Uranium nitricum


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Sadness,mental depression21
Vertigo during menses31
Head congestion before eating31
Head fullness before eating31
Head heaviness,morning on waking31
Headache from fasting31
Brain pain,afternoon31
Forehead pain21
Above left eye pain31
Occiput pain,morning on waking31
Occiput pain,evening31
Occipital protuberance pain31
Temples pain21
Agglutinated eye21
Lids inflammation32
Left eye lachrymation31
Eye stitching pain extending to occiput31
Swollen eye,morning31
Nose catarrh21
Coryza without discharge (dry)31
Crusts in nose right side31
Nose excoriating discharge31
Nose purulent discharge32
Nose left side purulent discharge31
Nose itching21
Nose inside itching31
Nose left side obstruction31
Nose inside sore bruised pain31
Face acne21
Breath sweetish odor31
Sour saliva31
Mouth ulcers21
Copious expectoration21
Frothy expectoration21
Mucous expectoration21
Chest dropsy21
Bronchial tubes inflammation (bronchitis)21
Desires raw ham32
Stomach pain22
Stomach sinking21
Extreme thirst31
Stomach ulcers22
Paroxysmal vomiting32
Blood vomiting21
Abdomen distension21
Inflammation (peritonitis,enteritis,etc.)22
Sore tender bladder21
Urging to urinate, 2 a.m.31
Frequent urination,daytime31
Frequent urination, night31
Night involuntary urination (incontinence in bed)32
Involuntary urination,great pain on attempting to retain31
Kidneys inflammation21
Kidneys acute parenchymatous inflammation31
Urethra burning pain21
Urethra burning pain during urination32
Acrid urine22
Albuminous urine22
Albuminous urine consecutive to heart disease31
Albuminous urine during pregnancy31
Albuminous urine after scarlet fever31
Alkaline urine21
Urine containing bile21
Urine containing casts21
Dark urine21
Greenish urine21
Copious urine (increased)23
Copious urine,night33
Copious urine with headache31
Milky urine22
Urine offensive odor21
Urine fishy odor21
Floculent sediment in urine21
Mucous sediment in urine21
Purulent sediment in urine21
Urine specific gravity increased21
Urine specific gravity decreased31
Sugar in the urine23
Male genitals coldness21
Wanting erections,impotency22
Unconscious seminal emissions31
Suppressed menses22
Hand white vesicles with red areola31
Leg heaviness, evening31
Leg aching, evening31
Sleepiness during menses31
Burning pain,internally31
Weakness during menses32
Weakness on rising31