Chimaphila umbellata.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Vertigo during constipation21
Forehead pain21
Eye itching21
Lids sore,bruised pain31
Left eye stitching pain31
Halo of colors around the light21
Lower jaw stiffness31
Open mouth during sleep31
Tongue burning,raw and smarting pain31
Tongue sore pain31
Pungent taste31
Slimy taste31
Mouth vesicles21
Tongue vesicles31
Cannot bite at night31
Toothache,cold water amelioration32
Toothache after eating32
Toothache,exertion aggravation31
Toothache extending to eyes31
Drawing toothache21
Mammae atrophy22
Mammae cancer32
Suppressed milk31
Nodules in mammae32
Chest right side pain31
Heart palpitation after excitement32
As if something were turning over chest21
Stomach hardness21
Abdominal dropsy,ascites22
Right hypochondrium aching31
Constipation,ineffectual urging and straining32
Rectum complaints from worms21
Gray stool21
Bladder muco-pus catarrh22
Sensation of bladder fullness22
Bladder inflammation22
Bladder neck inflammation22
Bladder burning pain21
Bladder pressing pain,pressure in bladder22
Bladder pressing pain before urination31
Bladder pressing pain during urination32
Bladder neck pressing pain before urination31
Bladder smarting pain extending to meatus32
Sore tender bladder22
Retention of urine22
Retention of urine from enlarged prostate32
Bladder spasm21
Bladder tenesmus22
Urging to urinate (morbid desire)23
Urging to urinate,night31
Constant urging to urinate22
Constant urging to urinate while sitting31
Frequent urging to urinate23
Frequent urging to urinate,night and day31
Ineffectual urging to urinate23
Painful urging to urinate22
Urging to urinate while sitting21
Urging to urinate after urination22
Dribbling urination (by drops)21
Dribbling urination with retention31
Urination feeble stream (slow)21
Urination forked stream21
Frequent urination22
Can only pass urine while standing with feet wide apart and body....32
Urination thin stream21
Fluttering sensation,region of kidneys21
Kidneys inflammation22
Kidneys pain22
Sensation of sitting on a ball (prostate gland)22
Prostatic fluid emission21
Prostate gland enlargement22
Sensation of prostate gland enlargement31
Prostate gland fulness22
Prostate gland inflammation23
Prostate gland pain22
Prostate gland pain while sitting32
Prostate gland pressing pain21
Prostate gland soreness23
Prostate gland swelling23
Urethra gleety discharge21
Gonorrhoeal discharge21
Chronic gonorrhoeal discharge31
Urethra mucous discharge22
Urethra profuse discharge21
Urethra purulent discharge21
Urethra white discharge21
Urethra chronic white discharge31
Urethra inflammation22
Urethra irritation21
Urethra itching22
Urethra burning pain21
Urethra burning pain during urination32
Urethra stricture22
Albuminous urine22
Bloody urine22
Bloody urine,clots32
Burning or hot urine22
Greenish urine22
Copious urine (increased)22
Limpid urine21
Urine offensive odor22
Scanty urine21
Sediment in urine22
Bloody sediment in urine23
Copious sediment in urine22
Gelatinous sediment in urine22
Mucous sediment in urine23
Great quantity of thick,ropy,bloody mucous sediment in urine33
Ropy sediment in urine22
Brick-dust red sand in urine32
Urine specific gravity increased21
Thick urine22
Testes atrophy21
Vagina prolapsus21
Lumbar region fluttering31
Back perspiration,morning31
Joints gouty pain32
Joints rheumatic pain32
Left upper limbs pain with heart symptoms31
Shoulder rheumatic pain32
Upper arm pain31
Upper arm rheumatic pain32
Thigh aching31
Sore bruised mollet31
Lower limbs dropsical swelling32