Trombidium muscae domesticae.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Confusion of mind21
Restlessness, 4 a.m.31
Vertigo on rising21
Head congestion,evening31
Headache in general21
Forehead pain21
Occiput pain21
Left side headache31
Sides headache in open air31
Sides headache,shaking the head31
Sides headache while walking31
Right temple pain31
Canthi itching31
Ear redness31
Ear redness,evening31
Itching in ear soon after rising31
External ear itching31
Ear pain21
Ear pain,morning31
Ear pain,afternoon31
Ear pain on blowing nose31
Ear pain on swallowing31
Stitching pain in right ear31
Stitching pain in ear,afternoon31
Stitching pain in ear,3 p.m.31
Stitching pain in ear when blowing nose31
Stitching pain in ear when swallowing31
Coryza with discharge,afternoon31
Coryza with discharge,evening31
Coryza with discharge in open air31
Coryza,eating aggravation31
Crusts,scabs inside nose31
Nose inside dryness21
Nose inside dryness,evening31
Nose obstruction,morning31
Red face,evening31
Face heat with cold body31
Chin itching31
Toothache,cold air21
Toothache during eating31
Toothache while lying31
Toothache from talking31
Toothache from warm drinks31
Toothache,warm drinks amelioration31
Larynx irritation31
Hacking cough21
Hacking cough from irritation in larynx31
Cough from irritation in larynx31
Chest right side pain31
Chest right side cutting pain31
Reg.of right clavicle stitching pain31
Chest left side stitching pain31
Heart stitching pain31
Chest pulsation21
Wanting appetite21
Eructations tasting like food21
Stomach pain after dinner31
Stomach gnawing pain after dinner32
Thirst after stool31
Vomiting after breakfast31
Abdomen heaviness as from a load,etc21
Abdomen heaviness,forenoon31
Abdomen aching after cold drinks,ice water,etc31
Abdomen aching during diarrhoea (colic)32
Abdomen aching after dinner31
Abdomen aching before stool32
Abdomen aching after stool31
Abdomen aching,after stool amelioration31
Hypochondria aching dull pain21
Right hypochondrium aching31
Inguinal region aching before stool32
Abdomen cramping,griping pain21
Abdomen cramping pain after dinner31
Abdomen cramping pain before stool32
Hypochondria cutting pain21
Inguinal reg.pressing pain before stool32
Abdomen sore pain,morning31
Abdomen stitching,sticking pain21
Diarrhoea after cold drink31
Diarrhoea after dinner31
Diarrhoea from drinking water32
Diarrhoea while eating31
Diarrhoea after eating33
Diarrhoea after fruit31
Diarrhoea,rising up aggravation31
Diarrhoea after sugar31
Diarrhoea after supper31
Involuntary stool21
Rectum burning pain after stool32
Rectum tenesmus21
Rectum tenesmus during stool32
Rectum tenesmus after stool32
Rectum prolapsus during stool32
Rectum prolapsus after stool32
Urging to stool21
Bloody stool21
Bloody stool in streaks32
Brown stool31
Fecal brown stool31
Stool,constant discharge22
Forcible,sudden gushing stool21
Frequent stool21
Lumpy and liquid stool21
Slimy mucous stool21
Mucous slimy bloody stool31
Pasty stool21
Purulent stool21
Scanty stool21
Small stool21
Soft stool21
Thin liquid stool21
Thin liquid fecal stool31
Lumpy and liquid stool31
Watery yellow stool31
Back coldness during stool32
Spine coldness31
Spine coldness during stool31
Cervical region pimples31
Cervical region itching31
Cervical reg.itching,evening31
Lumbar region aching pain21
Lumbar reg.aching,afternoon during fever31
Back shivering during stool31
Right calf cramps31
Calf cramps after stool31
Thigh heat after stool31
Heaviness,tired limbs21
Upper limbs pain21
Shoulder pain31
Shoulder rheumatic pain31
Forearm pain31
Forearm pain, forenoon31
Forearm pain, noon31
Forearm pain, 11 p.m.31
Wrist pain31
Hip pain31
Thigh pain31
Thigh pain, 9 a.m.31
Thigh flying pain31
Thigh wandering pain31
Thigh wandering pain, 9 a.m.31
Knee pain, 9 a.m.31
Knee rheumatic pain31
Ankle inner side pain31
Shoulder aching31
Forearm aching31
Forearm aching, forenoon31
Forearm pain,intermittent31
Forearm aching extending to hand31
Tibia boring pain31
Tibia boring pain,forenoon31
Joints shooting31
Shoulder shooting31
Shoulder shooting,morning31
Elbow shooting31
Elbow shooting,morning31
Forearm shooting31
Wrist shooting31
Fingers shooting31
Finger joints shooting31
Finger joints shooting,forenoon31
Third finger shooting31
Thigh shooting31
Knee shooting31
Ankle shooting31
Heel shooting31
Joints stitching pain31
Shoulder stitching pain31
Shoulder stitching pain,morning31
Elbow stitching pain31
Elbow stitching pain,morning,8 a.m.31
Forearm stitching pain31
Wrist stitching pain31
Fingers stitching pain31
Fingers stitching pain,forenoon31
Finger joints stitching pain31
Third finger stitching pain31
Thigh stitching pain31
Knee stitching pain31
Ankle stitching pain31
Heel stitching pain31
Thigh tearing pain31
Ankle tearing pain31
Ankle tearing pain,afternoon31
Foot tearing pain31
Knee weakness after stool31
Restless sleep21
Sleepiness, 8 p.m.31
Sleeplessness after 4 a.m.31
Waking at 4 a.m.31
Amorous dreams21
Coldness,morning on waking31
Coldness during stool31
Heat, afternoon21
Perspiration before stool23
Perspiration during stool31
Gnawing,itching pimples32
After eating32
Faintness on rising from seat31
Fruit aggravation31
Weakness after stool31