Upas tieute.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Confusion of mind while walking31
Pulsating headache31
Heat in lids31
Lids heaviness,morning32
Outer canthus inflammation with ulceration31
Outer canthus itching31
Eye pain,morning on waking31
Eye pain on opening lids31
Eye pain as from foreign body21
Eye pressing pain,morning on waking31
Eye pressing pain,evening after going to bed31
Eye pressing pain on opening eyes31
Eye pain as from sand21
Canthi redness31
Lids redness31
Edges of lids redness31
Sunken eye21
Weak eye,morning31
Weak eye after sexual excesses31
White globules31
Dim vision21
Dim vision in open air31
Foggy vision21
Loss of vision on stooping31
Pain inside the ear (meatus)21
Ear burning pain21
Sensation of stopped ear21
Ear concha twitching31
Pinched nose21
Face coldness21
Bluish circles around eyes31
Yellow face21
Palate itching31
Mouth difficult to open31
Sour saliva31
Throat burning pain21
Sore throat21
Difficult swallowing liquids32
Cough from larynx scrapping31
Chest constriction,tension,tightness21
Chest pain during cough31
Chest left side griping pain31
Heart palpitation on going to bed31
Heart palpitation,writing31
Wanting appetite21
Aversion to meat21
Bitter eructations21
Stomach heaviness,weight,oppression21
Soft stool21
Kidneys stitching,stinging,sticking pain21
Wrist inner side itching31
Foot numbness31
Forearm pain31
Fingers pain31
Fingers joints pain31
Joints of first finger pain31
Second finger pain31
Calf pain31
Heel pain31
Joints of toes pain31
First toe joints pain31
Knee aching31
Palm burning pain31
Palm burning pain, evening31
Wrist drawing pain31
Second finger joints drawing31
Joints of third finger drawing31
Calf drawing31
Sole pinching pain31
Calf stitching pain31
Calf stitching,warmth of bed amelioration31
Extremities weakness21
Restless sleep21
Sleepiness, morning31
Unrefreshing sleep21
Frequent waking31
Dreams about disease21
Pulsation in bed31
Weakness on waking31