- Lower limbs coldness, daytime
- Lower limbs coldness, forenoon
- Lower limbs coldness,forenoon until bedtime
- Lower limbs coldness, noon
- Lower limbs coldness, noon in bed
- Lower limbs coldness,noon when lifting covers
- Lower limbs coldness, night
- Lower limbs coldness,night on waking
- Lower limbs coldness alternates with heat in head
- Lower limbs icy cold
- Lower limbs icy cold in spots
- Lower limbs coldness during menses
- Lower limbs coldness during nausea
- Lower limbs coldness,painful limb
- Lower limbs coldness,paralyzed limb
- Lower limbs sensation of coldness
- Nates coldness
- Nates coldness,night in bed
- Nates coldness, 11 a.m.
- Nates coldness before menses
- Gluteal region coldness
- Hip coldness
- Right hip coldness
- Left hip coldness
- Hip coldness, 9 a.m.
- Thigh coldness
- Right thigh coldness
- Thigh coldness, daytime
- Thigh coldness, morning
- Thigh coldness, afternoon
- Thigh coldness, evening
- Thigh coldness,evening on rising from sitting
- Thigh coldness, 6 p.m.
- Thigh coldness, night
- Thigh coldness during chill
- As if cold air blew on thigh
- Thigh coldness during colic
- Thigh coldness with convulsions
- Icy cold as if ice water poured down sciatic
- Thigh coldness, shaken
- Thigh coldness while sitting
- Thigh coldness while standing
- Knee coldness
- Right kneee coldness
- Knee coldness, forenoon
- Knee coldness, evening
- Knee coldness, evening on waking
- Knee coldness, night
- Knee coldness,night in bed
- Knee coldness,night on waking
- Knee coldness during chill
- Knee coldness in hottest weather
- Knee coldness while lying
- Knee coldness during menses
- Sensation of knee coldness although warm
- Kness coldness,swollen knee
- Knee coldness after walking in open air
- As if cold water were poured over knee
- Knee coldness as from wind
- Patella coldness
- Hollow of knee coldness
- Leg coldness
- Right leg coldness
- Right leg coldness during chill
- Left leg coldness
- Left leg coldenss during chill
- Leg coldness, morning
- Leg coldness, 7 a.m.
- Leg coldness, afternoon
- Leg coldness, 4 p.m.
- Leg coldness, 6 p.m.
- Leg coldness, evening
- Leg coldness, evening in bed
- Leg coldness, evening on waking
- Leg coldness, night
- Leg coldness,night,as from snow water
- Leg coldness,night on waking
- Leg coldness when in open air
- Leg coldness with burning in thighs
- Leg coldness after coition
- Leg coldness after dinner
- Leg coldness when dressing
- Leg coldness during fever
- Leg coldness,flushed face
- Leg coldness with heat of body
- Leg coldness with heat of face
- Leg icy coldness
- Leg coldness while lying
- Leg coldness before menses
- Leg coldness during nmenses
- Leg coldness while sitting
- Leg coldness as from being in snow
- Leg coldness while standing
- Leg coldness,uncovering amelioration
- Leg coldness while walking
- Leg coldness while walking in the sun
- Leg coldness,warm room
- Leg coldness as from wind
- Calf coldness
- Calf coldness, forenoon
- Calf coldness, evening
- Calf coldness,evening while sitting,amel.rising
- Tibia coldness
- Ankles coldness
- Ankles coldness,walking in open air
- Inner malleolus coldness in spots
- Foot coldness
- Right foot coldness
- Right coldness while walking
- Left foot coldness
- Foot coldness, daytime
- Foot coldness,daytime during menses
- Foot coldness, morning
- Foot coldness,morning after breakfast
- Foot coldness,morning during headache
- Foot coldness, 5 a.m.
- Foot coldness, 7:30 a.m.
- Foot coldness, forenoon
- Foot coldenss,forenoon until 3 p.m.
- Foot coldness, 8 a.m.
- Foot coldness, 9 a.m.
- Foot coldness, 10 a.m.
- Foot coldness, 11 a.m.,lying down amelioration
- Foot coldness, noon
- Foot coldness while the other one burns,noon
- Foot coldness,noon,during heat and redness of face
- Foot coldness, afternoon
- Foot coldness,afternoon,with hot face
- Foot coldness, 1 p.m.
- Foot coldness, 2 p.m.
- Foot coldness, 3 p.m.
- Foot coldness, 4 p.m.
- Foot coldness,4 p.m.,in open air amelioration
- Foot coldness, evening
- Foot coldness,evening in the open air
- Foot coldness,evening in bed
- Foot coldness,evening,in bed amelioration
- Foot coldness, 5 p.m.
- Foot coldness, 6 p.m.
- Foot coldness, 8 p.m.
- Foot coldness, 9 p.m.
- Foot coldness, 11 p.m.
- Foot coldness, night
- Foot coldness, night in bed
- Foot coldness, night on waking
- Foot coldness, midnight
- Foot coldness alternating with cold hands
- Foot coldness alternating heat
- Foot coldness alternating with pain in limbs
- Foot coldness during anxiety
- Foot coldness in bed
- Foot coldness with diarrhoea
- Foot coldness during dinner
- Foot coldness after dinner
- Foot coldness while eating
- Foot coldness after eating
- Foot coldness after emission
- Foot coldness during excitement
- Feet coldness during fever
- Foot coldness during headache
- Foot coldness,headache after menses
- Foot coldness with heat of thighs
- Foot coldness,heat of one side of body
- Foot coldness with heat of body during sleep
- Feet coldness with hot face
- Foot coldness with hot head
- Feet coldness with hot hands
- Foot coldness,foot bath amelioration
- Foot coldness in hottest weather
- Foot coldness,in house amelioration
- Foot icy coldness
- Foot icy coldness with burning soles
- Foot icy coldness during chill
- Foot coldness while lying
- Foot coldness,lying amelioration
- Foot coldness before menses
- Foot coldness during menses
- Foot coldness after menses
- Foot coldness,mental exertion
- Foot coldness after motion
- One foot cold,the other hot
- Foot coldness during pregnancy
- Foot coldness while sitting
- Foot coldness,sitting amelioration
- Foot coldness during sleep
- Foot coldness during sleep with heat of body
- Foot coldness after stool
- Foot coldness during supper
- Foot coldness after supper
- Foot coldness,suppressed foot sweat
- Takes cold through feet
- Foot coldness while talking
- Foot coldness during urination
- Foot coldness after vomiting
- Foot coldness on waking
- Foot coldness while walking
- Foot coldness,walking amelioration
- Foot coldness,walking in open air
- Foot coldness,fast walking in open air
- Foot coldness while walking in the sun
- Foot coldness after walking
- Foot coldness in warm room
- Foot coldness as though in water
- Foot coldness after wine
- Foot coldenss while writing
- Sensation of foot coldness though warm to touch
- Foot coldenss extending to calves
- Foot coldness extending to knees
- Back of foot coldness
- Back of foot coldness while walking
- Soles coldness
- Soles coldness, morning
- Soles coldness, 5 a.m.,with hot face
- Soles coldness, evening in bed
- Soles coldness, night
- Soles icy coldness
- Soles coldness during menses
- Soles coldness in open air
- Sensation of soles coldness although not cold
- Heels coldness
- Toes coldness
- Toes coldness, morning
- Toes icy coldness
- Toes coldness while sitting
- Toes coldness after sitting
- Toes coldness,touched
- Toes coldness,while walking amelioration
- Toes tips coldness
- First toe coldness