- Upper limbs shooting
- Upper limbs shooting,evening
- Upper limbs shooting while coughing
- Upper limbs periodical shooting
- Upper limbs shooting during rest
- Upper limbs shooting extending downward
- Upper limbs shooting extending down arms
- Upper limbs shooting extending to wrist
- Shoulder shooting
- Right shoulder shooting
- Shoulder shooting,morning
- Shoulder shooting,morning in bed
- Shoulder shooting after breakfast
- Shoulder shooting,evening
- Shoulder shooting,night before falling asleep
- Shoulder shooting alternating with shooting in elbow
- Shoulder shooting downward
- Shoulder shooting,heat aggravation
- Shoulder shooting,lying on side
- Shoulder shooting on walking
- Shoulder joint shooting
- Shoulder joint shooting extending to arm
- Upper arm shooting
- Upper arm shooting,evening
- Upper arm shooting while walking
- Upper arm shooting in bone
- Upper arm posterior part shooting
- Elbow shooting
- Left then right elbow shooting
- Elbow shooting,morning
- Elbow shooting,noon
- Elbow shooting,afternoon
- Elbow shooting alternating with shoulder
- Elbow shooting extending to wrist
- Elbow shooting extending to fingers
- Forearm shooting
- Forearm shooting on motion
- Forearm shooting extending to fingers
- Wrist shooting
- Wrist shooting,evening
- Wrist shooting extending along ulnar to elbow
- Hand shooting
- Hand shooting,motion amelioration
- Back of hand shooting
- Ball of hand shooting
- Palm shooting
- Palm shooting, 10 p.m.
- Fingers shooting
- Finger joints shooting
- Finger joints shooting,forenoon
- Fingers shooting around nails
- Fingers shooting under nails
- Finger tips shooting
- Finger tips shooting,evening
- Finger tips shooting,night
- Finger tips shooting during chill
- First finger shooting
- Second finger shooting
- Second finger joints shooting
- Third finger shooting
- Thumb shooting
- Ball of thumb shooting
- Tip of thumb shooting
- Lower limbs shooting
- Lower limbs shooting during stool
- Lower limbs shooting,walking amelioration
- Lower limbs shooting,warm bed amelioration
- Lower limbs shooting extending downwards
- Lower limbs shooting extending down sciatic nerve
- Nates shooting
- Hip shooting
- Righ hip shooting
- Right hip shooting when rising from a seat
- Hip shooting,evening
- Hip shooting, 7 p.m.
- Hip shooting,night before falling asleep
- Hip shooting when coughing
- Hip shooting,motion amelioration
- Hip shooting,tearing,extending to leg
- Hip shooting,walking amelioration
- Hip shooting extending into abdomen
- Hip shooting extending to calf
- Hip shooting extending down femur
- Hip shooting extending to foot
- Hip shooting extending to knee
- Hip joint shooting
- Hip joint shooting,daytime
- Hip joint shooting,morning
- Hip joint shooting,evening in bed
- Hip joint shooting,night
- Thigh shooting
- Thigh shooting,noon
- Thigh shooting,night
- Thigh shooting,night before falling asleep
- Thigh shooting,crural nerves
- Thigh shooting while sitting
- Thigh sudden shooting
- Thigh shooting,walking amelioration
- Thigh shooting extending downward
- Thigh shooting extending to toes
- Back of thigh shooting
- Knee shooting
- Knee shooting,night
- Knee shooting,ascending stair
- Knee shooting,coughing
- Knee shooting when kneeling
- Knee shooting,moving aggravation
- Knee shooting from side to side
- Knee shooting,standing aggravation
- Knee shooting while walking
- Knee shooting,walking in open air
- Hollow of knee shooting
- Hollow of knee shooting while sitting
- Hollow of knee shooting while standing
- Patella shooting
- Leg shooting
- Right leg shooting
- Leg shooting,evening in bed
- Leg shooting,paroxysm
- Leg shooting in periosteum
- Leg shooting upwards
- Calf shooting
- Calf shooting,evening
- Calf shooting,pulling on boot
- Ankle shooting
- Ankle shooting,motion aggravation
- Ankle shooting over the heels
- Ankle shooting upwards
- Ankle shooting extending to knee
- Foot shooting
- Foot shooting,sticking ending in electric shocks
- Foot shootng while walking
- Foot shooting extending to knees
- Sole shooting
- Sole shooting,night before going to bed
- Sole shooting like splinters
- Sole shooting while walking
- Sole shooting extending to hips
- Heel shooting
- Toes shooting
- Toes shooting extending to hips
- Ball of toes shooting
- Toe joints shooting
- Toe tips shooting
- Toe tips shooting,evening
- First toe shooting
- First toe joints shooting
- First toe nail shooting
- First toe nail shooting,night in bed
- First toe tip shooting