Senecio aureus.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Cheerfulness alternating with sadness31
Difficult concentration21
Ecstasy alternating with sadness31
Excitement during menses31
Restlessness, night31
Restlessness before midnight31
Sadness,mental depression21
Sadness, evening31
Sadness during menses31
Taciturn during menses32
Thoughts of the future31
Unconsciousness after exertion32
Vertigo in open air21
Tendency to fall forwards31
Vertigo with nausea21
Occipital vertigo21
Sudden vertigo21
Vertigo while walking in the open air31
Head fullness21
Head heat21
Forehead heat31
Headache with coryza31
Forehead pain,afternoon31
Temples cutting pain31
Vertex cutting pain31
Temples lancinating pain31
Pressing headache,afternoon31
Forehead pressing pain,afternoon31
Forehead pressing outward pain31
Temples pressing outward pain31
Forehead shooting pain21
Forehead shooting outward pain31
Over eyes shooting outward pain31
Forehead stitching pain21
Forehead perspiration,evening31
Lacrymation in open air31
Eye stitching pain22
Eye stitching pain extending outward31
Soreness in front of ear31
Nose copious discharge32
Nose inside dryness21
Sense of nose fullness22
Nose burning,smarting pain21
Nose burning pain during coryza32
Bloated face21
Chlorotic face23
Pale face21
Pale lips32
Pale lips,suppressed menses32
Red face22
Red face,afternoon31
Lips dryness31
Face left side cutting pain31
Face lancinating pain21
Face stitching pain21
Face left side stitching pain31
Face swelling21
Waxy face21
Pale gums31
Mouth dryness21
Mouth dryness,evening32
Mouth dryness,night31
Tongue dryness,evening31
Mouth heat22
Sensitive,tender teeth21
Throat dryness22
Throat dryness,evening31
Throat dryness,night32
Diposition to hawk21
Throat heat22
Sensation of lump rising in throat32
Trachea mucus31
Cough, night21
Hacking cough, night31
Loose cough22
Cough during menses31
Tearing cough21
Tearing cough,night31
Tearing cough during menses31
Spitting of streaked blood31
Copious expectoration22
Mucous expectoration22
Bloody mucous expectoration31
Sweetish expectoration31
Thick expectoration21
Tough expectoration21
Transparent expectoration21
White expectoration21
Yellow expectoration21
Chest catarrh22
Chest haemorrhage22
Chest haemorrhage after suppression of menses32
Bronchial tubes inflammation (bronchitis)23
Lung paralysis31
Phthisis pulmonalis23
Acute phtisis pulmonalis33
Acute phthisis from suppressed menses33
Incipient phthisis pulmonalis33
Pituitous phthisis pulmonalis33
Wanting appetite21
Wanting appetite,evening31
Sensation of ball in stomach21
Sensation of ball rising up into throat32
Empty eructations21
Eructations,food regurgitation21
Sour eructations21
Nausea,morning on rising31
Nausea on rising31
Stomach pain21
Stomach stitching pain21
Abdominal dropsy,ascites21
Abdomen aching,dull pain21
Abdomen aching,evening31
Abdomen pain,bending double ameliorates31
Abdomen aching on rising31
Abdomen aching during stool31
Abdomen aching during diarrhoeic stool31
Abdomen aching,after stool amelioration31
Hypogastrium aching during menses31
Inguinal region aching during menses31
Umbilicus aching dull pain21
Aching pain radiating from umbilicus31
Reg.of umbilicus aching dull pain21
Abdomen cramping,griping pain21
Abdomen cramping pain,afternoon31
Abdomen cramping pain,evening31
Abdomen cramping pain,night31
Abdomen cramping pain,bending forward amelioration31
Region of umbilicus cramping pain21
Umbilical reg.cramping pain,bending forward amelioration31
Abdomen cutting pain during menses32
Hypogastrium cutting pain before menses31
Hypogastrium cutting pain during menses32
Inguinal reg.cutting pain during menses32
Umbilical region cutting pain31
Hypochondria stitching pain21
Inguinal region stitching pain21
Rumblings in the bowels22
Constipation,difficult stool31
Diarrhoea, night31
Rectum tenesmus21
Rectum tenesmus during stool31
Urging to stool21
Bloody stool21
Copious stool21
Knotty,nodular,lumpy stool21
Thin liquid stool21
Watery stool21
Watery stool,night31
Bladder muco-pus catarrh22
Heat in the bladder22
Bladder inflammation21
Bladder neck inflammation22
Bladder tenesmus22
Bladder tenesmus,morning32
Urging to urinate (morbid desire)22
Urging to urinate,morning31
Frequent urging to urinate,night and day31
Ineffectual urging to urinate21
Dysuria during dysemenorrhoea31
Frequent urination, night32
Kidneys inflammation22
Kidneys pain22
Right kidney pain32
Kidneys pain during urination32
Ureters cutting pain21
Prostate gland enlargement21
Prostate gland hardness21
Prostate gland induration21
Prostate gland inflammation21
Prostate gland swelling21
Urethra gleety discharge21
Gonorrhoeal discharge21
Urethra haemorrhage21
Urethra pain during urination31
Urethra burning pain21
Fossa navicularis burning pain before urination31
Acrid urine21
Albuminous urine during pregnancy31
Albuminous urine after scarlet fever31
Bloody urine22
Bloody urine from suppressed menses31
Burning or hot urine21
Dark urine21
Red urine21
Copious urine (increased)22
Odorless urine21
Scanty urine22
Brick-dust red sand in urine33
Urine specific gravity increased21
Glans itching31
Spermatic cords pain21
Spermatic cords pain extending into epididymis31
Spermatic cords pain extending to testes31
Spermatic cords aching pain21
Spermatic cords aching extending to testes31
Abortion,inertia of uterus31
Atony of uterus22
Uterus congestion21
Uterus congestion during menses31
Uterus heaviness21
Uterus irritation22
Leucorrhoea,little girls21
Copious lochia31
Protracted lochia33
Returning lochia31
As if menses would appear22
Copious menses23
Copious menses,phthisical32
First menses delayed in girls23
Frequent menses,too early,too soon22
Intermittent menses21
Irregular menses22
Late menses22
Painful menses,dysmenorrhoea22
Protracted menses23
Suppressed menses23
Menses suppressed from cold31
Menses suppressed from becoming wet32
Vicarious menses22
Metrorrhagia during and after labor31
Ovaries pain21
Uterus pain during menses compels her to cry out31
Back pain21
Back pain,night31
Back pain during menses31
Back wandering pain31
Pain under right scapula32
Lumbar region pain21
Lumbar reg.pain,morning31
Lumbar region pain during menses31
Sacral reg.pain during menses32
Back aching pain,night31
Lumbar region aching pain22
Lumbar reg.aching, morning32
Lumbar reg.aching,night31
Between scapulae burning pain31
Lumbar region cutting pain31
Sacral region cutting pain31
Sacral cutting pain during menses32
Lumbar region lancinating pain32
Cervical stitching shooting pain31
Lumbar region weakness31
Lower limbs heaviness,tired limbs31
Joints pain31
Joints rheumatic pain31
Shoulder wandering pain31
Extremities stitching pain21
Upper limbs stitching pain31
Shoulder stitching pain31
Shoulder stitching,noon before eating31
Forearm stitching pain31
Forearm stitching,noon before eating31
Foot stitching pain31
Lower limbs dropsical swelling32
Foot oedematous swelling31
Restless sleep21
Sleeplessness during menses31
Frequent waking31
Yawning,morning on rising31
Amorous dreams21
Confused dreams21
Dreams about previous events21
Dreams about long past events31
Dreams about fights21
Vivid dreams21
Dreams of sailing31
Dreams of writing21
Coldness in general21
Coldness, forenoon21
Coldness at noon31
Chilliness followed by urging to urinate31
Coldness during urinantion31
Heat, afternoon21
Hectic fever22
Perspiration in general21
Perspiration, morning21
Perspiration after coldness31
Sensation as if about to perspire but no moisture appears21
Open air aggravation31
Ball internally21
Cold aggravation22
Faintness on exertion32
Lack of vital heat22
Heaviness, internally32
Inflammations, internally31
Lying on back amelioration31
During menses amelioration31
Motion aggravation21
Weakness from diarrhoea31
Weakness during menses31