Comocladia dentata.


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Confusion of mind21
Restlessness, night31
Restlessness, 2 a.m.31
Talking in sleep31
Talking of business in sleep31
Enlarged head sensation21
Head scurfy eruption31
Head heat with cold extremities31
Head heaviness,morning31
Head heaviness from heat31
Scalp itching21
Headache in general21
Headache,in open air amelioration31
Headache from becoming heated by a fire or stove31
Headache,motion amelioration31
Headache from stooping31
Headache,warm room aggravation31
Above right eye headache31
Above eyes pain,afternoon31
Above eyes pain at 4 p.m.31
Occiput pain extending down back to neck31
Temples pain, open air31
Temples pain,motion amelioration31
Head side pressing pain21
Head both sides pressing pain32
Temples shooting pain21
Eyes dullness21
Sensation of eyes enlargement22
Right eye feels larger than left33
Eyes glassy appearance21
Eyes heaviness22
Eye catarrhal inflammation from cold31
Eye erysipelatous inflammation31
Iris inflammation32
Lids inflammation31
Outer canthus itching31
Eyebrows itching31
Lachrymation during headache31
Eye pain22
Right eye pain33
Eye pain,3 or 4 p.m.32
Eye pain from strong light31
Eye pain on motion of eyes31
Eye pain,warm stove aggravation32
Eye pain extending backward32
Eye pain extending to occiput31
Eye pressing pain,pressure,etc22
Eye sore,bruised pain,tender eye22
Right eye sore pain32
Eye sore pain,evening31
Eye sore pain on moving the eyes32
Eye protrusion23
Right eye protrusion more than left33
Lids redness31
Swollen lids31
Red halo31
Red halo around the lamplight31
Dim vision22
Left eye dim vision32
Loss of vision on rising from bed31
Loss of vision on stooping31
Ear eruption21
Cracked ear,desquamating a substance like powdered starch32
Ear desquamating eruption32
Ear scurfy eruption31
Sensation of ear fullness21
Ear fullness,1 p.m.31
Ear heat21
Right ear heat31
Ear heat,1 p.m.31
Inside ear heat31
Noises in ear21
Noises in ear with vertigo31
Cracking noise in ear22
Ringing in ear21
Ringing with vertigo31
Ear pain21
Ear pain extending to lower jaw31
Stitching pain in ear21
Impaired hearing21
Nose itching21
Red face21
Face eruption21
Lips eruption32
Face yellow vesicles31
Lips vesicles31
Lower lip vesicles31
Face erisipelas21
Face vesicular eryipelas31
Around eye erysipelas31
Face heat,afternoon31
Face itching21
Face burning pain21
Face burning pain,evening31
Face perspiration,afternoon31
Face perspiration after stool31
Face swelling22
Face left side swelling32
Lower lip swelling31
Glistening red tongue31
Tongue red tip31
Yellow tongue31
Dirty yellow tongue31
Mouth dryness21
Tongue dryness31
Gums inflammation31
Sensation of teeth elongation21
Looseness of teeth21
Looseness of teeth sensation31
Right teeth pain31
Toothache in bed31
Toothache,pressure amelioration31
Toothache,warm things amelioration32
Toothache,external warmth amelioration32
Toothache extending to larynx31
As if teeth were being pulled out21
Throat inflammation21
Throat roughness21
Larynx irritation33
Tickling in larynx31
Tickling in trachea31
Difficult respiration,morning in bed31
Daytime cough21
Cough, 7 p.m.31
Cough, night21
Dry cough,evening31
Dry cough on entering a warm room31
Hacking cough,daytime31
Hacking cough, evening31
Hacking cough,evening,warm room31
Hacking cough, 7 p.m.31
Cough from tickling in trachea31
Cough in a warm room31
Cough on entering a warm room from open air32
Axilla cramp31
Chest pain21
Chest pain during inspiration31
Chest pain,pulsating31
Pain below right clavicle31
Nipples pain extending to scapula31
Mammae burning pain31
Chest cutting pain,deep inspiration31
Left mamma cutting pain31
Chest drawing pain21
Chest drawing pain extending to arm31
Chest anterior part drawing pain31
Axilla drawing pain31
Drawing pain under right clavicle31
Chest right side drawing pain31
Chest sides drawing pain extending to fingers31
Chest right side pressing pain31
Heart visible palpitation31
Ulceration of right mamma32
Eructations after eating31
Empty eructations,forenoon31
Empty eructations, 9 a.m.31
Loud eructations21
Sour eructations21
Sour eructations 2 hours after eating31
Stomach heaviness,weight,oppression21
Stomach pain,lying on left side31
Stomach stitching pain21
Stomach stitching pain,night31
Stomach stitching pain,lying on left side31
Sensation of abdomen fullness21
Abdomen itching21
Abdomen aching,evening31
Abdomen aching during diarrhoea (colic)31
Abdomen aching extending to axilla31
Abdomen acging extending upward31
Hypogastrium aching,forenoon31
Hypogastrium aching before menses31
Iliac region aching,lying on left side32
Abdomen sides aching dull pain21
Abdomen restlessness,uneasiness21
Hypogastrium rumbling,night31
Abdomen tension21
Urging to stool21
Cloudy urine21
Cuticle forming on the surface of the urine (includes fatty)21
Scrotum formication21
Male genitalia itching21
Penis itching21
Scrotum itching21
Scrotum itching,noon31
Scrotum itching,night31
Scrotum tension21
Scrotum tingling21
Back coldness (including chill)21
Scapulae pimples31
Cervical region heat31
Scapulae itching31
Back rheumatic pain31
Between scapulae pain31
Dorsal spine pain31
Lumbar pain,rising from a seat amelioration32
Back aching pain21
Lumbar region aching pain21
Back burning pain21
Left scapula burning pain31
Sacral region lameness31
Sacral lameness while walking31
Back stitching,shooting pain21
Cervical region stiffness31
Hands coldness31
Leg coldness31
Leg coldness, night31
Foot coldness, night31
Foot coldness with hot head31
Feet coldness with hot hands31
Feet cracked skin31
Upper arm cramps31
Wrist cramps31
Fingers cramps31
Fourth finger cramps31
Back of foot cramps31
Sole cramps31
Forearm dark discoloration31
Extremities herpes31
Extremities pimples31
Upper limbs eruption21
Upper limbs pimples eruption31
Upper limbs red pimples31
Upper limbs vesicles eruption31
Shoulder pimples31
Shoulder red pimples31
Hands eruption31
Hands vesicles31
Lower limbs herpes31
Leg herpes31
Leg vesicles31
Leg fullness31
Hand heat31
Hand heat, night31
Hand heat,night with cold legs and feet31
Hand heat during coldness of feet31
Palm heat31
Limbs heaviness before menses31
Leg inflammation31
Foot inflammation32
Extremeities itching21
Extremities itching,forenoon31
Extremities itching,evening31
Upper limbs itching31
Upper limbs itching,motion amelioration31
Upper limbs itching,sitting in church31
Front of wrist itching31
Back of hand itching31
Palm itching31
Palm itching,moving about amelioration31
Lower limbs itching31
Lower limbs itching,tickling31
Ankle itching31
Ankle itching,tingling31
Fourth finger jerking31
Upper limbs lameness31
Upper arm lameness31
Wrist lameness31
Knee lameness31
Right knee lameness31
Ankles lameness31
Ankles sudden lameness31
Ankles lameness,walking in open air31
Foot lameness31
Upper limbs numbness,holding anything in hands31
Forearm numbness31
Forearm painful numbness31
Hand numbness31
Third finger numbness31
Third finger numbness,writing31
Fourth finger numbness31
First finger numbness while writing31
Upper limbs pain21
Upper limbs rheumatic pain31
Shoulder pain31
Upper arm pain, forenoon31
Forearm pain near the wrist31
Front of wrist pain31
Front of wrist sudden pain31
Front of wrist pain after walking in open air31
Hand pain31
Hand pain,motion amelioration31
Hand rheumatic pain31
Fourth finger pain,sitting,reading31
Thigh pain31
Thigh pulsative thigh31
Outer side of thigh pain31
Knee pain32
Leg rheumatic pain31
Ankle inner side pain31
Upper limbs aching31
Upper arm aching31
Upper arm aching,forenoon31
Forearm aching31
Forearm aching, evening31
Forearm aching, 11 p.m.31
Wrist crampy aching31
Joints of fingers aching31
Finger tips aching31
First finger aching31
Knee aching31
Leg aching31
Leg aching, noon31
Leg aching,lying on left side31
Tibia aching31
Upper limbs burning pain32
Upper arm drawing pain31
Upper arm drawing, forenoon31
Upper arm drawing, evening31
Elbow drawing pain31
Forearm drawing pain31
Forearm drawing extending downward31
Forearm flexor muscles drawing31
Wrist drawing pain31
Wrist drawing,evening31
Wrist drawing extending to arm31
Fingers drawing pain31
Fingers first joint drawing31
Fingers first joint drawing,motion amelioration31
Fourth finger drawing31
Knee drawing pain31
Leg drawing, 11 p.m.31
Ankles drawing pain31
Foot drawing,afternoon31
Foot drawing,evening,lying on the other side31
Back of foot drawing,afternoon31
Sole drawing pain31
Sole drawing,evening31
First toe drawing pain31
First toe drawing,evening31
Knee pressing pain31
Knee pressing,motion amelioration31
Sore bruised upper limbs31
Sore bruised forearm31
Sore bruised fingers31
Sore bruised foot31
Sore bruised back of foot31
Elbow stitching pain31
Elbow stitching pain,afternoon31
Wrist stitching pain31
Finger first joints stitching pain31
Thigh pulsation31
Shoulder stiffness31
Shoulder stiffness,evening31
Elbow stiffness,evening31
Elbow rheumatic swelling31
Hand swelling31
Left foot swelling31
Forearm tension31
Lower limbs tingling,prickling,asleep31
Lower limbs tingling,warm room aggravation31
Upper limbs trembling31
Upper limb trembling,motion amelioration31
Shoulder trembling31
Forearm trembling while writing31
Hand trembling on holding objects31
Fourth finger twitching31
Lower limbs ulcers32
Lower limbs deep ulcers31
Lower limbs sanious ulcers32
Upper limbs weakness31
Shoulder weakness32
Hand weakness31
Ankle weakness31
Ankle sudden weakness31
Ankle weakness while walking31
Sleeplessness beforemidnight until 2 a.m.31
Sleeplessness before midnight until 3 a.m.31
Yawning, 3 p.m.31
Anxious dreams21
Pleasant dreams21
Dreams about water21
Dreams of stream31
Clammy perspiration22
Skin cracks21
Red skin32
Burning eruption31
Crusty eruptions31
Herpetic eruption31
Zona,herpetic zoster eruption31
Scarlet rash31
Red eruption32
Scaly eruption31
Vesicular eruption31
Yellow vesicular eruption31
Whitish eruption31
Gangrenous erysipelas31
Vesicular erysipelas31
Skin inflammation21
Itching,scratching amelioration31
Itching on becoming warm31
Skin deep ulcer32
Skin ulcer,bloody discharges31
Skin ulcer,green discharges31
Skin ulcer,offensive discharges31
Indolent skin ulcer31
Skin ulcers,indurated margins32
Open air amelioration31
Full feeling, internally31
Sensation of heat21
Motion amelioration32
Motion of affected parts aggravation32
Continued motion amelioration31
Burning pain,internally32
Pinching pain internally31
Pain as from load32
Swollen sensation22
Tension, internally31
Weakness after stool31