Discoloration -extremities blackness
- Extremities blotches
- Extremities red blotches
- Extremities blue discoloration
- Dark colored extremities
- Extremities ecchymoses
- Extremities greenish yellow discoloration
- Leaden colored extremities
- Extremities lividity
- Extremities yellowish lividity
- Extremities discoloration in spots
- Extremities marbled discoloration
- Extremities mottled discoloration
- Extremities paleness
- Extremities purple discoloration
- Extremities purple discoloration in spots
- Extremities redness
- Extremities redness alternating with livid spots
- Extremities redness blotches
- Extremities redness disappearing on pressure
- Extremities redness in spots
- Extremities burning redness in spots
- Extremities bluish red spots
- Extremities itching redness in spots
- Extremities swollen redness in spots
- Extremities redness in spots after wahing
- Extremities yellowish discoloration
- Extremities yellowish discoloration in spots
- Joints redness
- Upper limbs black discoloration
- Upper limbs black discoloration in spots
- Upper limbs blotches
- Upper limbs blue discoloration
- Upper limbs blue discoloration with asthma
- Upper limbs blue discoloration while hanging down
- Both upper limbs blue discoloration in spots
- Upper limbs reddish blue discoloration
- Upper limbs brown spots
- Upper limbs copper colored spots
- Upper limbs ecchymoses
- Upper limbs liver spots
- Upper limbs liver spots becoming dark
- Upper limbs liver spots,itching
- Upper limbs livid discoloration
- Upper limbs marbled spots
- Upper limbs mottled discoloration
- Upper limbs orange colored
- Upper limbs petechiae
- Upper limbs purple discoloration
- Upper limbs purple discoloration in spots
- Upper limbs purpura haemorrhagica
- Upper limbs redness
- Upper limbs redness, evening
- Upper limbs redness,drinking warm drinks
- Upper limbs redness spots
- Upper limbs red streaks
- Upper limbs discoloration spots
- Upper limbs livid spots
- Upper limbs white discoloration
- Upper limbs white discoloration in spots
- Upper limbs yellow discoloration in spots
- Upper limbs yellow rings
- Shoulder blackness in spots
- Shoulder mottled discoloration
- Shoulder redness
- Shoulder redness spots
- Shoulder yellow spots
- Upper arm blue spots
- Upper arm ecchymoses
- Upper arm redness
- Elbow brown spots
- Elbow red spots
- Elbow spots
- Forearm blotches
- Forearm red blotches
- Forearm blue discoloration
- Forearm bluish spots
- Forearm dark discoloration
- Forearm lividity
- Forearm mottled discoloration
- Forearm purple spots
- Forearm redness
- Forearm redness in spots
- Forearm redness streaks
- Forearm spots
- Forearm white spots
- Wrist brown spots
- Wrist redness
- Wrist spots
- Hand black discoloration
- Hand black discoloration in dots
- Hand black discoloration in spots
- Hand blotches
- Hand blotches,itching
- Hand blueness
- Hand blueness, morning
- Hand blueness, night
- Hand blueness,night after waking
- Hand blueness during chill
- Hand blueness with coldness
- Hand blueness with convulsion
- Hand blueness when hanging down
- Hand marbled blueness
- Hand blueness spots
- Hand blueness spots in old people
- Hand blueness after washing in cold water
- Hand blueness in winter
- Back of hand brownish discoloration
- Brownish-red hand
- Brownish-red hand, afternoon
- Hand brownish-red spots
- Hand brownish-red streaks
- Hand copper colored spots
- Grenish hand
- Hand lividity
- Hand lividity spots
- Mottled hand
- Hand paleness
- Purple hand
- Purple hand during chilliness
- Hand purple spots
- Hand redness
- Hand redness spots
- Hand yellowness
- Hand dark yellowness
- Hand greenish yellowness
- Hand yellowness in spots
- Back of hand blotches
- Back of hand itching blotches
- Back of hand red blotches
- Back of hand stinging blotches
- Back of hand blueness
- Back of hand blueness
- Brown back of hand
- Back of hand brown spots
- Hand brown spots as if bruised
- Back of hand petechiae
- Back of hand purpura haemorrgagica
- Back of hand redness
- Back of hand redness, morning
- Back of hand redness, afternoon
- Back of hand redness, evening
- Back of hand redness,evening in open air
- Back of hand as from nettles
- Back of hand spots
- Back of hands dusky spots
- Back of hand itching spots
- Back of hand white spots
- Back of hand discoloration in streaks
- Back of hand yellow in spots
- Palm brown spots
- Palm redness
- Palm red spots
- Yellow palm
- Fingers discoloration
- Black fingers
- Blue fingers
- Blue fingers, morning
- Fingers brown spots
- Fingers ecchymoses
- Fingers freckles
- Greenish fingers
- Livid fingers
- Fingers redness
- Fingers redness, evening
- Fingers redness blotches
- Fingers redness points
- Fingers redness spots
- Fingers redness streaks
- Fingers discoloration spots
- Violet fingers
- White fingers
- White fingers during coldness
- Yellow fingers
- Yellow fingers in spots
- Fingers joints discoloration
- Nails discoloration
- Black nails
- Blood settles under nails
- Fingers blueness
- Nails blueness during chill
- Nails blueness during menses
- Nails dark discoloration
- Gray nails
- Livid nails
- Purple nails
- Red nails
- Red nails then black
- White nails
- Nails white spots
- Nails yellow discoloration
- Tips, black finger tips
- Blue finger tips
- Blue finger tips, evening
- Finger tips redness
- Finger tips redness after chilblains
- White finger tips
- Yellow finger tips in spots
- Black first finger
- First finger black spots
- First finger blotches
- Back of first finger blotches
- Second joint of second finger discoloration
- Fourth finger redness
- Black thumb
- Brownish thumb
- Dark thumb
- Thumb redness
- White thumb
- White thum in spots
- Yellow thumb
- Lower limbs, black and painful spots
- Lower limbs blotches
- Bluish lower limbs
- Lower limbs bluish spots
- Brownish lower limbs
- Lower limbs ecchymoses
- Greenish lower limbs
- Greenish yellow lower limbs as from a bruise
- Livid lower limbs
- Marbled lower limbs
- Purple lower limbs in spots
- Lower limbs purpura haemorrhagica
- Lower limbs redness
- Lower limbs redness in spots
- Inner side of lower limbs redness
- Lower limbs discoloration spots
- Yellow lower limbs
- Lower limbs yellow in stripes
- Nates redness
- Nated redness in spots
- Hips blackness
- Hips redness
- Hips redness in spots
- Hips redness in stripes extending to umbilicus
- Thigh blotches
- Blue thigh
- Thigh blue marks
- Thigh blue spots
- Brownish inside thigh
- Thigh brownish spots
- Thigh cyanosis
- Greenish thigh
- Livid thigh
- Thigh marbled discoloration
- Thigh redness
- Thigh redness, night
- Thigh redness spots
- Thigh burning redness spots
- Thigh itching redness spots
- Thigh redness spots,itching when scratched
- Thigh discoloration spots
- Thigh white discoloration in spots
- Thigh yellow marks
- Knee,dark in spots,anterior portion
- Knee redness
- Knee redness in spots
- Knee anterior part redness
- Knee posterior part redness
- Patella discoloration on going up stairs
- Leg, black leg
- Black leg in spots
- Leg blood specks
- Leg blotches
- Leg blue discoloration
- Blue left leg during menses
- Leg blue spots
- Leg indurated blue spots
- Bluish brown leg
- Leg brown spots
- Leg discoloration,crusts
- Leg cyanosis
- Leg dark discoloration when in depending position
- Leg ecchymoses
- Leg marbled discoloration
- Leg mottled discoloration
- Purple leg
- Leg purple spots
- Leg purpura discoloration
- Leg reddish discoloration
- Reddish leg, evening
- Reddish leg while walking
- Leg reddish spots
- Leg reddish spots become covered with crusts
- Leg reddish spots,burning
- Leg discoloration spots
- Leg white spots
- Leg yellow spots
- Calf blotches
- Calf blue spots
- Calf redness in spots
- Calf discoloration spots
- Calf yellow spots
- Tibia discoloration spots
- Ankle, blue spots
- Ankle dark discoloration spreading up the limb
- Purple ankle
- Ankle purple spots
- Ankle redness
- Ankle redness in spots
- Ankle redness in spots in afternoon
- Ankle redness streaks
- Ankle discoloration, tetter
- White ankle in spots
- Foot blackness
- Foot blueness
- Foot blueness in spots
- Livid foot
- Foot pale discoloration
- Purple foot
- Purple foot in spots
- Foot redness
- Foot redness, evening
- Foot redness in spots
- Foot joints redness
- Foot white spots
- Yellow-grayish foot
- Blue back of foot
- Marbled back of foot
- Back of foot redness
- Back of foot redness, 8 a.m.
- Back of foot redness spots
- Ball of foot redness
- Sole of foot blue spots
- Sole of foot redness
- Sole of foot redness in spots
- Sole of foot white spots
- Sole of foot white spots as if bleached
- Heel, purplish heel
- Heel redness
- Toes discoloration
- Toes blackness
- Toes redness
- Toes shining redness
- Toes redness after wetting feet
- Violet-colored toes
- White bleached discoloration between the toes
- Toes nails discoloration
- Toes nails blueness
- Toe tips blueness
- Toe tips redness
- First toe blackness
- First toe redness
- First toe redness in spots
- Fifth toe redness in morning
- Fifth toe redness in spots