Calcarea fluorica


Name Symptom level Remedy strength
Thinks he is poor31
Fancied that he would come to want31
Fear of evil31
Fear of misfortune31
Fear of poverty32
Restlessness during tired aching in back31
Sadness,mental depression22
Head exostoses23
Headache,evening amelioration31
Conjunctiva inflammation32
Opacity of cornea21
Eye pain while writing32
Eye aching pain while writing32
Spots,specks,etc,on the cornea22
Cornea ulceration31
Blurred vision21
Blurred vision,closing eyes amelioration31
Blurred vision,pressure amelioration31
Blurred vision while writing31
Dim vision22
Dim vision while writing31
Foggy vision21
Foggy vision while writing31
Calcareous deposit on tympanum22
Ear threatened with caries22
Ear discharges22
Ear discharges,threatening caries32
Ear pain21
Coryza with discharge (fluent)31
Nose copious discharge31
Nose greenish discharge32
Nose offensive discharge32
Nose thick discharge32
Nose yellowish-green discharge32
Sneezing ineffectual efforts33
Face eruption22
Lips eruption31
Eruption around mouth31
Corners of mouth eruption31
Face herpes21
Herpes about lips32
Herpes below mouth corners32
Lower jaw exostosis33
Lower jaw swelling32
Teeth premature caries in children32
Teeth crumbling22
Teeth enamel deficient22
Diposition to hawk21
Throat pain,warm drinks amelioration31
Throat burning pain,night from cold drinks31
Throat burning pain after cold drinks31
Throat burning pain,warm drinks amelioration31
Prickly throat21
Suffocative sensation21
Suffocative sensation,night31
Suffocative sensation,cold drinks31
Suffocative sensation,warm drinks amelioration31
Disposition to swallow from lump in throat31
Induration of external throat glands21
Larynx and trachea nearly closed21
Larynx dryness31
Sensation of foreign substance in larynx22
Larynx itching21
Scraping,clearing larynx22
Tickling in the air passages23
Tickling in the air passages,forenoon31
Tickling in the air passages, 3 to 4 p.m.31
Tickling in larynx32
Hoarseness,evening after reading31
Hoarseness when laughing31
Hoarseness while reading aloud32
Difficult respiration22
Cough, 3 p.m.31
Cough, 3 to 4 p.m.31
Cough, 4 p.m.31
Cough, night21
Cough,bathing aggravation21
Cough after dinner31
Dry cough from tickling in larynx31
Cough from eating21
Hacking cough22
Hacking cough, afternoon31
Hacking cough, 3-4 p.m.31
Hacking cough after dinner31
Cough from irritation in larynx31
Cough,itching in larynx31
Cough,motion aggravation, 4 p.m.31
Paroxysmal cough21
Paroxysmal cough,night31
Paroxysmal cough after dinner31
Spasmodic cough21
Spasmodic cough,night31
Cough from tickling in larynx33
Nodules in mammae31
Violent hiccough31
Abdomen flatulence21
Flatulence while riding in a carriage31
Liver and region of liver22
Abdomen aching,riding in a carriage31
Right hypochondrium aching31
Right hypochondrium aching,lying on painless side amelioration31
Hypochondria aching while sitting31
Hypochondria aching,walking amelioration31
Liver aching,dull pain21
Liver aching,bending forward amelioration31
Liver aching,lying on right side31
Liver aching,lying on painful side31
Liver aching,lying on painless side amelioration31
Liver aching while sitting31
Hypochondria cutting pain21
Liver cutting pain21
Hypochondria lancinating pain21
Hypochondria lancinating pain,doubling up amelioration31
Hypochondria lancinating pain,lying on painful side aggravation31
Hypochondria lancinating pain,lying on painless side amelioration31
Hypochondria lancinating pain,sitting aggravation31
Hypochondria lancinating pain,walking amelioration31
Hypochondria pressing pain extending outward when lying on that side31
Liver stitching pain21
Liver stitching pain, 8 a.m.31
Liver stitching pain while sitting31
Liver stitching pain,walking amelioration31
Rectum fissure21
Anus itching,night31
Rectum itching from ascarides31
Urging to stool before stool31
Hard first,then fluid stool31
Formed then fluid stool31
Bladder pain21
Frequent urination, night32
Kidneys stitching,stinging,sticking pain21
Urethra burning pain21
Urethra burning pain during urination31
Meatus burning pain22
Cloudy urine21
Dark urine21
Pale urine22
Copious urine (increased)21
Copious urine,night33
Urine offensive,acrid,pungent odor31
Urine strong odor21
Scanty urine21
Watery urine,clear as water21
Testes induration22
Curvature of spine23
Back pain,motion amelioration31
Back pain, gentle motion32
Back pain while sitting31
Back pain,walking amelioration31
Back pain,external warmth amelioration31
Lumbar region pain21
Lumbar region pain,motion amelioration31
Lumbar region pain while sitting31
Lumbar reg.pain,warmth amelioration32
Back aching pain21
Lumbar region aching pain21
Lumbar reg.aching,afternoon31
Lumbar reg.aching,motion amelioration31
Lumbar reg.aching,warm applications amelioration31
Lumbar region restlessness22
Arthritic nodosities23
Finger joints arthritic nodosities32
Caries of bone,extremities21
Extremities exostoses23
Exostoses on fingers32
Patella exostoses31
Tibia exostoses31
Joints swelling31
Elbow swelling31
Hollow of knee tumors31
Lower limbs varices31
Bent of elbow warts31
Unrefreshing sleep21
Dreams of business of the day31
Confused dreams21
Dreams of cutting21
Dreams of cutting a woman up for salting31
Dreams about danger21
Dreams of the deads21
Dreams of death21
Dreams of death of relatives32
Deams about events of the previous day31
Frightful dreams22
Dreams about journey21
Dreams of unsuccessfull efforts to do various things21
Vivid dreams21
Dreams of trying to get out of window31
Long lasting heat21
Caries of bone22
Cold aggravation23
Distention of the blood vessels21
Cold food aggravation31
Lack of vital heat22
Glands indurations33
Muscles indurations32
After lying amelioration31
Lying on painful side aggravation31
Lying on painless side amelioration31
During menses amelioration31
Pressure amelioration31
Bones softening21
Fibroid tumors33
Varicose veins21